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Monarch Way Station

Beginning of October 2020, we had several volunteers plant up to 15 milkweed plants at the north shore of Utah Lake! These plants are important as they are the host plant for Monarchs to eat and lay their eggs on. With Monarch population less than 2,000, our conservation efforts over the years hope to bring them back!

A couple times a week, our volunteers took time to water these plants until they are established and ready to continue on their own. With their help, milkweed will continue to grow and spread along the shore and be a great place for Monarchs to rest, lay eggs and eat! Not only do we want these plants around us, but all over the world! These amazing creatures migrate from the United States all the way up to Canada. Just as we do, it’s important keep their health strong through eating and resting.

Did you know that it’s because they eat the Milkweed, they become poisonous to creatures that eat them? Not only is milkweed vital for monarchs, but the plant nectar is also useful to other creatures in the ares such as bees, moths and other insects. Since August 2021, volunteers have gathered Milkweed seed pods from along the Jordan River Trail. With these pods, once cleaned and bagged, we’re able to hand them out for Halloween, Events, and sell in our Gift Shop! Stay in the loop with our activities with Monarchs as we make a change in a population not only for beautiful creatures, but also keep part of peoples culture alive!

The Museum itself has a separate Milkweed Station right in front of our doors! As the Monarchs come to feed and lay eggs, we bring those eggs into a safe environment - inside! These eggs in time with become caterpillars and then butterflies. When these butterflies are ready to begin their 2,500 migration, we host an event to have the community be a part of this magical moment. Gathering the butterflies, we let all ages see these creatures up close and even hold one! Being surrounded by these beautiful butterflies is an experience that stays with you forever! Come by the Museum today to learn more about Monarch butterflies and how you can be engaged in their memorable lifestyle.