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Yellow-bellied Marmot

Common Name: Yellow-bellied Marmot

Scientific Name: Marmota flaviventris

Location: Utah Lake Field Station

Invasive: No

The Hutchings Museum has observed a total of seven Yellow-bellied Marmots on the property near Utah Lake. Two adults and five babies have been observed living in a burrow under an old tree. There have also been lone adults spotted. There may be a higher number of adult female Marmots since Marmots have a “harem-polygamous” mating system in which a single male will reproduce with three or more females at a time. We have taken photos of Marmots at the field station.

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Mule Deer Trail-cam Photo

Mule Deer

Common Name: Mule Deer

Scientific NameOdocoileus hemionus

Location: Utah Lake Field Station

Invasive: No

Several mule deer have been observed at the property near the shore grazing on plants during dusk, nighttime, and dawn. Mule deer get their name from their large ears. They are recognizable by their white patchy face and white rump. We’ve gotten trail-cam footage of the Deer on the property.


Common Name: Raccoon

Scientific Name: Procyon lotor

Location: Utah Lake Field Station

Invasive: Yes 

Raccoons are native to North America. Their job is to help maintain a healthy population for a variety of animals and distribute seeds throughout the ecosystem. Their diet varies completely on what they can find being able to eat large varieties of both plants and animals. Raccoons are not native to Utah and compete with native species for food, often getting the upper hand. So far, we have trail-cam footage of Raccoons on the Utah Lake property.

Red Fox

Common Name: Red Fox

Scientific Name: Vulpes vulpes

Location: Utah Lake Field Station

Invasive: No

The red Fox is the largest species of fox. Their ears are so sensitive they can pick up a watch ticking from 40 yards away. This ability to hear so sharply helps them find and store food for later. Red foxes will still hunt even when they are full. They store their food in the snow, vegetation, and dirt to have when they are hungry again. Their diet consists of rodents, rabbits, birds, berries, fruit, and grass. We have gotten trail-cam footage of Red Foxes at the property.

Striped Skunk

Common Name: Striped Skunk

Scientific Name: Mephitis mephitis

Location: Utah Lake Field Station

Invasive: No

The striped skunk is only one of two species of skunks in Utah. They are opportunistic feeders eating any plants and animals they find. Striped skunks spray only after they give a warning. This is done by arching its back, lifting its tail, and stomping its feet. Skunks can be helpful by eating many species that are harmful to the agricultural or farming communities. We have photos and trail-cam footage of a Striped Skunk on the property.


Common Name: Muskrat

Scientific Name: Ondatra zibethicus

Location: Utah Lake Field Station

Invasive: No

Muskrats are quite common in Utah, often found in marshes, rivers, lakes, and ponds that have slow-moving water. Their diet consists of fish, mollusks, and plants. Their hind feet are webbed helping them to stay above the water while all the power comes from the tail. This helps when they do quick dives down to the water beds to catch fish. Muskrats help by maintaining structures in wetlands and lodges for other species. We have taken photos of Muskrats at the Utah Lake Property.