(1854 – 1860)
Aldermen: John R. Murdock, Preston Thomas, William Burgess, Alfred Bell, William S. S. Willes, Daniel Collett, Daniel S Thomas, Abraham Lose
Councilors: Abraham Losee, Daniel Collett, Lorenzo H. Hatch, Ezekiel Hopkins, Joseph Skeens, Abel Evans, Thomas Ashton, Daniel Cox, Richard C. Gibbons,
Thomas Karren, Stephen H. Pierce, John S. Lott
Recorder: Thomas Taylor
Marshal: Alonzo D. Rhodes
Treasurer: Daniel Cox
Murdock resigned and William S. S. Willes was appointed 27 May 1854.
Burgess resigned and Daniel Collett was appointed 2 March 1855. Council vacancy was then filled by Thomas Karren.
Losee was not a U.S. citizen and was replaced by William S. S. Willes, On 27 May 1854. Losee became naturalized and was reinstated. He later replaced Alderman Daniel S. Thomas and his council seat was then taken by Stephen H. Pierce
Gibbons resigned and was replaced by John S. Lott 7 June 1854.