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Date: Friday, September 8

Time: 1:00 - 7:00 pm

Location: Hutchings Museum Institute

You can provide a great service in honor of Day of Service 2023 by donating at our upcoming Blood Drive.

The Red Cross recently held a blood drive for a 16-year-old battling Leukemia. In the end, 102 units of blood were collected! Family, friends and neighbors turned out because because of their personal connection to him. Yet the challenge is that there are so many people that we don’t know that need blood. Your donation will make a difference in someone’s life even if you don’t know who it is. They still need you!

To minimize walk-in traffic, appointments will be made online. Each donor will receive a Red Cross t-shirt and an e-coupon for a free haircut from Sport Clips and free admission to museum on donation day.

It’s so easy! Make an appointment to help save lives by clicking the button below.

Sign Up to Donate