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Oology (egg) Collection History

John Hutchings received a permit from the United States Department of Agriculture Bureau of Biological Survey to do oological surveys. He and his family would collect eggs from various bird species in Utah from 1931 to 1941 and he recorded his observations including the date, species, location, number of eggs and other notes on little cards. These cards have been scanned and transcribed and are viewable and searchable below. These cards have information that gives insight into the species diversity in the area in the 1930’s and we can compare it to the species we have today.

Eunice Hutchings Climbing to an Eagle Nest

John Hutchings and his family would collect eggs from various bird species in Utah from 1931 to 1941 and recorded his observations including the date, species, location, number of eggs and other notes on little cards. These cards have been scanned and transcribed and are viewable and searchable below. These cards have information that gives insight into the species diversity in the area in the 1930’s and we can compare it to the species we have today.

Eunice Hutchings Climbing to an Eagle Nest

Explore the vast collection of Bird eggs collected by John Hutchings in the 1930’s and 40’s from around Utah Lake and the Cedar Valley. Learn about a wide variety of bird species found in Utah.


Common NameEgg Photo ExampleScientific NameLocalityDate# of eggsIdentificationIncubationNest diameterNest DepthComposed ofLocationAdditional notesCollected By
Pied Billed egg card
Pied Billed
Polilymlus podicepsNorth East End of Strawberry Lake UTBirds 6 sets of 38 sets of 4 all in state of time from blood to bone8 inches acrossDead rushers woven into a flealingThe day after the visit a huge wind destroyed all of the nests, hundreds of eggs were on the shallow lake bottom 10 to 14 inches of water
Ancient Murrelet egg cardAncient MurreletAncient Murrelet eggsAncient Murrelet eggsSynthliboramphus antiquusSanak Island Alaska6/6/20242Bird on nestAbout one/fifthUnder rank matted grass a slight depression lined with fine grass, soft and drySanak Island AlaskaChase Littlejohn
Night Hawk egg cardNight HawkNighthawk eggsNighthawk eggsChordeiles minorPelican Point West shore of West Lake Utah co. Utah7/22/19336-2Bird on nestFreshNo nestRunning out into lake near where people walk everyday. Bird unafraid, only
Night Hawk egg cardNight HawkChordeiles minorMouth of West Canyon Utah7/6/20247/2Bird on eggsFreshNo nestEggs laid on soft ground under soft cedar tree
Night Hawk egg cardNight HawkChordeiles minorMouth of West Canyon Cedar Valley UT11/24/19368/2Bird flushedNo nestEggs on nest mold under cedar tree bird flushedLauret & Eunice
Night Hawk egg cardNight HawkChordeiles minorWest Canyon North End Cedar Valley UT7/11/20241-2Bird on NestHeavy our egg hatched on the way home, the other about half incubated.No nest, eggs among pebbles about sign of cedarB.M.
Night Hawk egg cardNight HawkChordeiles minorAbout 1 mile up west canyon (to east, north end Cedar Valley)7/2/20242Bird on NestHeavy our lightNo NestAlways a thrill nest on eggs found on open ground among pebbles on sandy ridge a few days lush and cedar uar
Night Hawk egg cardNight HawkChordeiles minorNorth End of Cedar Valley UT Co. Utah mouth westvcanyon7/4/20243-2Bird on nestFreshNo attempt at nestOn pebblesFound on Cedar covered point at east side of mouth of west canyon on ground in open sface among cedars and tall sage lush birds hand to flush from nest
Night Hawk egg cardNight HawkChordeiles minorNorth end of Cedar Valley utco UT mouth of west canyon7/4/20244-2Birds on nestOne Fresh, other slightEggs in dustNo nestFound about 50 ft from set #3 of same date the unusual thing was the lack of pebbles or sand. eggs lay in fine dust at foot of large cedar, day hot, bird didn't like to leave the nest.Eunice
Night Hawk egg cardNight HawkChordeiles minorEast side of Cedar Valley, Utah County, Utah at foot of lake7/6/20245-2bird on nestheavy - one egg pipedno nesteggs found in open space about 20 feet in cedar grove.Eggs on ground among sand and gravel about the same color as eggs. Unusual thing was the lack of water, none within 10 miles in any direction.
Forster's Tern egg card 1Forster's TernForster's Tern eggsForster's Tern eggsSterna forsterinear Tamington Davis county, Utah6/5/20242/2birds fussing aroundSlight (brood)Green and dry grassesOn top of muskrat denR.G.B.
Forster's Tern egg card 2Forster's TernSterna forsteriNorth shore of Utah Lake near mouth of spring creek Lehi5/28/19342/4SureFresh7 feet0Bits of rush and water weeds, very fewNest on ground on sand bar, very poorly constructed, many Avocet Nests in Locality
Forster's Tern egg card 3Forester's TernSterna forsteri
White Pelican egg card 1White PelicanPelecanus erythrorhynchosisland in Utah Lake5/7/20241/2Bird at nestfresh12 inches1Sand Scooped up by birdNest on ground on north end of island. Bird Left at our arrival, gulls pounced upon eggs and would have soon succeeded in eating them.
Blue-winged Teal egg cardBlue Winged TealSpatula discorsFarmington Bay, Davis County, Utah5/16/19371/9bird on nestfreshgrass, rushes and down from birdR.G.B.
American Bittern egg cardAmerican BitternAmerican Bittern eggsAmerican Bittern eggsBotaurus lentiginosusSouthwick Pasture, Utah Lake, Lehi, Utah5/1/20244/3SureHeavy8 Inches4dry rushesin dry rushes near open water, nest on ground
American Bittern egg card 2American BitternBotaurus lentiginosusNorth shore, Utah Lake (Tule) Powell Pasture5/20/19311/4Bird flushed from nestheavy8 inches3Rushes (dry)Nest in rushes 4 inches above water Loosely constructedJohn Hutchings
Great Blue Heron egg cardGreat Blue HeronGreat Blue Heron eggsGreat Blue Heron eggsArdea herodiasMud Lake, Provo, Utah County, Utah4/14/19325/5SureUsualRushesColony in RushesR.G.B.
Great Blue Heron egg card 2Great Blue HeronArdea herodiasMud Lake, Provo, Utah County, Utah4/14/19326/5SureUsualRushesColony of 60 nestsR.G.B
Great Blue Heron egg card 3Great Blue HeronArdea herodiasMud Lake, Provo, Utah County, Utah4/14/19323/5birdsslightusualRushesin RushesR.G.B.
Great Blue Heron egg card 4Great Blue HeronArdea herodiasMud Lake, Provo, Utah County, Utah4/14/19324/5SureFreshUsualRushesColony in RushesR.G.B.
Great Blue Heron egg card 5Great Blue HeronArdea herodiasMud Lake, Provo, Utah county, Utah4/14/19322/4Fresh2 feet platform3Rushesin Rushes, nest 2 feet from water large colonyR.G.B.
Great Blue Heron egg card 6Great Blue HeronArdea herodiasEast Provo Bay, Utah County, Utah4/16/19335Birds Canny30 inchesdepressed to hold eggssticks and weedsFull of Rushes, Nest on 6 incehs of watercolony of approximately 40 birds
Snowy Egret egg card 1Snowy EgretSnowy Egret eggsSnowy Egret eggsEgretta thulaUtah Lake, Provo, Utah County, Utah4/19/19322/4SureFresh12 foot platform6 1/2 cuprushesin rushes with herons, nest 18 feet from water
Black-Crowned Night Hawk egg card 1Black Crowned Night HawkNycticorax nycticoraxProvo Bay, Utah Lake, Utah County, Utah5/7/20241/4Sure, BirdsLight14 inches2 inchesRushesColony in Rushes, Nests near groundR.G.B.
Black-Crowned Night Hawk egg card 2Black Crowned Night HawkNycticorax nycticoraxProvo Bay - Utah County, Utah4/16/19335Colony of about 100 birdsapproximately 12 inchesdepressed to hold eggsover 12 inches of waterNear where creek empties
Virginia Rail egg cardVirginia RailVirginia Rail eggsVirginia Rail eggsRallus limicola / Rallus virginaianusLehi, Utah6/19/19374-10Birdsblood and thickening5 1/2 inches across3 inchesgrassin marshy meadow on shore of Utah LakeJohn Hutchings
Sora Rail Sora Rail eggsPorzana carolinaLehi, Utah6/9/20246/13Eggs and BirdFresh5-7 inches overallwell cuppedgreen grassnest in meadow, a few feet from edge of pond, bird stayed on nest until I stopped to touch her, then only ran a few feetJohn Hutchings
Sora RailPorzana carolinaLehi, Utah6/9/20245/15sure5 1/2 incheswell cuppedgrass (green)nest in the meadow, about 2 inches above water, well made with basket handle woven over the top, west of town.John Hutchings
Sora Rail Porzana carolinaLehi, Utah6/9/20244/15BirdSlight blood6 incheswell cuppedgreen grassunder fence in marsh near R.S.W Rail Road west of town nest well made with grass woven over top of nest forming a basketJohn Hutchings
Wilson's PhalaropeWilson's Phalarope eggsPhalaropus tricolor / Steganopus tricolorold ice pond, Lehi, Utah6/11/20244/4bird leaving nestfresh6 inches1 inchdry grasson ground near flowing well, well hidden by tall grass, one white egg shell rather soft.
Wilsons PhalaropePhalaropus tricolor / Steganopus tricolorClark Pasture, Lehi, Utah5/23/19332/4bird flushedfresh6 inches overall1 inchdry salt grassnest on ground in marshy meadowLaurel H.
American AvocetAmerican Avocet eggsRecurvirostra americanaWest shore of Utah Lake, near Pelican Point5/30/19366/4SureFreshUsualWeeds and bits of rushesin clump of grass 100 feet out in water, possibly 100 nests on shore in sand, visited site a few days later after high wind, all nests were gone.John Hutchings
American AvocetRecurvirostra americanaIsland in Utah Lake5/28/19334/4SureFresh5-6 inchesshallowbits of Rush weed stalk, very little met used because of lack of growthon ground near center of island away from gulls 10 nests in colonyJohn Hutchings
American AvocetRecurvirostra americanaEast shore of Great Salt Lake near mouth Of Jordan River4/23/19333/4surefreshUsualbits of salt weeds and rusheson ground around small bay of fresh water possibly 100 nests in colonyJohn Hutchings
American AvocetRecurvirostra americanaShore of Utah Lake near pumps5/1/20241/4surefresh5 inches1 inchmud, and a few bits of tumble weedson ground, soft from water, 20 nests in colonyJohn Hutchings
American AvocetRecurvirostra americanaUtah Lake, Provo, Utah5/7/20242/4birdsfreshusualon ground on point running into water 50 nests in groupJohn Hutchings
Wilson's Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, Utah, South of town6/10/20243/4surefreshusalgrass, well built for snipeon tuft of grass 6 inches in diameter, surrounded by water
Wilson's Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, Utah West of town5/20/19202/4fresh6 inches1 inchdry salt grassin meadow on ground near marsh
Wilson's Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, Utah5/14/193313/3birdfirst stage of incubationusualgrassnest in tall grass at edge of pond near Jacob's farmEunice Hutchings
Wilson's Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, Utah near Jordan River5/12/202410/4bird on nestfreshusualgrassnest near edge of marsh, hidden in tuft of grass, tot pasture
Wilsons Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, Utah4/15/19354 one brokensureheavy, leg bones formedusualgrassin marsh pasture north of flour mill past townearliest set in my collectionLLoyd Gunther
Wilsons SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, Utah4/26/19354Bird on nestFreshUsualdry grass, set in center of Tusset of grass6 inches above water, near dank of old ice pond east of town.Virgal Hutchings
Wilson Jacksons Snipe Gallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataOld Dairy west of Town, Lehi, Utah6/22/193625/4SureFresh5 inches2 inchesdry salt grassnest on bank of small stream only a few inches from water
Wilsons Jack snipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, Utah6/21/19334Bird on nestfreshFine Grasses, very well constructed for snipenorth shore of Utah Lake, E. Davis Grass land. nest 20 feet from flowing wellJ-I
Wilsons Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, Utah6/10/20244bird on nestfreshdry salt grassin marsh pasture (S. Clark)J-I
Wilsons Jack Snipe Gallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, Utah6/2/20244SureFreshDry grassEvidently a second set from #12-4 5-14-1933 nest not far from other siteJ-I
Wilson Jacks SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, Utah6/2/20244surefreshsalt grasson dry salt grass ridge clark pastureJ-I
Wilson Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, Utah5/30/1933bird on nestfreshusualvery little material used, other green grass tramped downThis nest very unusual in construction and location, built between wheel tracks of unfrequently used road at the crossing of small stream near Evan's farmJ-I
Wilson's SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, UT5/27/19334SureFreshSalt grassin salt grass pasture So. of state highway at forks of road East of Lehi. Varney PastureJ-I
Wilson's Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, UT5/23/19334SureSlightUsualDry salt grassThis nest was perched upon one of a thousand grass covered pedestals made by cows wading in mud 14 inches from water level. HC. Evans Pasture West of town. 3 other nests found close eggs too heavy take.
Wilson Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, UT5/14/19334Flushed BirdfreshUsualdrygrassThis most beautiful set was taken under a fence in tall wire grass 2ft from waterfilled borrow pit 20 ft from R.G.W.R.R.J-I
Wilson's Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, UT5/14/19333SureSlightUsualSlight depression dry grassThis et was left several days after finding to make sure of a full set. In G. Jacobs pasture near pond.Eunice Hutchings
Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, UT5/12/20244SureFreshUsualSlight DepressiongrassesOn little rais in dry salt grass about 20ft from spring. Clark Pasture northwest of town.J. H.
Wilsons (Jack) Snipe Gallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataWest of town. Lehi, UT6/20/19329/4SureUsualGrassesOn ground hidden in grass Carters Pasture
Wilson (Jack) Snipe Gallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataNear Jordan River, Lehi UT6/4/20248/4SureFreshUsualOn ground in tuft of grass above water in marsh
Wilson Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataSouth of old ice pond Lehi, UT5/25/19326/4Sureslight5'1/Salt grassin grass around telephone pole in swamp
Wilson Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, UT north of Mill pond5/29/19327/4SureFresh5'1 1/2Dry GrassOn ground near spring
Wilson Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataOld Lake Resort. Lehi, UT5/20/19325/4SureUsualSalt GrassNear flowing well. On ground covered by dock leaf
Wilson Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, UT5/15/19214/4SureFresh5'1 1/2Dry Salt GrassOn ground near 'Blue spring'
Wilson Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicata5/1/20241/4bird on nestHeavyGrassIn marsh 2 miles west of Lehi, UT. Nest in short grass about 20 ft from water.John Hutchings
Wisons Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataWallsburg, UT.6/7/202426/4SureFresh5 inches1 1/2 inchesGrassesIn Marsh pasture west of highway.
Wilson Jack snipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataNear old river bridge. Lehi, UT.5/1/202424/4SureSlightUsual2Dry grassOn ground in dry grass on bank of creek where it empties into river.S. Adams
Wilson Jack snipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, Ut.6/1/20244SureFreshGrassesClark's pasture, Northwest of town.H.
Wilson Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, UT.5/12/20244bird on nestFreshUsualGrassesFirst set of the season. Ice on part of marsh. West of Lehi in marsh near Jordan River, fox pasture.John Hutchings
Western Willet Egg CardWestern Willet eggsTringa semipalmata / Catoptrophorus semipalmatus inornatusNear river North of pumps Lehi, UT5/9/20242/4Sure flushed birdFresh5 1/2'2'Hole in ground little liningNest under smallest rabbit brush on nole. Nest level with ground. Curlew nest 25ft away.
Western Willet Egg CardTringa semipalmata / Catoptrophorus semipalmatus matusPelican Point, Utah Lake, Utah6/3/20244/4Sure, bird on nestfresh5 inches2 inchesdepression in groundnest in center of alfalfa field completely hidden, bird undisturbed by our presence
Spotted SandpiperSpotted Sandpiper eggsActitis macularius / Actitis maculariaLehi, UT SW Clark6/23/19354/4BirdSlight6 over all3/4Few dry weedsBetween rows of onions. Bird very tame scarcely leaving nest when cultivator destroyed it, However she never returned to claim the rebuilt nest.
Spotted SandpiperActitis macularius / Actitis MaculariaClark field, Lehi UT5/16/19366/4Bird on nestBlood6' overall3/4grassNest in slight depression under cabbage plant. Birds 3rd attempt at nesting, each nest only a few feet from the other. Each destroyed by cultivationJH
Spotted SandpiperActitis macularius / Actitus MaculariaA.F. Canyon UT CoUt7/6/20243/4BirdLight4SandIn coarse sand on creek only a few ft. from water. Bird flushed when fisherman almost stepped on herH.C.H.
Spotted SandpiperActitis macularius / Actitis MaculariaJordan River, Alred ranch Lehi,UT7/3/20245/4Bird flushed6' overall1'Dry grass. Well made for sand piperOn ground in salt grass pasture. Only a few yards away from river.
Spotted SandpiperActitis maculariaNorth shore of Utah Lake. Utah.2024-06-142/4Bird flushed.Heavy - pipped.4 1/2 inch1 1/2 inchDry grassOn ground on sandy ditch bank under clump of grass.
Long Billed CurlewNumenius americanus
Long Billed CurlewLong Billed Curlew eggsNumenius americanusPelican point UT lake UT. Co. Ut.5/26/19338/4SureFresh8' well cupped4Very little nest. Mat.Nest located on sand bar about 1 m. south of point. no protection at all, simply hole scooped in sand. Bird hesitated to leave nest. I stood a long time and watched her.J.H.
Long Billed CurlewNumenius americanusProvo, UT5/20/19349/4SureSlightabout 8'2'Poorly constructed. A few bits of cow dung and a very little salt grassWest in center of old road. Bird did not move until car wheel almost struck her. East side of UT lake 1/2 M. So. of compromisemoJ. H.
Long Billed CurlewNumenius americanusLehi, UT5/5/202410/4SureFresh.7 1/2'4'salt grass. Very well made and linesNest 1/2 M. north of rimping plant Jordan river on top of nole. In dry grass. Wind was blowing very hard when the bird left the nest the wind threw her to the ground the eggs rolled from the nest, are cracked.
Long Billed CurlewNumenius americanusMosida, Utah County, Utah5/10/202412/4SureHeavy8 inches3 1/2 inchessalt grassnest in open salt flat about 3 meters south-east of old Mosida Hotel site. At least 12 pair of nesting birds in localityJ.H.
Long Billed CurlewNumenius americanusWest of Lehi, Utah4/20/19404bird on nestF12 inches overall3 dryImpression in earth at the side of a very small ball of brush in salt grass meadow, a few bits of dry grass was the only nesting material used.
Long-Billed CurlewNumenius americanuswest of Lehi, Utah County, Utah4/20/19404Bird on nestFresh9 inches across2 1/2 inchesdepression in earth lined with dry grass, a few feathers from bird breastnear beams of house, bird unafraid
Long-Billed CurlewNumenius americanusWest of Salt Lake City, Utah4/23/19335/4, 6/4, and 7/4SureFreshUsual2 inchesSalt grass, very poorly constructedWest of air port, on gun club ground, Salt Lake City, UtahR.H.Bee and I were on this trip
Long-Billed CurlewNumenius americanusLehi, Utah County, Utah5/1/20243/4SureFresh7 1/2 inches4 inchesWell cupped hole in ground lined with salt grass.north shore of Utah Lake, LDr. Worlton's pasture, bird at nestJ.H.
Long Billed CurlewNumenius americanusLehi, Utah County, Utah5/9/20244/4Surefresh8 inches3 1/2 inchesdepression in soil, lined with salt grass, well made for a curlewnest about 1/2 mile from pumps at head of Jordan River, located on top of little knoll 30 feet from river, short eared owl nest with 5 young 40th north and western Willet 65th eastJ.H.
Long-Billed CurlewNumenius americanusShore of Lake on ground, short salt grass5/1/20242/4bird on nestfresh6 inches1 1/2 inchesdepression in dirt, lined with dry grassSouth end of Utah Lake (near mosida Utah, Utah County)John Hutchings
Long billed CurlewNumenius americanusSalt grass pasture, Lehi, Utah5/27/19311/4SureHeavyUsualgrass and horse dungnorth shore of Utah Lake, in pasture South of Lehi, Utah County, Utah, near LulirsJohn Hutchings
KilldeerKilldeer eggsCharadrius vociferus / Oxyechus vociferusIsland, Jordan River west of Lehi, Utah, grandpas5/19/19312/4SureFresh4 inches1 1/2 well cuppednest in hole made by bird in salt grass pasture neatly lined with grass, several nests in close proximity.
KilldeerCharadrius vociferus / Oxyechus vociferusSummit County6/4/20244bird leaving nestgood 1/2usualdepression with bits of grassBoulder side hill 25 feet higher and 75 feet distant from lakeLeet
KilldeerCharadrius vociferus / Oxyechus vociferusLake shore west side of Utah Lake near Pelican Point.7/2/202412/4bird on nestfresh4 inches1 inchunlinedhole in fine sand near water many nests with young Avocets nearbyJohn Hutchings
KilldeerCharadrius vociferus / Oxyechus vociferusgrain field near Utah Lake, Lehi, Utah6/16/193611/4bird flushedfresh4 inches1 inchunlinedon ground in center of grain field
KilldeerCharadrius vociferus / Oxyechus vociferusClark place, Lehi, Utah5/10/202410/4Surefresh4 inches1 inchhole sparingly lined with a few bits of dry weedson ground in onion row
KilldeerCharadrius vociferus / Oxyechus vociferusGrandpa's cornfield, Lehi, Utah5/4/20249/4Bird on nestHeavy4 inches1 inchsmall clodson ground between rows nest would have been destroyed by cultivationT.C.
KilldeerCharadrius vociferus / Oxyechus vociferusWest of Lehi, Utah, salt grass pasture4/23/19348/4bird on nestfresh4 inches1 1/2 inchescow dungnest most unusual, in top of dry cow dung, bird had used natural depression in top of dung.
KilldeerCharadrius vociferus / Oxyechus vociferusUtah Lake, Lehi, Utah, old Murdock resort4/20/19347/4surefreshpebbleson ground near foot of large willow tree
KilldeerCharadrius vociferus / Oxyechus vociferusEvans Pasture, Lehi, Utah5/29/19336/4bird on nestfresh4 inches1 inchdry grass in holeon ground between wheel tracks on old wagon road through salt grass pasture
KilldeerCharadrius vociferus / Oxyechus vociferusLehi, Utah, R.G.W. RR grade 3 feet from switch stand5/19/19335/4sure, bird at nestslight4 inches1 inchpebbleson ground not more than 6 feet from end of tie dozens of trains pass dailyJohn Hutchings
KilldeerCharadrius vociferus / Oxyechus vociferusBeet Field, Lehi, Utah, (Grandpa's)6/28/19314/4bird on nestfresh4 1/2 inches1 inchno nesting material usedon ground in row, no attempt made at lining perhaps frequent disturbing by cultivating had caused bird to neglect beautifying home surrowndings.
KilldeerCharadrius vociferus / Oxyechus vociferusshore of Utah Lake, Lehi, Utah5/25/19313/4sureslight4 inches1 1/2 incheshole in sandon ground, sand bar former lake shore, nest lined with small pebbles and shells.John Hutchings
KilldeerCharadrius vociferus / Oxyechus vociferusLehi, Utah, west of town5/8/20241/4bird flushedslight4 inches1 inchsmall hole in sand on creek bank lined with small pebbles no other nest materials.John Hutchings
Snowy PloverCharadrius nivosus / AEgialitis nivosaOld Provo and beach, Utah Lake, Provo, Utah4/30/19366/3Bird leaving nestfresh4 inches1 inchsandnest in sand among shells nest well cupped completely patched around rim with shell.
Snowy PloverCharadrius nivosus / AEgialitis nivosaSalt Lake County6/8/20241/3bird leaving nestfresh4 inches1 inchdepression in earth scooped by bird, lined with bits of shellnest 12 inches from wheel track of road between two sloughsR.G.Bee
Snowy PloverCharadrius nivosus / AEgialitis nivosaSalt Lake City, Black Slough area, North-west of Salt lake City5/13/19352/3bird leavingheavy4 inches3/4 inchslight depression with lime chips at rimnest on shoulder of road which runs through dry sloughR.G.Bee
Snowy PloverCharadrius nivosus / AEgialitis nivosaSandy beach east side of Utah Lake near compromise monument4/30/19365/3Bird Leaving nestfresh4 inches1 inchslight depression in sand, well rimmed with shells1/2 mile from waterJohn Hutchings
Snowy PloverCharadrius nivosus / AEgialitis nivosaWest side of Utah Lake, near Pelican Point, Utah County, Utah4/25/19364/3bird leaving nestfresh4 inches1 inchdepression in sand rimmed with shellson sandy bar outside of tamerac, 50 feet from waterJohn Hutchings
Snowy PloverCharadrius nivosus / AEgialitis nivosaBlack Slough area north west of Salt Lake City5/13/19353/3bird leaving4 inches1 inchdepression with time bits at rimon shoulder of road
Dusky GrouseDusky Grouse eggsDendragapus obscurusAlpine, Utah in canyon east of power plant6/1/20247sure, bird on nesteggs piped on chick outabout 9 inchesdepression under small bush, beside power pipe line, didn't bother for fear bird would leave nestJohn Hutchings
Dusky GrouseDendragapus obscurusWest Canyon, Utah County, Utah5/30/19361/7bird on nestslight7 inches1 1/2 inchesdepression scratched in ground, well concealed under sagebrush and rotten lognear crest of hill, bird flushed from nest by sheep, never returned, eggs collected 3 days afterward cold and deserted.John Hutchings
Dusky GrouseDendragapus obscurusWest Canyon, West of Lehi, Utah6/11/20247 hatchingbird flushedabout 8 1/2 inchesdepression sparingly lined with dry grass and feathers from bird and leavesunder small sage on South slope of ridge near topJohn Hutchings
Dusky GrouseDendragapus obscurusAlpine, Utah, ridge east of power plant6/4/20246birdshatched8 1/2 inchesslight depression in dirt under sagebrush 6 feet off trail, few bits of dry grass and feathers from the birdabout 9000 feet elevation, eggs hatched and birds left nest an hourJohn Hutchings
Sage GrouseCentrocercus urophasianusWallsburg Wasatch County, Utah6/7/20242/7SureHeavy8 inches1 1/2 inchesdepression scratched under sage brush, sheltered by large rockBird flushed by cows on 27th of May, Raining bird did not return, nest filled with water discoloring eggs on underside. Children visited nest often, bird wasn't seen again, eggs taken on June 7th.John Hutchings
Sage GrouseCentrocercus urophasianusStrawberry valley, north end5/15/19386bird1t10 inches overall2 inch depressiongrass and a few dry willow leavesSouth side of Hay stack knoll, bird unusually tame
Sage GrouseCentrocercus urophasianusStrawberry Valley5/10/20246Bird on nestFabout 8 inches overall2 1/2 incheslittle dry grass and a few feathersside of knoll under sagebrush much like chicken nestJohn Hutchings
Sage GrouseCentrocercus urophasianusWest of Lake Strawberry5/30/19376bird on nestbloody9 1/2 inchesgrass and feathersat the side of large rock on little knoll in full sun
Sage GrouseCentrocercus urophasianusWest canyon (West of Lehi Utah)6/10/20247nest desertedH9 inches1 1/2 inchesdepression near rotten log in small sagebrushnear top of ridge
Sage GrouseCentrocercus urophasianusWest of Lehi5/1/20247bird on nestfresh10 inches2 inchesdry sage, leaves, and a few feathers from bird.nest near top of ridge among tall sagebrush opening to the south overlooking canyonJohn Hutchings
Sage GrouseCentrocercus urophasianus5/5/20248flushed birdblood8 1/2 inches1/2 inchslight depression in rocky ridge no nesting material used except a few feathers from bird nest at the feet of very small sage near horse trail
Sage GrouseCentrocercus urophasianus5/20/19398sureslightly9 inches1/2 inchdepression with bits of grass at foot of sage
Mourning DoveMourning Dove eggsZenaida macroura / Chaemepelia passerina terrestrisOld dairy farm west of Lehi, Utah5/29/19331/3bird on nestfresh5 inches overallslight cupnest on large horizontal limb of black willow tree, 5 feet from ground fist set of 3 dove eggs, I have even found bird very trustful and allowed me to touch her before she left the nest.John Hutchings
Mourning DoveChoemepelia passerina terrestisnear Utah Lake, at mouth of dry creek, Lehi, Utah8/4/202410/2bird on nestone egg piped other heavy5 inches overallslight depression in sand few weed stems around edgebest on sand bar which ran through meadow, unprotected from sun, exposed to full view of passersbyJohn Hutchings
Mourning DoveChoemepelia passerina terrestisBull river north of Lehi, Utah7/20/19369/2bird leaving nestheavy5 inchesslight depression on groundabout 4 feet off the side of alpine road, nest at foot of small sage, bird had not made much attempt at nest making, had scraped a few bits of dry cheatgrass together to form a circle around eggs.John Hutchings
Mourning DoveChoemepelia passerina terrestisBull River, North of Lehi7/12/20248/2bird on nestfresh6 inches overallcoarse weed stalkson top of stump which had grown up with suckers and dried handy enough nest material to hold eggs in placeJohn Hutchings
Mourning DoveChoemepelia passerina terrestisBull River, north of Lehi, Utah6/23/19367-2bird on nestone fresh and the other heavy5 1/2 inches overallold black bird nestbird had utilized an old black bird nest on the side of black willow stump, held in position by dead suckersJohn Hutchings and Mal Urtson
Mourning DoveChoemepelia passerina terrestisBeet dump, Lehi, Utah6/22/19366/2bird on nestheavy5 1/2 inches overallbits of weed stalks and very few bits of grasson cross tie weed as support under beet dumpJohn Hutchings
Mourning DoveChoemepelia passerina terrestisfoothills north of town, Lehi, Utah6/18/19365-2bird on nestone egg fresh, other heavyusualslight depression with very little nest material other than dry sage leaves which had fallen from bush.on ground at foot of small sage bush, several nests in same localityJohn Hutchings
Mourning DoveChoemepelia passerina terrestisbro Jacobs pasture, Lehi, Utah6/16/19364/2bird on nestheavyusuala few bits of milkweed fiberon ground among gravel scraped from creek 4 feet from water, nest partly hidden by milkweed stacksEunice Hutchings
Mourning DoveChoemepelia passerina terrestisLehi, Utah5/24/19363/2bird on nestflush5 inches overallslightly cuppedvery few grass and weed stalksnest on grade of DRG WRR in pebbles and partly hidden by a bunch of lucemJohn Hutchings
Mourning DoveChoemepelia passerina terrestisLehi, Utah 6th north 5th west5/22/19362-2bird on nestflushusualgrasses and twigs (very few) laid upon dead leaves which had accumulated at the face of a bunch of sucker limbson the side of a half dead poplar tree 5 feet from ground bird unafraid.John Hutchings
Black VultureCoragyps atratusBenton bounty, Miss4/30/19342Surefresh18 inchesrotten woodin old hollow oak tree eggs laid on bottom wood right on level with ground
Marsh Hawk / Northern HarrierMarsh Hawk / Northern Herrier eggsCircus hudsoniusLehi, Utah, Robert's pasture Jordan River5/12/20241/4Sure, Bird on nestFresh24 inches outer, 14 inches cup4 inches cup, 10 inches nestbase of tumbleweeds, rushes lined with soft rushed, very well madenest on old rushes, has been in this locality for years, about 100 feet from riverJohn Hutchings
Marsh Hawk / Northern HarrierCircus hudsoniusSouth of Sugar Factory, Lehi, Utah6/19/19363Bird Flushedslight16 inches acrossalmost flaton ground in tall dry grassnear edge of straw that runs from mitt pond
Marsh Hawk / Northern HarrierCircus hudsoniussouth-east of Lehi, Utah6/30/19385bird flushedbone forming24 incheson top of matted rushes flattened by bird sitting on them, two muskrat skeletons on mat near nest.
Marsh Hawk / Northern HarrierCircus hudsoniuswest of Lehi, Utah5/12/20245bird flushedblood14 inches acrossalmost flaton ground in meadow, fine horse manure, used as nesting material, well hid by dry meadow grass.allred's ranch on Jordan River
Marsh Hawk / Northern HarrierCircus hudsoniusSaratoga, Utah6/29/19393Bird flushedH2 feet slight cup14 inchesdry rushes tramped down. platform about 3 feet in diameteron lake shore east of saratoga spring
Marsh Hawk / Northern HarrierCircus hudsoniusSouth of Saratoga Spring, Lake shore5/4/20245bird in airslight20 inches across2 inchesnest on pile of wind piled tumbleweeds a few sticks of sagebrush were used in outlining nest. few soft grass were also used for lining nest, best marsh hawk nest I have found.
Marsh Hawk / Northern HarrierCircus hudsoniusLehi, Utah RObert's pasture Jordan River5/22/19342/6birds at nestheavy24 inchesflatrebuilt rushes and grasssame nest as set 1/4 5-12-2024 was taken fromJohn Hutchings
Marsh Hawk / Northern HarrierCircus hudsoniusfields west of Lehi Utah County, Utah6/20/19345bird flushedbone forming24 inches acrossalmost flathardly enough material, nest ground just the matted dry grass used for nest, old tumbleweeds around to hide it. otherwise open countryshort eared owls nests in same pasture.
Marsh Hawk / Northern HarrierCircus hudsoniusWest of Lehi, Utah6/7/20245bird on nestfresh24 inches acrossflatdry rushes and tumble weeds two sticks of sagebrush.nest laid on matted rushes in swamp 18 inches above water thumman's swamp
Marsh Hawk / Northern HarrierCircus hudsoniusnorth shore, Utah Lake, Lehi, Utah5/25/19355bird flushedslight24 inchesslight cup 8 1/2 inchesweeds and matted rusheson ground at the edge of lake hid by dry rushes and some grass, duck nest 22 feet away in grass
Marsh Hawk / Northern HarrierCircus hudsoniusShore of Utah Lake, South of Lehi, Utah5/3/20244bird flushedF18 inchesalmost flata few pieces of willow and tumble weed laid on solid foundation of matted rushes. rushes (many years growth) were so thick they held me upJohn Hutchings
Marsh Hawk / Northern HarrierCircus hudsoniusWest of Lehi, Utah South of river bridge5/25/19356bird flushedblood24 inches acrossalmost flatmatted rushes, a few small sticks of rabbit brush and feathers from birdnest 2 feet from ground (water) and dry matted rushes
Marsh Hawk / Northern HarrierCircus hudsoniusSouth of Sugar Factory, Lehi, Utah6/19/19363Bird Flushedslight16 inches acrossalmost flaton ground in tall dry grassnear edge of straw that runs from mitt pond
Sharp Shinned HawkSharp Shinned Hawk eggsAccipiter striatus / Accipiter velox2 miles north of lehi, near creek6/20/19384 young birdsyoung in nestfully feathered left nest when disturbedsticks and rootlets had from Red-Tail nest year before, but only a few of the original nest remained30 feet up in Cottonwood tree on horizontal branch thick grove of them all aroundJohn Hutchings
Sharp Shinned HawkAccipiter striatus / Accipiter veloxAlpine canyon, Utah county5/29/19374bird on nestfresh8 inhces1 inchsmall sticks, a little barknest about 10 feet up in corner on horizontal limb 6 feet out from trunk. tree near pipe line of Ut. Power and light where walking past almost everydaycollected by Mr. Peterson at power plant
Sharp Shinned HawkAccipiter striatus / Accipiter veloxin mouth of small canyon running out of provo canyon above vivian park6/24/19402birdvery heavy8 inches across1 cupsmall sicks and a little bark , and dry leaveson horizontal limb of conifer 15 feet up. 6 feet out from trunk. could be seen plainly from below.
Coopers HawkCooper's Hawk eggsAccipiter cooperiiTick Ville, Utah county, Utah6/25/19322/4bird at nestfreshabout 14 inchesalmost flatsticksnest on top of magpie nest very little done by hawk in oak brush near springJohn Hutchings
Coopers HawkAccipiter cooperiiCedar Valley, Utah county, Utah5/18/19311/6killed bird as she left nesteyes forwardtumble weedsnest located in a large pile of tumbleweeds that the wind had blown together, best and eggs exposed to the sun and weather
Coopers HawkAccipiter cooperiiTick Ville Utah county, Utah5/27/19333/4bird on nestfresh14 inchesshallow saucer shapesticks old magpie nest, very poor nestin patch of oak brush 12 feet from ground near spring same nest as set #2/4 6-25-1932 was takenJohn Hutchings
Coopers HawkAccipiter cooperiiCedar Valley, Utah County, Utah5/18/19311/6shot bird at nestfresh24 inches3 inchestumble weedsnest made on great pile of tumbleweeds, blown up by wind, no lining other than weedsG.J.
GoshawkGoshawk eggsAccipiter gentilisAF Canyon north of Allamont camp6/10/20242 young birdsbirdsusualSticks and bark, many feathers around edges of nest, bones of small birds perhaps thushesJohn Hutchings
GoshawkAccipiter gentilisBear Role off above mutual Dell AF canyon Ut. County5/17/19393bird on nestblood streabs24 inches3 inchessticks lined with stupes of bark, bark of quaking aspenin quaking aspen grove nest in large tall tree, near top, overlooking canyon 5 old nests were in same grove birds very vicious, eggs couldn't be told from those of Red Tail
GoshawkAccipiter gentilisGramet flat near creek at canyon Utah county, Utah5/26/19393bird on nestFresh26 inches overall4 inchessticks lined with bark stripenest 34 feet up in quaking aspen tree, without limbs up to nest. birds attacked while climbing tree driven away with flipers, tree in quaking aspen grove on ridge south of flatJohn Hutchings
GoshawkAccipiter gentilisDeer Creek, American Fork Canyon5/17/19404bird on nestfresh26 inches across4 inchessticks, bark stripenest in aspen grove just over ridge from one taken last year, nest in tall smoth tree 28 feet up. birds very vicious, attacking time after time driven away with flippersJohn Hutchings
Western Red Tail HawkRed-Tailed Hawk eggsButeo jamaicensis / Buteo borealisLake Mountain, east side of Cedar Valley, Utah County, Utah4/16/19333/4bird on nestfresh14 inchessticks, sage brush and rat dung.nest in high rugged ledge on west slope of Lake Mountain watched bird come and leave nest very beautiful have visited the nest last year. 32 but set being incomplete did not take them
Western Red Tail HawkButeo jamaicensis / Buteo borealisnorth west end of Lake Mountain4/26/19373Fbird on nestFnest in old ravine west the hawks had done little to restore the old nest neither in adding material or in beautifying the cup was almost flatin notch of cliff 30 feet highJohn Hutchings
Western Red Tail HawkButeo jamaicensis / Buteo borealisLake Mountain Cedar Valley, Utah County, Utah4/17/19322/3surefreshin crevice in cliff, rat manure and a few rabbit bonesnest on ledge in cliff about 50 feet up, two eggs in the nest one on narrow shelf about two feet below nest (bleached)
Western Red Tail HawkButeo jamaicensis / Buteo borealisnorth of Lehi, Utah County, Utah5/9/20243birdH26 inches3 inchessticks lined with fine twigs and bark stupsin tall cottonwood tree in creek bottom north of Lehi Utah, 25 feet from ground
Western Red Tail HawkButeo jamaicensis / Buteo borealisSouth end of Cedar Valley Utah County, Utah4/30/19335/2sureheavy24 inches5 inchessticks of cedar and sagein cedar tree 9 feet from ground, old nest I thing the nest was not build by Red Tail
Western Red Tail HawkButeo jamaicensis / Buteo borealisTick Ville, Utah County, Utah4/26/19311/3bird on nestfresh14 inchessticks no liningnest on top of old magpie nest, in oak brush 15 feet from ground bird very noisy, darting very closeJohn Hutchings
Western Red Tail HawkButeo jamaicensis / Buteo borealisnorth west end of Cedar valley (Cedar Grove)4/21/19334/2bird on nestheavyold rough leg nestold nest flattened outsticks and bark and a dozen cacti pads and rabbit bonesI took set of rough leg from nest last year, Red-Tail had done little or no work on nest, in dead cedar tree east side of road Cedar GroveH.C.H.
Western Red Tail HawkButeo jamaicensis / Buteo borealisGoshen Pass, Utah County, Utah4/2/20246/3sureslight24 inches4 inchessticks and bark stipscedar tree 12 feet from ground very good nest for Red-Tail
Swainson's HawkButeo swainsoni / Buteo swainsoni bonapartSouth end of Utah valley, near Allerla Utah County, Utah5/16/19321/5sure42 inches5 incheslarge sticks twigs bits of cedar barkthe nest was in the top of a cedar tree about 8 feet from the ground had been rebuilt for several years until it would hold a thousand pounds and covered the entire top of the tree
Swainson's HawkButeo swainsoni / Buteo swainsoni bonapartwest slope of Lake Mountain, Cedar valley, Utah County, Utah5/9/20243-4bird leaving nestlight blood2 1/2 feet across4 1/2 inchessticks some rather large cedar twigs bark and larger than common, appeared to have been rebuilt several timestop of large white cedar about 15 feet up, south slope of small canyon.
Swainson's HawkButeo swainsoni / Buteo swainsoni bonapartRabbit Valley 7 mile pass, Utah County, Utah5/25/19333bird on nestF3 1/2 feet overall2 1/2 inchessticks, sage, lined with cedar barknest in Cedar tree 10 feet from ground, bird unafraid, flew to a tree about 100 feet away and watched, male bird circled in air
Swainson's HawkButeo swainsoni / Buteo swainsoni bonapartin the pass between Utah valley and Cedar valley west of Saratoga5/3/20244bird on nestbone forming3 1/2 feet2 3/4 inchessticks, lined with tumble weed and strips of bark several bits of worn out rope and pieces of egg cartons picked up from bear by sheep camp site.In Cedar tree on edge of wash.
Ferruginous Rough Leg/ Ferruginous HawkFerruginous Rough Leg / Ferruginous Hawk eggsButeo lagopus / Archibuteo ferrugineusSouth west end of Lake Mountain, Cedar Valley, Utah County, Utah4/7/20241-4birdsfresh3 feet across4 inchessticks, cedar bark, and twigs a few bonesnest in top of a low bushy cedar, plainly seen for a mile distance, bird after leaving nest circled around many times crying male came from valley and both circled several times
Ferruginous Rough Leg/ Ferruginous HawkButeo lagopus / Archibuteo ferrugineusnorth end of rush valley Toole County, Utah4/21/19333/4 beautifully markedbirds leaving nestslightlyusuallysticks, brush, weeds and barknest in top of cedar tree at outer edge of grove, several nests in locality, three inhabited (eggs very unusual)
Ferruginous Rough Leg/ Ferruginous HawkButeo lagopus / Archibuteo ferrugineusCedar Valley, Utah County, Utah4/9/20242/4bird on nestheavyabout 4 feet2 feetsticks and tumble weeds lined with barknest in small cedar on south slope of hill at mouth of small canyon on Lake Mountain
Ferruginous Rough Leg/ Ferruginous HawkButeo lagopus / Archibuteo ferrugineusCedar Valley west slope of Lake Mountain4/15/19333/5birds at nestheavy3 feet 9 inches5 inchessticks lined with bark and part of comic sheet from Salt Lake TribuneIn dead cedar at foot of mountain about 3 miles south of Cedar grove
Ferruginous Rough Leg/ Ferruginous HawkButeo lagopus / Archibuteo ferrugineus7 mile pass Utah County, Utah4/7/20241/4surefresh4 feet20 inchessticks - strips of cedar barknest in cedar tree, covering entire top. Both birds at nest very excited. one of the birds dark brown no white visible, other true marking of Ferruginous. 9 feet from ground
Ferruginous Rough Leg/ Ferruginous HawkButeo lagopus / Archibuteo ferrugineussouth end of Cedar Valley, goshen pass4/17/19322/5bird at nestslight5 feet outside 12 1/2 inches inside5 incheslarge sticks of Cedar and sage closely woven and rather firm, lined with bark and a few feathers from the bird.bird very excited and circled close to me, giving wonderful opportunity to studyJohn Hutchings
Ferruginous Rough Leg/ Ferruginous HawkButeo lagopus / Archibuteo ferrugineusCedar Valley, Utah county, Utah4/20/19341/3sure4 feet5 inchessticks, bark, and tumble weedsin cedar tree, 8 feet from ground
Ferruginous Rough Leg/ Ferruginous HawkButeo lagopus / Archibuteo ferrugineusChimney rock pass, Utah County, Utah3/3/20245/5bird on nestblood streaks4 feet 6 inches5 inchesentirely sage brush, lined with strips of cedar bark. Nest very neatly made. Round as if bade by man. Bird sat in nearby tree and watched.nest covered entire top of small compact cedar tree, top of nest only 6 feet from ground, could see the eggs
Ferruginous Rough Leg/ Ferruginous HawkButeo lagopus / Archibuteo ferrugineusCedar Valley, Utah County, Utah4/8/20246/5bird on nestslight5 feet18 inchescedar sticks, sage brush, and tumbleweeds. Lined with strips of bark and old papernest in top of small cedar tree, isolated, near margin of foot hill 8 feet from ground, nest had been rebuilt many times. Tree almost full of sticks and nest material. great pile under tree.
Ferruginous Rough Leg/ Ferruginous HawkButeo lagopus / Archibuteo ferrugineuswest side of Lake Mountain, Cedar Valley, Utah County, Utah4/30/19363birdHeavy2 feet 6 inches4 inchessticks some of which were incredibly large. a great pile of sticks under tree (cedar) looked as though the birds had the misfortune of losing their first nest and had reconstructed it. the three eggs were heavy, almost ready to hatch
Ferruginous Rough Leg/ Ferruginous HawkButeo lagopus / Archibuteo ferrugineussouth end of Cedar valley, Utah County, Utah4/26/19362/3surefresh4 1/2 feet6 inchesthe usual sticks, cedar sticks and sage brush12 feet from ground
Ferruginous Rough Leg/ Ferruginous HawkButeo lagopus / Archibuteo ferrugineusin lone tree (cedar) west of Goshen pass, cedar valley4/8/20243bird on nestHeavy3 feet 6 inches12 inchessage brush and greasewood, very bulky lined with fine brush and a little bark pulled from tree which held the nestJohn Hutchings
Ferruginous Rough Leg/ Ferruginous HawkButeo lagopus / Archibuteo ferrugineuson flat south of cedar fort, Utah County, Utah4/12/20243bird on nestHeavyoutside 42 inches x 16 inches12 x 5 inch cupsticks, sage brush, and wire from bailed hay. cup - sticks of cedar bark, bits of news paper. three lobes of cacti were among the sticks also a quantity of horse dung. Other items had been carried there by pack rats which were inhabiting bottom part of nest.John Hutchings
Ferruginous Rough Leg/ Ferruginous HawkButeo lagopus / Archibuteo ferrugineusCedar Valley, Utah County, Utah1/15/19351/2bird on nestfresh3 feet2 feetsticks and tumble weeds, very well lined with barkin small cedar 7 feet from ground, tree south of Cedar Fort, Utah, interesting dare, season very warm since xmas
Ferruginous Rough Leg/ Ferruginous HawkButeo lagopus / Archibuteo ferrugineuswest side of chimney rock pass, Utah and Cedar valley4/9/20244birds at nestF4 feet x 18 inchescup 11 inches x 4 inchessticks and hay (carried from nearby sheep camp) cup lined cedar bark and part of old sheep hide, and a number of small dry bones. Three were old nests in nearly every cedar in this locality, 12 in allJohn Hutchings
Golden EagleGolden Eagle eggsAquila chrysaetosLosser gulch north east side of Lake Mountain, Utah County, Utah4/7/20244-2surebone forming5 feet across 7 feet deepcup 13 1/2 inches x 4 inchessticks of pine, cedar, and quaking aspen, lined with barks and fine fir bowsin tall thin fir tree 40 feet up tree, swaying badly when climbed, nest rebuilt over old oneJohn Hutchings
Golden EagleAquila chrysaetosSouth side of five mile pass, cedar valley, Utah County, Utah4/14/19405-1sureheavy4 feet 6 inches x 3 feetcup 13 1/2 inches x 5 inchessticks, sage brush, cedar bark and woodabout halfway up high 100 foot ledge, very hard to grab on hoop as ledge overhung ravine and great horned owl in same ledge within 100 feet.
Golden EagleAquila chrysaetosSouth side of 5 mile pass Cedar Valley Utah County4/16/19411sureHeavy4 feet 6 inches x 3 inchescup 13 1/2 inches x 5 inchessame nest as set 5 was taken from last yearJohn Hutchings
Golden EagleAquila chrysaetosSouth side Goshen pass between Utah and Cedar Valley4/9/20243/2surebone forming6 feet across 26 inches deep15 inches deep cup x 6 inches deepsticks, mostly of sage brush a quantity of bailing wire and two Salt Lake Tribune news papers, the latter articles carried from the site of an old sheep camp half mile awaynear tucked away notch in ledgeJohn Hutchings
Golden EagleAquila chrysaetosLocated by Jas Bee4/4/2024sure8 feet by 8 feet5 feetbuilt of sticks cup composed of Cedar Bark and twigs of fir inside measuring 14 inches across 5 inches deep, rim was 8 inches wide, built up from the stick platforms, snow covered nest up to the rim platform, on landing, had been used many years. snow from 3 to 5 feet deepafter an extensive hunt by Mr. R.G. Bee, James, Eunice, and myself, three old sites visited before finally found. nest in large fir tree about 200 yards below the last years nest (almost at the bottom of gulch) nest was mammoth affair.John Hutchings
Golden EagleAquila chrysaetosLossee gulch, north east side of Lake Mountain, Utah County, Utah4/4/20242/2bird at nestone half, bone forming8 feet across 5 feet deepcup 14 inches across by 5 inches deepsticks (base) lined cedar bark and sage of fir. Snow covered nest up to the 8 inches winin large fir tree 30 feet from ground, on north slope of Mountain near bottom of ravineR.G. Bee, James, Eunice, and John Hutchings
Golden EagleAquila chrysaetosend of box elder Canyon, east of alpine Utah County4/23/19331/2birdsblood streaks8 feet across 4 feet deep16 inch cup and 5 inches deeplarge sticks, cup fine soft barks, many sprays of fresh evergreen 'fir' around outside of nest, a few feathers from the bird in nestnest in large fir tree 30 feet upJohn Hutchings
Golden EagleAquila chrysaetos4/14/19401Bird on nestAbout halfnest 3 ft by 2 1/2 ftdeep cup 4 inbuilt of sticks, lined with cedar bark. Usual, pine bows around nest.In cliff, directly under raven nest.
Prairie FalconFalco mexicanusCedar Valley - north west of Lake Mountain4/10/20242/5bird at nestslightcrevice in cliffeggs lain on groundrat dung, two or three pieces of sagebrush in crevice but not part of nestin open crevice in cliff 30 feet high, first cliff on north end and west side of Lake Mountain
Prairie FalconFalco mexicanusLong Canyon, Lake Mountain, Cedar Valley, Utah County6/15/19347/5bird at nestslightcrevice causing protected shelf in clifflarge enough for man to sit inno nesting material used except for sand which had sifted in front of nest or eggs in back of shelf close to wall. Red-Tail's nest not more than 50 feet away in same cliffJohn Hutchings
Prairie FalconFalco mexicanusMountain, north of Topliff hill, Utah4/17/19326birdF7 inches x 7 inches1 inchdepression scratched in rat dung, a few rabbit bones on rim of nest, likely carved in by rats before falcon came.ledge flat over extending out from bottom crevice in ledge eggs could be seen from above, 120 feetHarold H.
Prairie FalconFalco mexicanusChimney Rock pass, Utah County, Utah4/17/19323/5surefresh10 inches1 inchvery little, fine dirt in bottom of pot holein pothole near top of Chimney rock, north side
Prairie FalconFalco mexicanusWest side of Lake Mountain, Cedar Valley, Utah County, Utah4/9/20244/5(Sure) Bird on nestfreshvery little done by falcons, as the nest had been taken from a pan of ravens who were still contesting the site, although they were building another nest about 200 yards along the same cliff.In cliff about 30 feet from bottom and 10 from the topJohn Hutchings and R.G. Bee
Prairie FalconFalco mexicanusCedar Valley, Utah County, Utah, Lake Mountain West side4/7/20248/5surefreshcrevice in cliffslight cup 1 inchrat dungIn cliff 20 ft from top nest well to the back of the hole
Prairie FalconFalco mexicanusLake Mountain, Cedar Valley, Utah County, West side of mountain4/20/19359/5Both birds at nestslightNatural hole in rockcup 1 1/2 inch rat dungrat dungnest in cliff at mouth of small canyon, about 1/2 way down Lake Mountain
Prairie FalconFalco mexicanusGoshen Pass, Utah County, Utah4/12/202410/5Sure both birdsfresh14 inches pot holeeggs on groundsandnest in bubble like hole in ledge of pummie stone, 20 feet high, north side of pass 1/2 mile from road.John Hutchings
Prairie FalconFalco mexicanusEast side of Lake Mountain. End of short canyon running west of cotton woods.4/21/19366birdone egg light color with no yolk, very little smaller than nest8 inches x 8 inches3 inchessticks and wool - apparently falcon had taken nest from ravens which were still in locality and building nest about 100 feet north in same ledge, birds were very quarrelsome and fought in the air the ravens were masters when two to one flushed, the ravens were soon driven away.
Prairie FalconFalco mexicanusNorth end of Lake Mountain, Cedar Valley, Utah County, Utah5/2/202411/4sureheavysame nest as set 2/5 4-10-2024
Prairie FalconFalco mexicanusWest side of Lake Mountain, East of Fairfield, Utah4/14/19396 FBirdF8 inches x 8 inches1 inchRat dung eggs lay on rockIn ledge at mouth of small canyon, South front, in full sunlight most of day.
Prairie FalconFalco mexicanusnorth end of Mountain, south side of 5 mile pass, Cedar Valley, Utah County4/16/1941bird on nest and in airslightno nest material1/2 inchnest was slight depression in fine rat dung in notch of cliff.North face of cliff but, well protected by over hanging rock.
Prairie FalconFalco mexicanusChimney Rock Pass, north side of pass. Utah County, Utah6/15/19334/6 first set of 6sure bird at nestfreshcrevice in high cliffno cupold flattened crow nest, falcon had done little or no work on nest, second set of eggs taken from this nest this year, set of 5 taken 4-4-2024in cliff north side of pass about 1 mile off road, cliff about 75 feetJohn Hutchings, HC. Eunice Hutchings and GB.
Prairie FalconFalco mexicanusCedar Valley, Utah County, Utah west side of Lake Mountain5/21/19345/5sureslightcrevice in cliff1 inchSaucer scraped in rat dun, a few pellets and gnawed sheep bones.nest in entrance to small cave about halfway up 60 foot cliff. Centuries of accumulated rat dungJohn Hutchings
Prairie FalconFalco mexicanusChimney Rock pass, Utah County, north side of pass4/2/20246/5sure, bird stayed on nest until I almost reached the nestone halfno cupOld crows nestsame nest as set 4, 6-15-1933 was taken from, nest the same as last year except accumulation of rabbit bones. Rats had winter home under nest
Peregrine Falcon / Duck HawkPeregrine Falcon / Duck Hawk eggsFalco peregrinus anatumPelican Point - Lake Mountain, Utah County, Utah5/20/19351/4 on brokenbirds at nestfresh7 inchesfew sticks, egg on groundin low ledge above old lime rock quarry, birds said to have been there for years - Mr. Cedarstrombird taken later and is now in my collectionCedarstrom boy
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkAmerican Kestrel / Sparrow Hawk eggsFalco sparveriusDry Creek, north of town, Lehi, Utah5/29/193410/5surefresh4 1/2 inches14 incheswoodpecker holedead poplar tree, ready to fall over, 25 feet upJohn Hutchings and H.C.H.
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, Utah west of town6/5/20248/4surefresh5 inches8 incheschipssame nest as set 7/5 5-16-1933 this is 4 sets of eggs taken from this nest this year, woodpecker 7 blue bird 5 SH 5 and SH 4
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, Utah 3rd ward5/9/202412/4surefresh4 inches10 incheswoodpecker nestin black willow stump 5 feet from ground, G. Barnes PastureJohn Hutchings and G.J.
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, Utah home7/20/193613/3surefresh4 1/2 inches14 incheswoodpecker holehalf dead cottonwood 20 feet from ground, 3rd time birds have been robbed by boys this yearJohn Hutchings
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, Utah, Dry Creek7/20/193614/4surefresh4 1/2 inches12 incheschips in wood pecker holedead poplar tree 25 feet up
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, Utah County, Utah5/26/193311/5sure bird on nestheavyold magpie neststicksnest in old magpie nest in haw tree about 8 feet from ground, eggs almost white
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, Utah6/3/202412/5freshwood pecker nestin old cottonwood tree 10 feet from ground
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, Utah County, Utah5/29/19321/4surefresh16 inchesat Evan's farm west of Lehi, nest in woodpecker hole in black willow tree about 20 feet from ground
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, Utah Old Rodeo Grounds west of town5/29/19325/5sureheavy4 1/2 inches16 incheschipsin old woodpecker nest in black willow tree 20 feet up
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, Utah, Dry Creek, north of town5/24/19313/5sureheavy4 1/2 inches12 incheschipsin deserted woodpecker hole 15 feet up cottonwood tree
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, Utah, North of town, Dry Creek5/24/19312/5bird at nestheavy4 1/2 inch opening12 inchesfine rotten chips, several feathersold cottonwood tree 14 feet upJohn Hutchings
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, Utah County, Utah5/17/19311/5bird on nestfreshdeserted wood pecker nest14 inchesfine chips in bottomfirst sparrowhawk of the season, two miles north of Lehi, up Dry Creek, nest in cottonwood tree almost ready to fall down, pulled bird out of nest
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, Utah 1 mile north of town 'creek'5/17/19311/5bird in nestfresh5 inches14 inchesfine chips in bottomold woodpecker hole in cottonwood tree 20 feet up, tree very tottery, bird taken from nestJohn Hutchings
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, Utah County, Utah6/4/20245/4caught bird in nestfresh10 inchesnest in black willow tree west of Lehi, 5 feet from ground, third set of eggs taken from same hole this year, one blue bird set 5 one Sparrow Hawk set of 5 and this one
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, Utah County, Utah6/4/20246/5bird leaving nestfreshold magpie neststicksnest in tall willow tree 30 feet up, eggs laid on top of old magpie nest, extra large eggs
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, Utah County, Utah5/15/19338/4surefreshold wood pecker nestup dry creek north of Lehi, in old cottonwood tree
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, Utah County, Utah6/12/20247/5surefreshhole in bark24 inchesnest in hole in Jordan river bank at Horseshoe bend - birds nest in same hole year after year
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, Utah5/16/193310/5surenest in black willow tree, in natural crevice caused by tree splitting alterson farm west of town
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, UT Co., Utah5/16/19339/5sureWood Pecker nestNest in black willow 12 ft up. Woodpeckers and hawks contrasting the heading sight infield west of town.
Long Ear OwlLong Eared Owl eggsAsio otusCedar Valley, UT. (Cedar Grove)4/10/20242/5Sure. Bird at nest.Fresh2 ft acrossslight cupSticks and bark. old hawk nest.Nest in top of Cedar in center of grove , 10 ft from ground. Owl has done little or no work on nest. Rats had used under part of nest for their home.Eunice
Great Horned Owl / Western Pallid Horned OwlGreat Horned Owl eggsBubo virginanus pallescensLehi, UT. 7 mile pass3/24/19334/2SureFresh12 in across flattened nestLast year raven nest sticks and wool.Nest in natural crevice in low ledge, South side of road near old Dovton well, 7 mile pass.J.H.
Great Horned Owl / Western Pallid Horned OwlBubo virginanus pallescensNorthwest end of Lake Mt. Cedar valley, Utah.3/19/19331/2Bird on nestAbout one week alongIn ledge about 100 ft high, I took a set of raven eggs from same nest, 4/17/1932. Very hard to get to being indented on the face of cliff, George Born assisted me by letting me over cliff on roap (old fashioned word for rope).
Great Horned Owl / Western Pallid Horned OwlBubo virginanus pallescensLehi, UT. Fire clay bed. 7 miles, west of town.4/7/20241/3Bird on nestHeavyHole in wall of cut.2 inch cupcup scraped out in clay. No nest material.Nest was made in hole left after blast, has been used 5 years in succession. Birds took little or no notice of men at work, 30 ft below their nest.J.H.
Great Horned Owl / Western Pallid Horned OwlBubo virginanus pallescensChimney Rock Pass, Utah.4/9/20245/3SureHeavyNatural crevice in rockRat dung and pelletsNest in same site falcons used year before (Chimney Rock), 30 ft up on north side. Ravens contest site.J.H.
Great Horned Owl / Western Pallid Horned OwlBubo virginanus pallescensLehi, UT.3/19/19332/2Sure, both birds.SlightHole in bankSlight depressionNo nest material. Pellets in nest.Nest located in natural crevice in bank of R.G.W. RailRoad cut at Jordan Narrows, 15 ft up from tracks. Judging from number of pellets in and around nest, site had been used as roost all winter.J.H.
Great Horned Owl / Western Pallid Horned OwlBubo virginanus pallescensCedar Valley, UT.3/22/19333/3Sure. Bird flushed.HeavyShallow hole in cliffSlight depressionRat dung and a few pellets.In cliff 30 ft up (north end of Lake Mt.) snow on ground and in crevice to within a few inches of nest.J.H.
Burrowing OwlAthene cunicularia / Speotyto cunicularia hypogaea4/30/19363/6BirdFresh4 ft burrowHorse manureAbandoned badger holeJ.H.
Burrowing OwlAthene cunicularia / Speotyto cunicularia hypogaeaLehi, UT. West of town near river bridge.5/1/20241/9Birds at nestSeveral stages10 inch pot hole at end of burrowLined with horse dungHole 10 ft long 2 ft deep 'old badger hole' in clay bank near river.oh. and J.H.
California or Western CuckooCalifornia Cuckoo eggsCoccyzus americanus occidentalisLehi, UT.6/28/19361/4Bird at nestall stages7 in acrossReconstructed Robin nestIn half dead poplar tree 10 ft from ground.J.H.
Black-chinned HummingbirdArchilochus alexandriNear mouth of Alpine Canyon6/11/20242Bird at nestFresh7-8 by 3-4 unfinishedCottonwood cotton, willowblossom, and cobwebbs.Nest in mapletree ten ft from ground. 20 ft from stream, bird very excitedHarold C. Hutchings
Broad-tailed HummingbirdSelasphorus platycercusAlpine, UT. Near school house spring7/2/20242Bird with nestHeavyone inch3-4 inchesCottonwood floss and a few feathers covered with moss-lichens and bits of fine bark. woven in with cobwebb.Nest on limb of dead quaking aspen near spring.
Broad-tailed HummingbirdSelasphorus platycercusAmerican Fork Canyon6/12/20242Bird on nestLight3-4 inches3-4 inchesPlant down covered with moss lichens and cobweb.Found near mutual dell. in Choke Cherry tree at end of dead limb hanging over stream.H.
Broad-tailed HummingbirdSelasphorus platycercusAmerican Fork Canyon8/1/2024Bird7-8 inches3-4 inchesSoft tree cotton lichens and cobweb. I watched fight with squirrel which finally robbed the nest.On dead willow overhanging stream near south dugway.H.
Rufous HummingbirdSelasphorus rufusLehi, UT6/20/19332Bird on nestFresh7-8 inches3-4 inchesCottonwood floss wound with cobwebApple tree on slender limb 3 ft from ground.H.
Rufous HummingbirdSelasphorus rufusLehi, UT7/30/19342Bird on nestOne hatched while bring home3-4 inches7-8 inchesCottonwood and sycamore floss covered with bits of bark, cobweb, and lichens.H.
Rufous HummingbirdSelasphorus rufusLehi, UT6/21/19322bird near nestLight3-4 inches3-4 inchesCottonwood floss, lichens, bits of wood from pole fence. built over last year.In apple tree near end of limb 5 ft from ground.Hutch
King BirdTyrannus tyrannusWest of Lehi, UT. On road to Mosida.6/28/19321/4bird at nest3 1/2 cup 4 1/2 outsideSrring, grass, and wool.Nest in crossarm hole of telephone pole 25 ft up. nest metal hung out and down pole 6 to 8 inches.G. H.
King BirdTyrannus tyrannusbone farm, north of Lehi, UT.6/25/19365/3bird at nestSlightGrass, Rags and wool.Nest on crossarm of electric power pole, sheltered by insulator.G. H.
King BirdTyrannus tyrannusPelican Point in utah county, Utah.6/26/19332/4Birds at nestSlight4 inches 5 1/2 over all1 1/2 inchesWeed stalks and woolIn half dead cottonwood tree near house.J. H.
King BirdTyrannus tyrannus"Bull River" north of Lehi, UT6/29/19333/3Birds at nestSlightUsualIn half dead poplar tree 25 ft from ground.
King BirdTyrannus tyrannusBone farm at point of Mt. Lehi, UT.6/20/19364/5Bird at nestUsualString, weed stalks and wool.Nest under wheel(grass) of windwill 30 ft up.J.H.
Arkansas KingbirdArkansas Kingbird EggsTyrannus verticalisSaratoga Springs Lehi, Utah.4/16/19342/4Birds at nestSlight3 1/2 cup 5 overall1 1/4rags (part of old flag), string, weed stalks and wool. very well made but bulky.In forks of old dead ash tree 20 ft up. Oriole nest in same tree on living limb.J.H.
Say's phoebeSay's Phoebe eggsSayornis sayaDelmonte Rush Valley, Utah.7/8/20241/5bird on nestfresh3 1/4 cup 6 overall1 1/2a few bits of tumbleweed, mostly wool, well covered with cobwebs.Nest on old railroad lie up ed as beam in cellar under old deserted house.J.H.
Western FlycatcherEmpidonax difficilis difficilisAmerican Fork Canyon, UT. South dugway6/26/19331/4Bird on nestFresh3 in 5 in overall3/4 inWeed stems, fine bark stripes, and moss. held together with spiderweb and cocoons.On a little rock shelf under large rock under high bank of creek. 2 ft from surface of water.J.H.
Trail's FlycatcherEmpidonax trailliLehi, UT.6/29/19333-4SureFresh3 by 3 1/2 outside 2 by 1/2 cupFine grasses, milkweed fibers, and hair. cobweb used on outside. beautifully constructed.In dwarf willows bordering marsh, 6 1/2 ft from ground.J.H.
Trail's FlycatcherEmpidonax trailliLehi, UT.6/30/19336-4SureFresh3 1/2 by 4 outside2 1/2 by 1 3/4 insidegrasses, fibers, and hair.Wild rose thicket.J.H.
Trail's FlycatcherEmpidonax trailliLehi, UT.6/30/19335-3Bird on nestHeavy3 by 3 3/4 outside2 1/4 by 1 3/4Fine grasses, milkweed fiber, lined with hair and fine rootlets.Dwarf willows bordering marsh 8 ft from ground.J.H.
Trail's FlycatcherEmpidonax trailliLehi, UT.6/29/19334/4Sure, Bird on nest.Fresh3 3/4 by 4 outsidecup 2 1/2 by 2 1/4Fine bark, grasses and plant fibers.In dense wild rose thicket.J.H.
Desert Horned LarkDesert Horned Lark eggsOtocoris alpestris alpestrisFoothill north end of lake Mt. Cedar valley.4/25/19352/3Bird leaving nest.Fresh3 1/2 cup. 4 1/2 overall3/4Fine grasses, a few horse hairs.Nest at the side of a boulder, on grassy ridge, several nests in locality.J.H. and H.C.H.
Desert Horned LarkOtocoris alpestris alpestrisFoothill, Lake Mt. Cedar valley, Utah.7/1/20243/4Bird leaving nestSlight3 in 4 1/2 in overall3/4 inFine cheatgrass lined with finer bits of same nest.Nest on ground under small sagebrush, on rocky ridge.J.H.
MagpieMagpie eggsPica pica hudsoniaDry Creek, North of town. Lehi, Utah.3/30/19311/6BirdFresh10 in inside 17 in outside3 ft top to bottomOutside sticks, inside good coat of mud lined with grass, hair, rootlets and hair.In Haw tree (Hawthorn), 12 ft from ground, bulky structure well built, well protected by thorns.J.H.
MagpiePica pica hudsoniaEvans Farm - West of town Lehi, UT.7/3/20243/8sureFresh8 in cup 2 ft outside2 feetStick, cup made of mud. Poorly lined with rootlets, grass, and few stripes of rag.In black willow tree 30 ft from ground. Poorly constructed. Sparrow hawk nest in woodpecker hole about 10 ft under.J.H.
MagpiePica pica hudsoniaNorth of town, Dry Creek. Lehi, Utah.4/10/20244SureBlood9 in cup 3 1/2 ft length of nestSticks, cup of mud, will lined with coarse grass and rootlets, some horse hair.Nest in thorn tree, 10 ft from ground, tree full of sticks - several years accumulation.J.H.
MagpiePica pica hudsoniaNew Survey, West of Lehi, UT.4/20/19335/9SureReoccurrence of blood8 in cup 2 ft outsideSticks, mud cup well lined with grasses and horse hair.Nest in lone thorn tree, 12 ft from ground, second time nest has been noted this year.J.H.
MagpiePica pica hudsoniaWest of town, Lehi UT5/10/20246/8Sure8 in cup 2 ftSticks, cup of mud well lined with grass and rootlets.Nest in top of willow and wild rose clump, well protected.J.H.
Woodhouse's JayWoodhouse's Jay eggsAphelocoma woodhouseiTickville, Utah. (West of Lehi, UT)5/10/20244/7Bird on nestFresh8 in by 4 in outsidecup 3 1/2 by 2 1/2Sticks as foundation and side walls. Cup - cedar bark, grass and wool.In small, very compact, cedar in bottom of gulch. nest placed near main trunk of tree, very hard to see.
Woodhouse's JayAphelocoma woodhouseiTickville, West of Lehi, Ut.5/20/19404Bird on nestBone forming8 in by 4 in usualcup 4 in by 2 1/2 inFoundation of sticks, lined with cedar bark, grass and wool.In very compact cedar tree in bottom of gulch. four other nests in locality with newly hatched birds. each 4 birds.
RavenRaven eggsCorvus corax sinuatusMountain south of 5 mile pass, Cedar Valley, Utah.4/6/20245BirdsHeavy3 ft overallcup 11 in by 4 infew sticks, wool and cedar bark. Snow all around and behind nest. Several inches deep, but interior of nest dry and warm.directly under eagles nest 20 ft ( in ledge).
RavenCorvus corax sinuatusNorth end of Rush Valley, Utah.4/7/20244/6Sure, Birds.FreshusualSticks, small cedar sprays and wool.Nest found in ledge about 20 ft high in the north end of rush valley, south of 5 mile pass.J.H.
RavenCorvus corax sinuatus5 mile pass between Cedar and Rush valley, Utah.3/30/19333/8Bird on nestFreshBuilt up 14 in. 8 in cup5 inSticks, cedar bark and wool.Nest located on timber under railroad bridge about 30 ft high. Very hard to get at because of the steel cover on bridge.
RavenCorvus corax sinuatusRange, South of 5 mile pass. Utah County4/28/19397Birds very active in air.Heavy3 ft by 3 ft very bulky12 in by 4 inPine sticks, cedar bark and wool.In ledge. Notch and nest well concealed from below, but only 10 ft from foot of cliff.
RavenCorvus corax sinuatus5 mile pass, Cedar valley4/28/19396Birds out on nest, other sitting on railroad track along nest.Fresh2 ft overall 14 inches deepcup 4 1/2 in by 10 inSmall sage brush and wool.Nest laid on cross tie under railroad track spanning 5 mile wash. 30 ft above stream bed. nest had been destroyed 15 days before by railroad track men. 3 eggs were destroyed at that time. eggs of this set record small.
RavenCorvus corax sinuatus1 1/2 miles South of 5 mile pass on range between Cedar and Rush valley4/14/19396Bird on nest. Mate in air.Fresh20 in across 12 in deepcup 5 by 12Sticks of pinion pine, cedar bark and wool. Exceptionally well made.Notch in rock. Almost to full of nest to permit birds. Every north and exposure about in center of 60 ft cleft. Eagle nest 45 ft south of great horned owl, 2 eggs 20 ft below.
RavenCorvus corax sinuatusLake Mt. Eastside5/7/20246Birds at nestHeavy30 in overall 2 ft deepcup 4 in by 12 inLarge sticks, brush, cedar bark, cup of wool.Nest in old eagle nest in ledge, 50 ft from top of ledge, 20 ft from base. Very difficult to get at. P. Falcon in same ledge 100 ft South.
RavenCorvus corax sinuatusCedar Valley, Ut.4/16/19416Birds at nestFresh20 in by 2 ft 8 in deepcup 4 1/4 in by 11 inSticks, mostly sage brush, lined wall wool, rabbit bones.In old house. nest built on rafters.
RavenCorvus corax sinuatusWest of Della utah4/16/19386birdsFresh4 ft overall 12 in cup18 in with 5 in deep cupSage brush, shadscale and cottonwood twigs lined with bark and wool.In tall cottonwood tree 32 ft from ground. Only tree in a radius of 3 miles.J.H.
RavenCorvus corax sinuatusCedar valley, UT.4/15/19375BirdsLight10 in cup across 23 in overall5 in deep cupMostly wool, a few sage sticks on outer edge. To hold nest in notch in the rock.About 10 ft up in ledge south side of five mile pass.
RavenCorvus corax sinuatusWest side Utah valley3/21/19384Birds at nestFreshcup 12 in 18 overall5 1/2 in cupSticks and wool - very compact. Great horned owl nesting around point of rock not 20 ft away. 3 eggs.In rock crevice in ledge, South side 7 mile pass between Utah and Cedar valley.
RavenCorvus corax4/14/19406cup inside 11 in by 5 in outside 4 ft.Composed of sage and cedar sticks, lined with cedar bark and deer hair.In cliff about 35 ft up, nest built in crevice of rock. Took falcon eggs from same place last year. Canopy of sticks about nest, heap of sticks below.
Pinyon JayPinyon Jay eggsGymnorhinus cyanocephalusTickville, west of lehi, UT.5/20/19395Bird on nestBone forming8 1/2 in by 4 incup 4 in by 3 inSticks. Outside very bulky but neat. Lined with grass, cedar bark and rootlets.In Pinion pine 8 ft from ground. Saddled on ??? limb bird unafraid. 17 nests in this colony all with young on this date except this one.
Pinyon JayGymnorhinus cyanocephalusClay Canyon, Utah. East of Sunshine.5/10/20244Bird on nestFresh9 in by 3 1/2 incup 3 1/2 in by 2 inSmall sticks, bulky, bird - neat. Lined with cedar bark and wool.In cedar tree 5 ft up, tree near bottom of canyon, 5 nests in groups.
Pinyon JayGymnorhinus cyanocephalusTickville, UT. (west of Lehi, UT.)5/20/19404Bird on nestFresh8 1/2 in by 4 incup 4 in by 2 1/2 inSticks lined with bark stripes and wool.Many nests with young in locality.
Pinyon JayGymnorhinus cyanocephalusTickville, Utah.5/14/19405Bird on nestfresh8 in by 4 incup 4 in by 2 1/2 inSticks outside lined with cedar bark and wool.In Pinion tree - saddled on hog limb 6 ft from ground - tree near bottom of canyon.
Pinyon JayGymnorhinus cyanocephalusCedar flat on west slope of Lake Mt. above claybed.4/9/20248/4Bird flushedFresh8 1/2 in4 in cupTwigs, rootlets, bark, and wool.Cedar tree 5 ft from ground on limb near outer edge of tree.J.H.
Pinyon JayGymnorhinus cyanocephalusCedar flat on west slope of Lake Mt. Cedar valley, UT.4/9/20247/5Bird on nestFresh of blood8 1/2 in - 5 in cup4 inTwigs, rootlets, bark, and wool.In old cedar, 3 old nests. appearance of a succession of nests by same bird.J.H.
Yellow Headed BlackbirdYellow Headed BlackBird eggsXanthocephalus xanthocephalus
Yellow Headed BlackbirdXanthocephalus xanthocephalus
Red Winged BlackbirdAgelaius phoeniceus
Red Winged BlackbirdRed Winged Blackbird eggsAgelaius phoeniceusClark Farm. Lehi, UT.6/23/19336/5SureFreshusualAlmost entirely of grass rootlets that had been uprooted by cultivator.In water grass, around margin of field 10 in from ground.J.H.
Red Winged BlackbirdAgelaius phoeniceusWest of town. Lehi, Ut.6/12/20244/4. 1 cowbirdSureFreshusualGrass stalks and milkweed fiber.Wild rose bush, 4 ft from ground. Cowbird egg in set. eggs covered with egg yolk and stuck to bottom of nest.J.H.
Red Winged BlackbirdAgelaius phoeniceusBullrush marsh, Utah lake. Above Lehi, UT.6/3/20243/5SureFreshusualRushes, lined with fine water grass and horse hair.Attached to dry rushes, 3 ft above water.J.H.
Bullock's OrioleOriole eggsIcterus bullockiiCollege home west of Lehi, Ut.6/13/19311/4Birds at nestSlight5 by 8Milkweed fibers, horse hairs, and twine string. Nest almost white.In top of silver cottonwood tree, 40 ft from ground, birds had nested in same tree for years. Built another nest and raised brood after this was taken.J.H.
Bullock's OrioleIcterus bullockiiBull River, North of Lehi6/26/19362/4Birds at nestFresh4 1/2 in by 7 inAlmost entirely of black horse hair. A few strips of milkweed fiber.The nest was hung out on the end of a slender limb high in the tree (black willow), it was necessary to cut the limb and let it to the ground with a roap (old fashion word for rope). We located 10 oriole nests in same locality.J.H.
Brewers BlackbirdBrewers Blackbird eggsEuphagus cyanocephalusBull River Lehi, UT6/6/20245/6Sureusualgrass and weed stems, over old robin nest.In ground up black willow stump 4 ft from ground.J.H.
Brewers BlackbirdEuphagus cyanocephalusNew Surray. Lehi, UT. "Grandpa"5/20/19311/6SureHeavy4 in cup 6 in outside3 in cupgrass and plant fiberIn grown up black willow stump at edge of beet field, 6 ft from ground.J.H. and Tom.
Brewers BlackbirdEuphagus cyanocephalusWillow patch West of town. Lehi, UT.5/23/19312/5SureSlightusualgrass and plant fiber, well lined horse hair.In wild rose bush, 6 ft from ground.J.H.
Brewers BlackbirdEuphagus cyanocephalusNear Utah Lake, Lehi, UT.6/10/20246/6Bird on nestSlight4 in cup 6 in overall3 inGrassNest in animal track in salt grass pasture. Nest almost level with ground.J.H.
Western Evening GrosbeakWestern Evening Grosbeak eggsCoccothraustes vespertinus / Hesperiphona vesperina montanaSalem, UT.5/27/19363"Sure" both birds at nest.Fresh6 in outside 3 1/4 in inside2 inchesFine twigs and rootlets. Asparagus fern outside. Loosely but very well constructed. Lace like inside.In oak 12 ft from ground.Gibone and Arra Wind.
GoldfinchGold Finch eggsSpinus tristisFound at Saratoga.7/4/20244Bird near nestNest constructed of grass and bark stripes compactly put together. Lined with horse hair. Plant down was also used in the construction. The nest was completely hid from view until the leaves were parted and then there it was in full view, containing 4 pale, blueish white eggs, unmarked.In the undergrowth of a box elder about 3 ft from the ground. Female near the nest. Very nervous. Would fly from tree to tree, then fly to small plants and grasses near the ground. Which bowed nearly to the earth with its weight. But still it would cling there and sway back and forth, chirping as it did, until it had to shift positions and then it would fly to another tree and then back near the nest.J.H.
GoldfinchSpinus tristisSaratoga7/4/20241/4Bird at nestFresh4 in across2 inGrass, Bark stripes, Plant down.In undergrowth of boxelder.J.H.
Pine SiskinPine Siskin eggsSpinus pinusHome. Lehi, UT.11/21/19221/2Bird on nestFresh4 in overall cup 1 3/4 in by 1 inOuter small dry pine twigs woven together with fine wotlets and a little string. Inside lining fine wotlets, horse hair, and soft plant cotton or milkweed.In evergreen tree in yard, 5 ft from ground, season had been very warm, heavy snow on night of Feb. 22. Almost covered bird and nest over, but bird stayed with nest, fluttering the snow away with her wings. Eggs chilled and never hatched.
Pine SiskinSpinus pinusLehi, UT.4/25/19364/4Bird on nestFresh3 1/2 in outside 1 1/2 in cup3 1/4 inEvergreen twigs from 1 in to 4 in long wotlet's string and horsehair.In evergreen tree in wins park 6 ft from ground.J.H.
Western Savannah SparrowPasserculus sandwichensisTickville, UT. West of Lehi.6/7/20242-4Bird on nestFresh6 in outside3/4 in deep 3 in cupFine dry cheat grass sage brush leaves.Nest concealed at bottom of small green sage brush surrounded by tall cheat grass. Almost impossible to see, as nest was submerged.J.H.
Savannah SparrowSavannah Sparrow eggsPasserculus sandwichensisWest Lehi, Utah.6/30/19331-5Bird on nestFresh3 in acrossLined rootlets, grasses, and dead leaves.Nest on ground well concealed in pea patch. bird felt secure when approached.J.H.
Western Lark SparrowLark Sparrow eggsChondestes grammacus strigatusGrand Pan. Lehi, Utah.7/1/20245/4Bird leaving nestFresh3 in 4 1/2 in overall3/4 indry grass, a little hair.On ground in beet field, well concealed between beet plants.J.H.
Western Lark SparrowChondestes grammacus strigatusGrand Pa Lehi, UT.6/26/19344/4Bird Leaving nestFresh3 1/2 in cup1/2 in deepVery little material used. fine weed and grass.At side of dry burdock stalk at edge of field. On ground.J.H.
Western Chipping SparrowChipping Sparrow eggsSpizella passerinaLehi, UT.7/4/20242/3Bird on nestFresh7 in by 2 in outsidecup 1 1/4 in deep by 3 inOf rootlets, grasses and hair - very loosely constructed.In Plum tree 10 ft from ground.J.H.
Western Chipping SparrowSpizella passerinaLehi, UT.7/1/20241/4BirdHeavy6 in outside 3 in inside1 1/4 inCheat grass stems, rootlets, string and hair. Loosely constructed.In plum tree 12 ft from ground.J.H.
Clay Colored SparrowClay Colored Sparrow eggsSpizella pallidaWest of Lehi.6/13/19342/4???Fresh4 in across2 in deepGrasses, bits of bark, and hair.Tall rabbit bush.J.H.
Brewer's SparrowBrewers Sparrow eggsSpizella BreweriNorth end of Cedar valley. Utah.5/4/20241/4Bird on nestFreshDry grass, rootlets, and plant fibers, and hair.In sage brush 2 ft high.J.H.
Brewer's SparrowSpizella breweriNorth end of Cedar valley, UT.5/4/20242/4Bird at nestFreshusualdry grasses and rootlets lined with hair.In sage brush on flat 2 1/2 ft from ground.J.H.
Brewer's SparrowSpizella breweriNorth end of Cedar valley, UT.5/4/20243/3Bird on nestFreshusualIn rabbit bush, 3 ft from ground.J.H.
Clay Colored SparrowClay-colored Sparrow eggsSpizella pallidaCedar valley6/13/19341/4???Fresh4 in by 2 in deepGrasses, bark, and hair.Grease wood bush
Spurred TowheeSpurred Towhee eggsPipilo maculatus montanusNorth end, Tickville, Utah.5/20/19381/4Bird at nestFreshOutside 8 inches3 inchesSage bark stripes lined with oak leaves, grass and bark.6 ft from bottom of ravine on south slope of hill. on ground under scrub oak and sage bush.
Spurred TowheePipilo maculatus montanusTickville, UT.5/20/19382/3Flushed bird from nestSlightusualSage bark stripes lined nest.At foot scrub oak near top of hill on northside.
Spurred TowheePipilo maculatus montanusTickville, UT.6/1/20243/4Bird at nestHeavySage bark stripes lined with grass oak leaves and bark.Foot of scrub oak.
Spurred TowheePipilo maculatus montanusFoot hills north of Lehi, Utah.6/10/20241/3Bird fussing near nestFresh4 in 5 1/2 in overall1 1/2 inDry leaves and grass well lined with fine grass.Nest on ground in clump of oak bush, well concealed.J.H.
Green Tailed TowheeGreen-Tailed Towhee eggsPipilo chlorurus"Tickville" West of Lehi, UT.5/27/19331/4Bird at nestFreshWeed stems, grasses, fine twigs and rootlets. Dry leaves.Nest set on root projecting from bark. under overhanging scrub oak. near a spring.J.H. and H.C.H.
Red CardinalCardinalis cardinalisBenton Co. Miss.5/10/202453 inches1 inchfine grass and horse hair.In small hollow of walnut tree (black). Ten feet from ground.
Black Headed GrosbeakBlack Headed Grosbeak eggsPheucticus melanocephalus / Zamelodia melanocephalaWest of town. Lehi, UT.5/1/20241/3Bird on nestFresh6 in overallshallow cupLoosely constructed of rootlets, grass and sprays of asparagus.In dwarf willows, 8 ft up, near creek.J.H.
Black Headed GrosbeakZamelodia melanocephala (new name is Pheucticus melanocephalus)West of town. Lehi, UT.5/26/19312/3Bird on nestFresh6 in overallVery shallowFine sticks and rootlets.In wild rose and willow thicket, 10 ft from ground.J.H.
Black Headed GrosbeakZamelodia melanocephala (new name is Pheucticus melanocephalus)Olson place. Lehi, UT.5/31/19313/4Bird on nestFresh5 in cup 7 in overall3/4 inRootlets, wild mustard stalks.Nest in wild plum thicket, overhanging creek 6 ft from ground.J.H.
Black Headed GrosbeakZamelodia melanocephala (new name is Pheucticus melanocephalus)Home. Lehi, UT.6/3/20244/3 one cowbirdBird on nestFresh5 inchesShallowfine weed stems, rootlets and bits of stringOn horizontal limb of pear tree, 12 ft from ground. Nest in same tree three years in succession. Birds left nest when cowbird was removed.J.H.
Black Headed GrosbeakZamelodia melanocephala (new name is Pheucticus melanocephalus)Willow patch, west of home. Lehi, UT.6/10/20246/6Bird on nestFresh7 in 3 3/4 in cup3/4 ingrasses, rootlets and milkweed fiber.In wild rose and willow thicket 8 ft from ground.J.H.
Black Headed GrosbeakZamelodia melanocephala (new name is Pheucticus melanocephalus)Home6/10/20247/2 One cowbirdWatched bird build nest.Fresh6 1/2 in overall 3 1/2 in cup3/4 inGrass stems, wild mustard and rootlets.In apple tree, 12 ft from ground, birds left nest when Cowbird egg was removed.J.H.
Tree SwallowTree Swallow eggsTachycineta bicolorSilver Lake Flat, American Fork Canyon, Utah.7/4/20241/5Bird at nestFresh1 1/4 in hole.Decayed woodIn dead aspen, 12 feet from ground.
Violet Green SwallowViolet Green Swallow eggsTachycineta thalassinaBird valley, north of Timpanogos, Provo Canyon, Utah.6/25/19381/5Bird on nestFreshDecayed wood, small twigs.20 feet up in live aspen - in same tree with purple martin.
Loggerhead ShrikeLoggerhead Shrike eggsLoggerhead shrike (Lanius ludovicianus)North end of Cedar valley, UT.5/18/19311/4Bird leaving nestFresh4 in cup 7 in outside2 inthorny sticks and tumbleweed stalks, lined with wool and a little fine grass. Several rabbit bones placed around on tree.In small compact cedar 5 ft from ground on outer edge of grove.J.H.
Yellow WarblerYellow Warbler eggsDendroica aestiva (Now is named Setophaga petechia)Lehi, UT.6/21/19311/4Bird at nestFreshFine plant fiber, mostly milkweed, lined with hair.In top of plum tree 20 ft from ground.J.H.
Sage ThrasherSage Thrasher eggsOreoscoptes montanusField west of town. Lehi, UT.6/4/20241/4Bird leaving nestFresh3 1/2 in cup 7 in outside4 inSticks of greasewood lined with grasses.In greasewood bush, 4 ft from ground, well concealed.
Sage ThrasherOreoscoptes montanusRiver bank west of Lehi, UT.6/10/20242/3Bird leaving nestslightUsualrather long twigs of greasewood, tumbleweed, and grasses. Neatly lined with fine grass.In greasewood bush, 5 ft from ground, 20 ft from river.
Sage ThrasherOreoscoptes montanusGrampa's Pasture west of Lehi, Utah.6/10/20243/4Bird leaving nestFreshUsualTwigs, weed stems, and grass.In isolated greasewood, 4 ft from ground, very well concealed.
Sage ThrasherOreoscoptes montanusField west of town, Lehi, Utah.6/10/20244/4Bird leaving nestFresh4 in cup 7 in overall2 1/2 in cupTwigs, weed stems and grasses. Some horse hair in lining.Grease wood bush in fence corner, very well concealed.
Sage ThrasherOreoscoptes montanusSouth of road west of Jordan. Lehi, UT.6/6/20248/4Bird at nestFreshUsualTwigs, lined fine grass and horse hair.In greasewood bush, 18 inches from ground.
Sage ThrasherOreoscoptes montanusWest of Saratoga Springs - Lehi, Utah.7/4/20242/4Bird leaving nestFreshUsualUsualIn thick greasewood patch along wash.
Sage ThrasherOreoscoptes montanusWoofenden Farm. Lehi, UT. West of river.6/16/19369/5Bird leaving nestFresh8 in overall 3 1/2 in cup2 1/2 inTwigs and weed stems, neatly lined with fine grass. A little wool.In greasewood bush 2 ft from ground 20 nests found. 10 a patch of greasewood.
Western MockingbirdWestern Mockingbird eggsMimus polyglottos leucopterusNorth West of Woofenden home. West of Lehi, UT.6/13/193848 1/2 by 4cup 4 by 2 3/4Greasewood sticks 'base', lined with fine grasses, wool and plant leaves.Greasewood - 3 ft from ground - usual. Sunshade of sticks.
Western MockingbirdMimus polyglottos leucopterusLittle Valley back of pelican point, Utah.6/24/19404Birds - Maru birdsSeveral pairs8 1/2 in by 4 incup 3 1/2 in by 2 3/4 inSticks - grass, bits of cedar bark and plant fiber.Nest in better bush. 3 ft from ground bird undisturbed by my working nearby.
Western MockingbirdMimus polyglottos leucopterusWoofenden Farm. West of Lehi, UT.6/20/19404Bird on nestObserved8 in by 4 incup 3 1/2 in by 2 1/2 insticks gathered around yard, some hay lined with bits of bark, string, wool and small bits of rag.Nest in rosebush 25 feet from house, wonderful singer.
Western MockingbirdMimus polyglottos leucopterusGreasewood patch, north and west of woofenden farm. West of Lehi, UT.6/3/20244BirdsFreshAbout - 8 in by 3 1/2 in outsidecup 3 1/2 in by 2 inUsual, Greasewood foundation with well woven compact, inner lining with fine grasses, wool and soft plant leaves.In greasewood bush 4 ft from ground. Well made sum shade placed over nest. bird very shy. flyed off nest and flew along ground among bushes for 50 feet. Many sage thrashers in this locality 20 nest located in this 60 acres. Eleven nests found and observed in this group.
Western MockingbirdMimus polyglottos leucopterusWest of Lehi, UT. South West of Saratoga Springs.6/10/2024Bird on nestFresh8 in by 3 1/2 incup 3 1/2 by 2 1/2 inusual sticks of greasewood with bulky outside and well constructed, well lined cup. (grasses, wool, and plant leaf.)Usual sunshade several birds in locality, but didn't seem to be nesting.
Western MockingbirdMimus polyglottos leucopterusWest of Lehi, Utah.5/30/19364Took birdFresh8 in overall 5 in deepcup 4 in by 2 3/4 inOutside rough sticks of greasewood lined with grass, hair, wool, and soft plant fiber, soft leaves from small plant common to locality.
Western MockingbirdMimus polyglottos leucopterusWest of Lehi, UT.7/2/20243/4SureLightUsualGreasewoodJ.H.
Western MockingbirdMimus polyglottos leucopterusWest of Lehi, UT.5/30/19361/4Bird on nestFresh10 in overall3 1/2 in cupthorns, grass, rootlets, and soft weed leaf.In greasewood about 3 ft from ground.J.H.
Western MockingbirdMimus polyglottos leucopterusWest of Lehi, UT.6/4/20242/4SureFreshUsualGreasewoodJ.H.
Western MockingbirdMimus polyglottos leucopterusLehi, Utah.6/4/20241/4SureHeavySame as set oneIn greasewood bush, 4 ft from ground, about 100 yards from nest #1.Eunice Hutchings
Western MockingbirdMimus polyglottos leucopterusSouth west of woofenden home. West of Lehi, UT.6/28/1938BirdsObserved8 in by 4 incup 3 1/2 in - 2 1/2 inUsual sticks of greasewood, lined with wool, grasses and bits of plant fibers.
Western MockingbirdMimus polyglottos leucopterusWest of Woofenden home - west of Lehi, UT.2024-06-214BirdsObserved8 by 33 1/2 in by 2 1/2 inUsual Greasewood stick foundation with neat well woven cup composed of wool grass and soft leaf.
Rock WrenRock Wren eggsSalpinctes obsoletusPelican Point, Utah.5/26/19402/6SureFreshFine grass and rock6 inch hole under a rock along side of track, 2 1/2 ft up.
Rock WrenSalpinctes obsoletusPelican Point, Utah.5/29/19381/6SureFreshFine grass and rock.2 inch hole in cliff 30 feet up.
Parkman WrenParkman's Wren eggsTroglodytes aedon parkmaniSilver Lake flat, American Fork Canyon, Utah.7/8/20244/7SureFreshPorcupine hairIn live aspen tree 8 feet up.
Parkman WrenTroglodytes aeden parkmaniAmerican Fork Canyon, Utah.6/2/20242/7SureFreshSmall chips and deer hair.Deserted woodpecker's nest in dead quaking aspen, 12 ft from ground.
Western Marsh WrenWestern Marsh Wren eggsCistothorus palustris / Telmatodytes palustrisLehi, Utah.5/10/20241/6SureFresh5 inchesRushes and cat tail downing.Bull rushes, nest about 3 ft from water.
Western Marsh WrenCistothorus palustris / Telmatodytes palustrisLehi, Utah.5/28/19355/7SureHeavy5 inchesRushes and cat tail downing.Bull rushes, nest about 3 ft from water.
Western Marsh WrenCistothorus palustris / Telmatodytes palustrisLehi, Utah.5/10/20246/6SureFresh5 inchesRushes and cat tail dowing.Bull rushes, Nest about 3 ft from water.
Nelson NutchatchSitta carolinensis nelsoniAbove Granite Flat. American Fork Canyon.6/18/19381/5FreshAbandoned woodpecker hole in side of tree, 30 ft up.J.H.
Willow ThrushWillow Thrush eggsHylocichla fuscescens salicicolaSouth Fork. American Fork Canyon, UT.7/24/19311/5Bird on nestFresh5 in overall 3 in cup1 3/4 in cupStrips of soft bark, Dry half rotted leaves, rootlets and some grass. Lined with fine rootlets and grass green moss around edge.In Dogwood, hanging over creek fully exposed to sun.J.H.
Willow ThrushHylocichla fuscescens salicicolaGranite Flat, American Fork Canyon, Utah.7/4/20242/4Bird on nestSlight. Blood.3 in cup 5 1/2 in outside1 1/2 in.Strips of quaking aspen bark, fine twigs, and leaves.In top of dwarfed fir tree, 4 ft from ground fully exposed to sun. eggs bleached.J.H.
Willow ThrushHylocicihla fuscescens salicicolaSilver Lake Flat, American Fork Canyon, Utah.7/4/20243/4Bird on nestSlight3 1/4 in by 6 inBark strips, moss and dry leaves. Lined with fine grasses and rootlets.Nest in side of old quaking aspen tree in cavity made by bark pealing off. 4 ft from ground.J.H.
Olive Back Thrush/ Swainson's ThrushOlive Back Thrush eggsHylocichla ustulata swainsoniSilver Lake Flat6/24/19321/3Bird leaving nestFresh3 1/2 in by 5 in1 1/2 inBark strips and grass. Lined with same met.In Fork of small maple tree in grove. 8 ft up.J.H.
Olive Back Thrush/Swainson's ThrushHylocichla ustulata swainsoniHanging Rock, American Fork Canyon.7/26/19323/4Bird leaving nestFresh3 in cup. 5 in overall.Bark strips, grass, and rootlets.Small maple tree in grove near road, 7 ft from ground. Nest in fork of tree.
Olive Back Thrush/Swainson's ThrushHylocichla ustulata swainsoniNorth Fork, American Fork Canyon.7/6/20244/4bird slipping from nestFresh3 in cup 5 in overallBark strips, dry leaves, grasses, and a few bits of paper.On top of small tree stump that had growth of branches around end, 5 ft from ground. Just a few feet from campstove.
Hermit ThrushHermit Thrush eggsHylocichla guttata pallasiTibble Hollow, American Fork Canyon, Utah. (I think he combined pine hollow and Tibble fork together as one place.)6/29/19366/4Bird on nest.Slight3 1/2 in cup 5 in overall1 1/2 in cupbark strips, weed stalks. Lined with fine grass and rootlets.On ridge at head of Tibble hollow in dwarfed evergreen. Very well hid.J.H.
Hermit ThrushHylocichla guttata pallasiAmerican Fork Canyon near Silver Lake6/12/20243/4Bird leaving nest.Slight3 1/2 in cup by 5 in1 1/2 in cupBark strips, small weed stalks, and 20 ft grass. A little dry moss. Tucked in around edge.In small compact spruce 4 ft from ground.J.H.
RobinRobin eggsTurdus migratorius / Planesticus migratoriusLehi, Utah.4/4/20242/5Bird on nestFreshUsualMilkweed fiber, string, a few bits of rag, grass and weed stalks. Lined with mud, grass, and hair.On lower limbs of evergreen tree near outer-edge, 9 ft from ground. Tree in yard near my home.J.H.
Western BluebirdSialia mexicana occidentalisWest field. Lehi, Utah.7/2/20241/5Bird in nest.Fresh4 in8 inBark strips and feathers.An old woodpecker hole in black willow tree 5 ft from ground bird dead on nest.
BluebirdSialiaKnot hole in wall of cereal mill, Lehi, Utah.7/3/20242/6Bird leaving nestFresh2 in hole6 inFeathers, few bits of rag, and grass.Nest between sheeting of wall of cereal mill, 20 ft from ground.J.H.
BluebirdSialiaMouth of West Canyon, Cedar valley, Utah.5/16/19363/6Bird leaving nestFreshhole 2 ft deepSoft bark strips and grass.hole in high bank of creek, several nests in same locality.J.H.
Mountain BluebirdSialia currucoidesNorth end of Cedar valley, Utah.5/16/19366SureFreshfew grasses, bark, and feathers.In small hole, the bank of 30 ft wash. Nest in 30 inches.J.H.
SparrowTickville, UT.5/30/19381/4Fresh2 1/4 in inside1 1/2 inDry grasses, films, hair, and a few feathers.Top of Sage brush 30 ft high. Bird much smaller then previousJ.H.
Blue JayBlue Jay eggsCyanocitta cristataBenton County Miss.5/10/202444 inches2 inchesSmall sticks, mud, grass and paper.8 ft from ground, On south side of spanish oak tree.
Blue JayCyanocitta cristataBenton County, Miss.5/10/20243Fresh4 inches2 inchesSmall sticks, grass and paper.30 ft up in the crotch of spanish oak tree. Near swamp.
Idaho ScreechCan not identify ( could be the Western Screech-Owl - Megascops kennicottii)American Fork Canyon near Mutual Dell.6/3/20241/3Caught bird in nestFreshOpening 2 1/2 in10 inno nesting material, except wings of small bird eaten by owls.Nest in live quaking aspen, 16 inches in dim, 12 ft from ground. Bird unlike any other owl I have ever seen, Dark brown eyes, Bird 6 7/8 in long. 15 in wingspread.
JuncoJunco eggsJunco hyemalisSilver lake Flat, American Fork canyon.7/4/20244, two broken.Heavy3 inches3/4 inchdry grass and rootlets.At foot of aspen tree, nest level with ground, bird unwilling to leave nest.J.H.
Gray Headed JuncoJunco phaeonotus canicepsDivide between American Fork and Provo Canyon, Utah.6/25/19381/4FreshGrass and weed stacks.On ground at foot of aspen, well concealed by grass.
CrowCorvusDry Creek. Utah.2024-04-16Saw pair of CrowsBy old Kirkham place to try possible nesting pair.
Common NameEgg Photo ExampleScientific NameLocalityDate# of eggsIdentificationIncubationNest diameterNest DepthComposed ofLocationAdditional notesCollected By
Pied Billed egg card
Pied Billed
Polilymlus podicepsNorth East End of Strawberry Lake UTBirds 6 sets of 38 sets of 4 all in state of time from blood to bone8 inches acrossDead rushers woven into a flealingThe day after the visit a huge wind destroyed all of the nests, hundreds of eggs were on the shallow lake bottom 10 to 14 inches of water
Ancient Murrelet egg cardAncient MurreletAncient Murrelet eggsAncient Murrelet eggsSynthliboramphus antiquusSanak Island Alaska6/6/20242Bird on nestAbout one/fifthUnder rank matted grass a slight depression lined with fine grass, soft and drySanak Island AlaskaChase Littlejohn
Night Hawk egg cardNight HawkNighthawk eggsNighthawk eggsChordeiles minorPelican Point West shore of West Lake Utah co. Utah7/22/19336-2Bird on nestFreshNo nestRunning out into lake near where people walk everyday. Bird unafraid, only
Night Hawk egg cardNight HawkChordeiles minorMouth of West Canyon Utah7/6/20247/2Bird on eggsFreshNo nestEggs laid on soft ground under soft cedar tree
Night Hawk egg cardNight HawkChordeiles minorMouth of West Canyon Cedar Valley UT11/24/19368/2Bird flushedNo nestEggs on nest mold under cedar tree bird flushedLauret & Eunice
Night Hawk egg cardNight HawkChordeiles minorWest Canyon North End Cedar Valley UT7/11/20241-2Bird on NestHeavy our egg hatched on the way home, the other about half incubated.No nest, eggs among pebbles about sign of cedarB.M.
Night Hawk egg cardNight HawkChordeiles minorAbout 1 mile up west canyon (to east, north end Cedar Valley)7/2/20242Bird on NestHeavy our lightNo NestAlways a thrill nest on eggs found on open ground among pebbles on sandy ridge a few days lush and cedar uar
Night Hawk egg cardNight HawkChordeiles minorNorth End of Cedar Valley UT Co. Utah mouth westvcanyon7/4/20243-2Bird on nestFreshNo attempt at nestOn pebblesFound on Cedar covered point at east side of mouth of west canyon on ground in open sface among cedars and tall sage lush birds hand to flush from nest
Night Hawk egg cardNight HawkChordeiles minorNorth end of Cedar Valley utco UT mouth of west canyon7/4/20244-2Birds on nestOne Fresh, other slightEggs in dustNo nestFound about 50 ft from set #3 of same date the unusual thing was the lack of pebbles or sand. eggs lay in fine dust at foot of large cedar, day hot, bird didn't like to leave the nest.Eunice
Night Hawk egg cardNight HawkChordeiles minorEast side of Cedar Valley, Utah County, Utah at foot of lake7/6/20245-2bird on nestheavy - one egg pipedno nesteggs found in open space about 20 feet in cedar grove.Eggs on ground among sand and gravel about the same color as eggs. Unusual thing was the lack of water, none within 10 miles in any direction.
Forster's Tern egg card 1Forster's TernForster's Tern eggsForster's Tern eggsSterna forsterinear Tamington Davis county, Utah6/5/20242/2birds fussing aroundSlight (brood)Green and dry grassesOn top of muskrat denR.G.B.
Forster's Tern egg card 2Forster's TernSterna forsteriNorth shore of Utah Lake near mouth of spring creek Lehi5/28/19342/4SureFresh7 feet0Bits of rush and water weeds, very fewNest on ground on sand bar, very poorly constructed, many Avocet Nests in Locality
Forster's Tern egg card 3Forester's TernSterna forsteri
White Pelican egg card 1White PelicanPelecanus erythrorhynchosisland in Utah Lake5/7/20241/2Bird at nestfresh12 inches1Sand Scooped up by birdNest on ground on north end of island. Bird Left at our arrival, gulls pounced upon eggs and would have soon succeeded in eating them.
Blue-winged Teal egg cardBlue Winged TealSpatula discorsFarmington Bay, Davis County, Utah5/16/19371/9bird on nestfreshgrass, rushes and down from birdR.G.B.
American Bittern egg cardAmerican BitternAmerican Bittern eggsAmerican Bittern eggsBotaurus lentiginosusSouthwick Pasture, Utah Lake, Lehi, Utah5/1/20244/3SureHeavy8 Inches4dry rushesin dry rushes near open water, nest on ground
American Bittern egg card 2American BitternBotaurus lentiginosusNorth shore, Utah Lake (Tule) Powell Pasture5/20/19311/4Bird flushed from nestheavy8 inches3Rushes (dry)Nest in rushes 4 inches above water Loosely constructedJohn Hutchings
Great Blue Heron egg cardGreat Blue HeronGreat Blue Heron eggsGreat Blue Heron eggsArdea herodiasMud Lake, Provo, Utah County, Utah4/14/19325/5SureUsualRushesColony in RushesR.G.B.
Great Blue Heron egg card 2Great Blue HeronArdea herodiasMud Lake, Provo, Utah County, Utah4/14/19326/5SureUsualRushesColony of 60 nestsR.G.B
Great Blue Heron egg card 3Great Blue HeronArdea herodiasMud Lake, Provo, Utah County, Utah4/14/19323/5birdsslightusualRushesin RushesR.G.B.
Great Blue Heron egg card 4Great Blue HeronArdea herodiasMud Lake, Provo, Utah County, Utah4/14/19324/5SureFreshUsualRushesColony in RushesR.G.B.
Great Blue Heron egg card 5Great Blue HeronArdea herodiasMud Lake, Provo, Utah county, Utah4/14/19322/4Fresh2 feet platform3Rushesin Rushes, nest 2 feet from water large colonyR.G.B.
Great Blue Heron egg card 6Great Blue HeronArdea herodiasEast Provo Bay, Utah County, Utah4/16/19335Birds Canny30 inchesdepressed to hold eggssticks and weedsFull of Rushes, Nest on 6 incehs of watercolony of approximately 40 birds
Snowy Egret egg card 1Snowy EgretSnowy Egret eggsSnowy Egret eggsEgretta thulaUtah Lake, Provo, Utah County, Utah4/19/19322/4SureFresh12 foot platform6 1/2 cuprushesin rushes with herons, nest 18 feet from water
Black-Crowned Night Hawk egg card 1Black Crowned Night HawkNycticorax nycticoraxProvo Bay, Utah Lake, Utah County, Utah5/7/20241/4Sure, BirdsLight14 inches2 inchesRushesColony in Rushes, Nests near groundR.G.B.
Black-Crowned Night Hawk egg card 2Black Crowned Night HawkNycticorax nycticoraxProvo Bay - Utah County, Utah4/16/19335Colony of about 100 birdsapproximately 12 inchesdepressed to hold eggsover 12 inches of waterNear where creek empties
Virginia Rail egg cardVirginia RailVirginia Rail eggsVirginia Rail eggsRallus limicola / Rallus virginaianusLehi, Utah6/19/19374-10Birdsblood and thickening5 1/2 inches across3 inchesgrassin marshy meadow on shore of Utah LakeJohn Hutchings
Sora Rail Sora Rail eggsPorzana carolinaLehi, Utah6/9/20246/13Eggs and BirdFresh5-7 inches overallwell cuppedgreen grassnest in meadow, a few feet from edge of pond, bird stayed on nest until I stopped to touch her, then only ran a few feetJohn Hutchings
Sora RailPorzana carolinaLehi, Utah6/9/20245/15sure5 1/2 incheswell cuppedgrass (green)nest in the meadow, about 2 inches above water, well made with basket handle woven over the top, west of town.John Hutchings
Sora Rail Porzana carolinaLehi, Utah6/9/20244/15BirdSlight blood6 incheswell cuppedgreen grassunder fence in marsh near R.S.W Rail Road west of town nest well made with grass woven over top of nest forming a basketJohn Hutchings
Wilson's PhalaropeWilson's Phalarope eggsPhalaropus tricolor / Steganopus tricolorold ice pond, Lehi, Utah6/11/20244/4bird leaving nestfresh6 inches1 inchdry grasson ground near flowing well, well hidden by tall grass, one white egg shell rather soft.
Wilsons PhalaropePhalaropus tricolor / Steganopus tricolorClark Pasture, Lehi, Utah5/23/19332/4bird flushedfresh6 inches overall1 inchdry salt grassnest on ground in marshy meadowLaurel H.
American AvocetAmerican Avocet eggsRecurvirostra americanaWest shore of Utah Lake, near Pelican Point5/30/19366/4SureFreshUsualWeeds and bits of rushesin clump of grass 100 feet out in water, possibly 100 nests on shore in sand, visited site a few days later after high wind, all nests were gone.John Hutchings
American AvocetRecurvirostra americanaIsland in Utah Lake5/28/19334/4SureFresh5-6 inchesshallowbits of Rush weed stalk, very little met used because of lack of growthon ground near center of island away from gulls 10 nests in colonyJohn Hutchings
American AvocetRecurvirostra americanaEast shore of Great Salt Lake near mouth Of Jordan River4/23/19333/4surefreshUsualbits of salt weeds and rusheson ground around small bay of fresh water possibly 100 nests in colonyJohn Hutchings
American AvocetRecurvirostra americanaShore of Utah Lake near pumps5/1/20241/4surefresh5 inches1 inchmud, and a few bits of tumble weedson ground, soft from water, 20 nests in colonyJohn Hutchings
American AvocetRecurvirostra americanaUtah Lake, Provo, Utah5/7/20242/4birdsfreshusualon ground on point running into water 50 nests in groupJohn Hutchings
Wilson's Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, Utah, South of town6/10/20243/4surefreshusalgrass, well built for snipeon tuft of grass 6 inches in diameter, surrounded by water
Wilson's Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, Utah West of town5/20/19202/4fresh6 inches1 inchdry salt grassin meadow on ground near marsh
Wilson's Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, Utah5/14/193313/3birdfirst stage of incubationusualgrassnest in tall grass at edge of pond near Jacob's farmEunice Hutchings
Wilson's Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, Utah near Jordan River5/12/202410/4bird on nestfreshusualgrassnest near edge of marsh, hidden in tuft of grass, tot pasture
Wilsons Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, Utah4/15/19354 one brokensureheavy, leg bones formedusualgrassin marsh pasture north of flour mill past townearliest set in my collectionLLoyd Gunther
Wilsons SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, Utah4/26/19354Bird on nestFreshUsualdry grass, set in center of Tusset of grass6 inches above water, near dank of old ice pond east of town.Virgal Hutchings
Wilson Jacksons Snipe Gallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataOld Dairy west of Town, Lehi, Utah6/22/193625/4SureFresh5 inches2 inchesdry salt grassnest on bank of small stream only a few inches from water
Wilsons Jack snipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, Utah6/21/19334Bird on nestfreshFine Grasses, very well constructed for snipenorth shore of Utah Lake, E. Davis Grass land. nest 20 feet from flowing wellJ-I
Wilsons Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, Utah6/10/20244bird on nestfreshdry salt grassin marsh pasture (S. Clark)J-I
Wilsons Jack Snipe Gallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, Utah6/2/20244SureFreshDry grassEvidently a second set from #12-4 5-14-1933 nest not far from other siteJ-I
Wilson Jacks SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, Utah6/2/20244surefreshsalt grasson dry salt grass ridge clark pastureJ-I
Wilson Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, Utah5/30/1933bird on nestfreshusualvery little material used, other green grass tramped downThis nest very unusual in construction and location, built between wheel tracks of unfrequently used road at the crossing of small stream near Evan's farmJ-I
Wilson's SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, UT5/27/19334SureFreshSalt grassin salt grass pasture So. of state highway at forks of road East of Lehi. Varney PastureJ-I
Wilson's Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, UT5/23/19334SureSlightUsualDry salt grassThis nest was perched upon one of a thousand grass covered pedestals made by cows wading in mud 14 inches from water level. HC. Evans Pasture West of town. 3 other nests found close eggs too heavy take.
Wilson Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, UT5/14/19334Flushed BirdfreshUsualdrygrassThis most beautiful set was taken under a fence in tall wire grass 2ft from waterfilled borrow pit 20 ft from R.G.W.R.R.J-I
Wilson's Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, UT5/14/19333SureSlightUsualSlight depression dry grassThis et was left several days after finding to make sure of a full set. In G. Jacobs pasture near pond.Eunice Hutchings
Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, UT5/12/20244SureFreshUsualSlight DepressiongrassesOn little rais in dry salt grass about 20ft from spring. Clark Pasture northwest of town.J. H.
Wilsons (Jack) Snipe Gallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataWest of town. Lehi, UT6/20/19329/4SureUsualGrassesOn ground hidden in grass Carters Pasture
Wilson (Jack) Snipe Gallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataNear Jordan River, Lehi UT6/4/20248/4SureFreshUsualOn ground in tuft of grass above water in marsh
Wilson Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataSouth of old ice pond Lehi, UT5/25/19326/4Sureslight5'1/Salt grassin grass around telephone pole in swamp
Wilson Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, UT north of Mill pond5/29/19327/4SureFresh5'1 1/2Dry GrassOn ground near spring
Wilson Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataOld Lake Resort. Lehi, UT5/20/19325/4SureUsualSalt GrassNear flowing well. On ground covered by dock leaf
Wilson Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, UT5/15/19214/4SureFresh5'1 1/2Dry Salt GrassOn ground near 'Blue spring'
Wilson Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicata5/1/20241/4bird on nestHeavyGrassIn marsh 2 miles west of Lehi, UT. Nest in short grass about 20 ft from water.John Hutchings
Wisons Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataWallsburg, UT.6/7/202426/4SureFresh5 inches1 1/2 inchesGrassesIn Marsh pasture west of highway.
Wilson Jack snipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataNear old river bridge. Lehi, UT.5/1/202424/4SureSlightUsual2Dry grassOn ground in dry grass on bank of creek where it empties into river.S. Adams
Wilson Jack snipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, Ut.6/1/20244SureFreshGrassesClark's pasture, Northwest of town.H.
Wilson Jack SnipeGallinago delicata / Capella gallinago delicataLehi, UT.5/12/20244bird on nestFreshUsualGrassesFirst set of the season. Ice on part of marsh. West of Lehi in marsh near Jordan River, fox pasture.John Hutchings
Western Willet Egg CardWestern Willet eggsTringa semipalmata / Catoptrophorus semipalmatus inornatusNear river North of pumps Lehi, UT5/9/20242/4Sure flushed birdFresh5 1/2'2'Hole in ground little liningNest under smallest rabbit brush on nole. Nest level with ground. Curlew nest 25ft away.
Western Willet Egg CardTringa semipalmata / Catoptrophorus semipalmatus matusPelican Point, Utah Lake, Utah6/3/20244/4Sure, bird on nestfresh5 inches2 inchesdepression in groundnest in center of alfalfa field completely hidden, bird undisturbed by our presence
Spotted SandpiperSpotted Sandpiper eggsActitis macularius / Actitis maculariaLehi, UT SW Clark6/23/19354/4BirdSlight6 over all3/4Few dry weedsBetween rows of onions. Bird very tame scarcely leaving nest when cultivator destroyed it, However she never returned to claim the rebuilt nest.
Spotted SandpiperActitis macularius / Actitis MaculariaClark field, Lehi UT5/16/19366/4Bird on nestBlood6' overall3/4grassNest in slight depression under cabbage plant. Birds 3rd attempt at nesting, each nest only a few feet from the other. Each destroyed by cultivationJH
Spotted SandpiperActitis macularius / Actitus MaculariaA.F. Canyon UT CoUt7/6/20243/4BirdLight4SandIn coarse sand on creek only a few ft. from water. Bird flushed when fisherman almost stepped on herH.C.H.
Spotted SandpiperActitis macularius / Actitis MaculariaJordan River, Alred ranch Lehi,UT7/3/20245/4Bird flushed6' overall1'Dry grass. Well made for sand piperOn ground in salt grass pasture. Only a few yards away from river.
Spotted SandpiperActitis maculariaNorth shore of Utah Lake. Utah.2024-06-142/4Bird flushed.Heavy - pipped.4 1/2 inch1 1/2 inchDry grassOn ground on sandy ditch bank under clump of grass.
Long Billed CurlewNumenius americanus
Long Billed CurlewLong Billed Curlew eggsNumenius americanusPelican point UT lake UT. Co. Ut.5/26/19338/4SureFresh8' well cupped4Very little nest. Mat.Nest located on sand bar about 1 m. south of point. no protection at all, simply hole scooped in sand. Bird hesitated to leave nest. I stood a long time and watched her.J.H.
Long Billed CurlewNumenius americanusProvo, UT5/20/19349/4SureSlightabout 8'2'Poorly constructed. A few bits of cow dung and a very little salt grassWest in center of old road. Bird did not move until car wheel almost struck her. East side of UT lake 1/2 M. So. of compromisemoJ. H.
Long Billed CurlewNumenius americanusLehi, UT5/5/202410/4SureFresh.7 1/2'4'salt grass. Very well made and linesNest 1/2 M. north of rimping plant Jordan river on top of nole. In dry grass. Wind was blowing very hard when the bird left the nest the wind threw her to the ground the eggs rolled from the nest, are cracked.
Long Billed CurlewNumenius americanusMosida, Utah County, Utah5/10/202412/4SureHeavy8 inches3 1/2 inchessalt grassnest in open salt flat about 3 meters south-east of old Mosida Hotel site. At least 12 pair of nesting birds in localityJ.H.
Long Billed CurlewNumenius americanusWest of Lehi, Utah4/20/19404bird on nestF12 inches overall3 dryImpression in earth at the side of a very small ball of brush in salt grass meadow, a few bits of dry grass was the only nesting material used.
Long-Billed CurlewNumenius americanuswest of Lehi, Utah County, Utah4/20/19404Bird on nestFresh9 inches across2 1/2 inchesdepression in earth lined with dry grass, a few feathers from bird breastnear beams of house, bird unafraid
Long-Billed CurlewNumenius americanusWest of Salt Lake City, Utah4/23/19335/4, 6/4, and 7/4SureFreshUsual2 inchesSalt grass, very poorly constructedWest of air port, on gun club ground, Salt Lake City, UtahR.H.Bee and I were on this trip
Long-Billed CurlewNumenius americanusLehi, Utah County, Utah5/1/20243/4SureFresh7 1/2 inches4 inchesWell cupped hole in ground lined with salt grass.north shore of Utah Lake, LDr. Worlton's pasture, bird at nestJ.H.
Long Billed CurlewNumenius americanusLehi, Utah County, Utah5/9/20244/4Surefresh8 inches3 1/2 inchesdepression in soil, lined with salt grass, well made for a curlewnest about 1/2 mile from pumps at head of Jordan River, located on top of little knoll 30 feet from river, short eared owl nest with 5 young 40th north and western Willet 65th eastJ.H.
Long-Billed CurlewNumenius americanusShore of Lake on ground, short salt grass5/1/20242/4bird on nestfresh6 inches1 1/2 inchesdepression in dirt, lined with dry grassSouth end of Utah Lake (near mosida Utah, Utah County)John Hutchings
Long billed CurlewNumenius americanusSalt grass pasture, Lehi, Utah5/27/19311/4SureHeavyUsualgrass and horse dungnorth shore of Utah Lake, in pasture South of Lehi, Utah County, Utah, near LulirsJohn Hutchings
KilldeerKilldeer eggsCharadrius vociferus / Oxyechus vociferusIsland, Jordan River west of Lehi, Utah, grandpas5/19/19312/4SureFresh4 inches1 1/2 well cuppednest in hole made by bird in salt grass pasture neatly lined with grass, several nests in close proximity.
KilldeerCharadrius vociferus / Oxyechus vociferusSummit County6/4/20244bird leaving nestgood 1/2usualdepression with bits of grassBoulder side hill 25 feet higher and 75 feet distant from lakeLeet
KilldeerCharadrius vociferus / Oxyechus vociferusLake shore west side of Utah Lake near Pelican Point.7/2/202412/4bird on nestfresh4 inches1 inchunlinedhole in fine sand near water many nests with young Avocets nearbyJohn Hutchings
KilldeerCharadrius vociferus / Oxyechus vociferusgrain field near Utah Lake, Lehi, Utah6/16/193611/4bird flushedfresh4 inches1 inchunlinedon ground in center of grain field
KilldeerCharadrius vociferus / Oxyechus vociferusClark place, Lehi, Utah5/10/202410/4Surefresh4 inches1 inchhole sparingly lined with a few bits of dry weedson ground in onion row
KilldeerCharadrius vociferus / Oxyechus vociferusGrandpa's cornfield, Lehi, Utah5/4/20249/4Bird on nestHeavy4 inches1 inchsmall clodson ground between rows nest would have been destroyed by cultivationT.C.
KilldeerCharadrius vociferus / Oxyechus vociferusWest of Lehi, Utah, salt grass pasture4/23/19348/4bird on nestfresh4 inches1 1/2 inchescow dungnest most unusual, in top of dry cow dung, bird had used natural depression in top of dung.
KilldeerCharadrius vociferus / Oxyechus vociferusUtah Lake, Lehi, Utah, old Murdock resort4/20/19347/4surefreshpebbleson ground near foot of large willow tree
KilldeerCharadrius vociferus / Oxyechus vociferusEvans Pasture, Lehi, Utah5/29/19336/4bird on nestfresh4 inches1 inchdry grass in holeon ground between wheel tracks on old wagon road through salt grass pasture
KilldeerCharadrius vociferus / Oxyechus vociferusLehi, Utah, R.G.W. RR grade 3 feet from switch stand5/19/19335/4sure, bird at nestslight4 inches1 inchpebbleson ground not more than 6 feet from end of tie dozens of trains pass dailyJohn Hutchings
KilldeerCharadrius vociferus / Oxyechus vociferusBeet Field, Lehi, Utah, (Grandpa's)6/28/19314/4bird on nestfresh4 1/2 inches1 inchno nesting material usedon ground in row, no attempt made at lining perhaps frequent disturbing by cultivating had caused bird to neglect beautifying home surrowndings.
KilldeerCharadrius vociferus / Oxyechus vociferusshore of Utah Lake, Lehi, Utah5/25/19313/4sureslight4 inches1 1/2 incheshole in sandon ground, sand bar former lake shore, nest lined with small pebbles and shells.John Hutchings
KilldeerCharadrius vociferus / Oxyechus vociferusLehi, Utah, west of town5/8/20241/4bird flushedslight4 inches1 inchsmall hole in sand on creek bank lined with small pebbles no other nest materials.John Hutchings
Snowy PloverCharadrius nivosus / AEgialitis nivosaOld Provo and beach, Utah Lake, Provo, Utah4/30/19366/3Bird leaving nestfresh4 inches1 inchsandnest in sand among shells nest well cupped completely patched around rim with shell.
Snowy PloverCharadrius nivosus / AEgialitis nivosaSalt Lake County6/8/20241/3bird leaving nestfresh4 inches1 inchdepression in earth scooped by bird, lined with bits of shellnest 12 inches from wheel track of road between two sloughsR.G.Bee
Snowy PloverCharadrius nivosus / AEgialitis nivosaSalt Lake City, Black Slough area, North-west of Salt lake City5/13/19352/3bird leavingheavy4 inches3/4 inchslight depression with lime chips at rimnest on shoulder of road which runs through dry sloughR.G.Bee
Snowy PloverCharadrius nivosus / AEgialitis nivosaSandy beach east side of Utah Lake near compromise monument4/30/19365/3Bird Leaving nestfresh4 inches1 inchslight depression in sand, well rimmed with shells1/2 mile from waterJohn Hutchings
Snowy PloverCharadrius nivosus / AEgialitis nivosaWest side of Utah Lake, near Pelican Point, Utah County, Utah4/25/19364/3bird leaving nestfresh4 inches1 inchdepression in sand rimmed with shellson sandy bar outside of tamerac, 50 feet from waterJohn Hutchings
Snowy PloverCharadrius nivosus / AEgialitis nivosaBlack Slough area north west of Salt Lake City5/13/19353/3bird leaving4 inches1 inchdepression with time bits at rimon shoulder of road
Dusky GrouseDusky Grouse eggsDendragapus obscurusAlpine, Utah in canyon east of power plant6/1/20247sure, bird on nesteggs piped on chick outabout 9 inchesdepression under small bush, beside power pipe line, didn't bother for fear bird would leave nestJohn Hutchings
Dusky GrouseDendragapus obscurusWest Canyon, Utah County, Utah5/30/19361/7bird on nestslight7 inches1 1/2 inchesdepression scratched in ground, well concealed under sagebrush and rotten lognear crest of hill, bird flushed from nest by sheep, never returned, eggs collected 3 days afterward cold and deserted.John Hutchings
Dusky GrouseDendragapus obscurusWest Canyon, West of Lehi, Utah6/11/20247 hatchingbird flushedabout 8 1/2 inchesdepression sparingly lined with dry grass and feathers from bird and leavesunder small sage on South slope of ridge near topJohn Hutchings
Dusky GrouseDendragapus obscurusAlpine, Utah, ridge east of power plant6/4/20246birdshatched8 1/2 inchesslight depression in dirt under sagebrush 6 feet off trail, few bits of dry grass and feathers from the birdabout 9000 feet elevation, eggs hatched and birds left nest an hourJohn Hutchings
Sage GrouseCentrocercus urophasianusWallsburg Wasatch County, Utah6/7/20242/7SureHeavy8 inches1 1/2 inchesdepression scratched under sage brush, sheltered by large rockBird flushed by cows on 27th of May, Raining bird did not return, nest filled with water discoloring eggs on underside. Children visited nest often, bird wasn't seen again, eggs taken on June 7th.John Hutchings
Sage GrouseCentrocercus urophasianusStrawberry valley, north end5/15/19386bird1t10 inches overall2 inch depressiongrass and a few dry willow leavesSouth side of Hay stack knoll, bird unusually tame
Sage GrouseCentrocercus urophasianusStrawberry Valley5/10/20246Bird on nestFabout 8 inches overall2 1/2 incheslittle dry grass and a few feathersside of knoll under sagebrush much like chicken nestJohn Hutchings
Sage GrouseCentrocercus urophasianusWest of Lake Strawberry5/30/19376bird on nestbloody9 1/2 inchesgrass and feathersat the side of large rock on little knoll in full sun
Sage GrouseCentrocercus urophasianusWest canyon (West of Lehi Utah)6/10/20247nest desertedH9 inches1 1/2 inchesdepression near rotten log in small sagebrushnear top of ridge
Sage GrouseCentrocercus urophasianusWest of Lehi5/1/20247bird on nestfresh10 inches2 inchesdry sage, leaves, and a few feathers from bird.nest near top of ridge among tall sagebrush opening to the south overlooking canyonJohn Hutchings
Sage GrouseCentrocercus urophasianus5/5/20248flushed birdblood8 1/2 inches1/2 inchslight depression in rocky ridge no nesting material used except a few feathers from bird nest at the feet of very small sage near horse trail
Sage GrouseCentrocercus urophasianus5/20/19398sureslightly9 inches1/2 inchdepression with bits of grass at foot of sage
Mourning DoveMourning Dove eggsZenaida macroura / Chaemepelia passerina terrestrisOld dairy farm west of Lehi, Utah5/29/19331/3bird on nestfresh5 inches overallslight cupnest on large horizontal limb of black willow tree, 5 feet from ground fist set of 3 dove eggs, I have even found bird very trustful and allowed me to touch her before she left the nest.John Hutchings
Mourning DoveChoemepelia passerina terrestisnear Utah Lake, at mouth of dry creek, Lehi, Utah8/4/202410/2bird on nestone egg piped other heavy5 inches overallslight depression in sand few weed stems around edgebest on sand bar which ran through meadow, unprotected from sun, exposed to full view of passersbyJohn Hutchings
Mourning DoveChoemepelia passerina terrestisBull river north of Lehi, Utah7/20/19369/2bird leaving nestheavy5 inchesslight depression on groundabout 4 feet off the side of alpine road, nest at foot of small sage, bird had not made much attempt at nest making, had scraped a few bits of dry cheatgrass together to form a circle around eggs.John Hutchings
Mourning DoveChoemepelia passerina terrestisBull River, North of Lehi7/12/20248/2bird on nestfresh6 inches overallcoarse weed stalkson top of stump which had grown up with suckers and dried handy enough nest material to hold eggs in placeJohn Hutchings
Mourning DoveChoemepelia passerina terrestisBull River, north of Lehi, Utah6/23/19367-2bird on nestone fresh and the other heavy5 1/2 inches overallold black bird nestbird had utilized an old black bird nest on the side of black willow stump, held in position by dead suckersJohn Hutchings and Mal Urtson
Mourning DoveChoemepelia passerina terrestisBeet dump, Lehi, Utah6/22/19366/2bird on nestheavy5 1/2 inches overallbits of weed stalks and very few bits of grasson cross tie weed as support under beet dumpJohn Hutchings
Mourning DoveChoemepelia passerina terrestisfoothills north of town, Lehi, Utah6/18/19365-2bird on nestone egg fresh, other heavyusualslight depression with very little nest material other than dry sage leaves which had fallen from bush.on ground at foot of small sage bush, several nests in same localityJohn Hutchings
Mourning DoveChoemepelia passerina terrestisbro Jacobs pasture, Lehi, Utah6/16/19364/2bird on nestheavyusuala few bits of milkweed fiberon ground among gravel scraped from creek 4 feet from water, nest partly hidden by milkweed stacksEunice Hutchings
Mourning DoveChoemepelia passerina terrestisLehi, Utah5/24/19363/2bird on nestflush5 inches overallslightly cuppedvery few grass and weed stalksnest on grade of DRG WRR in pebbles and partly hidden by a bunch of lucemJohn Hutchings
Mourning DoveChoemepelia passerina terrestisLehi, Utah 6th north 5th west5/22/19362-2bird on nestflushusualgrasses and twigs (very few) laid upon dead leaves which had accumulated at the face of a bunch of sucker limbson the side of a half dead poplar tree 5 feet from ground bird unafraid.John Hutchings
Black VultureCoragyps atratusBenton bounty, Miss4/30/19342Surefresh18 inchesrotten woodin old hollow oak tree eggs laid on bottom wood right on level with ground
Marsh Hawk / Northern HarrierMarsh Hawk / Northern Herrier eggsCircus hudsoniusLehi, Utah, Robert's pasture Jordan River5/12/20241/4Sure, Bird on nestFresh24 inches outer, 14 inches cup4 inches cup, 10 inches nestbase of tumbleweeds, rushes lined with soft rushed, very well madenest on old rushes, has been in this locality for years, about 100 feet from riverJohn Hutchings
Marsh Hawk / Northern HarrierCircus hudsoniusSouth of Sugar Factory, Lehi, Utah6/19/19363Bird Flushedslight16 inches acrossalmost flaton ground in tall dry grassnear edge of straw that runs from mitt pond
Marsh Hawk / Northern HarrierCircus hudsoniussouth-east of Lehi, Utah6/30/19385bird flushedbone forming24 incheson top of matted rushes flattened by bird sitting on them, two muskrat skeletons on mat near nest.
Marsh Hawk / Northern HarrierCircus hudsoniuswest of Lehi, Utah5/12/20245bird flushedblood14 inches acrossalmost flaton ground in meadow, fine horse manure, used as nesting material, well hid by dry meadow grass.allred's ranch on Jordan River
Marsh Hawk / Northern HarrierCircus hudsoniusSaratoga, Utah6/29/19393Bird flushedH2 feet slight cup14 inchesdry rushes tramped down. platform about 3 feet in diameteron lake shore east of saratoga spring
Marsh Hawk / Northern HarrierCircus hudsoniusSouth of Saratoga Spring, Lake shore5/4/20245bird in airslight20 inches across2 inchesnest on pile of wind piled tumbleweeds a few sticks of sagebrush were used in outlining nest. few soft grass were also used for lining nest, best marsh hawk nest I have found.
Marsh Hawk / Northern HarrierCircus hudsoniusLehi, Utah RObert's pasture Jordan River5/22/19342/6birds at nestheavy24 inchesflatrebuilt rushes and grasssame nest as set 1/4 5-12-2024 was taken fromJohn Hutchings
Marsh Hawk / Northern HarrierCircus hudsoniusfields west of Lehi Utah County, Utah6/20/19345bird flushedbone forming24 inches acrossalmost flathardly enough material, nest ground just the matted dry grass used for nest, old tumbleweeds around to hide it. otherwise open countryshort eared owls nests in same pasture.
Marsh Hawk / Northern HarrierCircus hudsoniusWest of Lehi, Utah6/7/20245bird on nestfresh24 inches acrossflatdry rushes and tumble weeds two sticks of sagebrush.nest laid on matted rushes in swamp 18 inches above water thumman's swamp
Marsh Hawk / Northern HarrierCircus hudsoniusnorth shore, Utah Lake, Lehi, Utah5/25/19355bird flushedslight24 inchesslight cup 8 1/2 inchesweeds and matted rusheson ground at the edge of lake hid by dry rushes and some grass, duck nest 22 feet away in grass
Marsh Hawk / Northern HarrierCircus hudsoniusShore of Utah Lake, South of Lehi, Utah5/3/20244bird flushedF18 inchesalmost flata few pieces of willow and tumble weed laid on solid foundation of matted rushes. rushes (many years growth) were so thick they held me upJohn Hutchings
Marsh Hawk / Northern HarrierCircus hudsoniusWest of Lehi, Utah South of river bridge5/25/19356bird flushedblood24 inches acrossalmost flatmatted rushes, a few small sticks of rabbit brush and feathers from birdnest 2 feet from ground (water) and dry matted rushes
Marsh Hawk / Northern HarrierCircus hudsoniusSouth of Sugar Factory, Lehi, Utah6/19/19363Bird Flushedslight16 inches acrossalmost flaton ground in tall dry grassnear edge of straw that runs from mitt pond
Sharp Shinned HawkSharp Shinned Hawk eggsAccipiter striatus / Accipiter velox2 miles north of lehi, near creek6/20/19384 young birdsyoung in nestfully feathered left nest when disturbedsticks and rootlets had from Red-Tail nest year before, but only a few of the original nest remained30 feet up in Cottonwood tree on horizontal branch thick grove of them all aroundJohn Hutchings
Sharp Shinned HawkAccipiter striatus / Accipiter veloxAlpine canyon, Utah county5/29/19374bird on nestfresh8 inhces1 inchsmall sticks, a little barknest about 10 feet up in corner on horizontal limb 6 feet out from trunk. tree near pipe line of Ut. Power and light where walking past almost everydaycollected by Mr. Peterson at power plant
Sharp Shinned HawkAccipiter striatus / Accipiter veloxin mouth of small canyon running out of provo canyon above vivian park6/24/19402birdvery heavy8 inches across1 cupsmall sicks and a little bark , and dry leaveson horizontal limb of conifer 15 feet up. 6 feet out from trunk. could be seen plainly from below.
Coopers HawkCooper's Hawk eggsAccipiter cooperiiTick Ville, Utah county, Utah6/25/19322/4bird at nestfreshabout 14 inchesalmost flatsticksnest on top of magpie nest very little done by hawk in oak brush near springJohn Hutchings
Coopers HawkAccipiter cooperiiCedar Valley, Utah county, Utah5/18/19311/6killed bird as she left nesteyes forwardtumble weedsnest located in a large pile of tumbleweeds that the wind had blown together, best and eggs exposed to the sun and weather
Coopers HawkAccipiter cooperiiTick Ville Utah county, Utah5/27/19333/4bird on nestfresh14 inchesshallow saucer shapesticks old magpie nest, very poor nestin patch of oak brush 12 feet from ground near spring same nest as set #2/4 6-25-1932 was takenJohn Hutchings
Coopers HawkAccipiter cooperiiCedar Valley, Utah County, Utah5/18/19311/6shot bird at nestfresh24 inches3 inchestumble weedsnest made on great pile of tumbleweeds, blown up by wind, no lining other than weedsG.J.
GoshawkGoshawk eggsAccipiter gentilisAF Canyon north of Allamont camp6/10/20242 young birdsbirdsusualSticks and bark, many feathers around edges of nest, bones of small birds perhaps thushesJohn Hutchings
GoshawkAccipiter gentilisBear Role off above mutual Dell AF canyon Ut. County5/17/19393bird on nestblood streabs24 inches3 inchessticks lined with stupes of bark, bark of quaking aspenin quaking aspen grove nest in large tall tree, near top, overlooking canyon 5 old nests were in same grove birds very vicious, eggs couldn't be told from those of Red Tail
GoshawkAccipiter gentilisGramet flat near creek at canyon Utah county, Utah5/26/19393bird on nestFresh26 inches overall4 inchessticks lined with bark stripenest 34 feet up in quaking aspen tree, without limbs up to nest. birds attacked while climbing tree driven away with flipers, tree in quaking aspen grove on ridge south of flatJohn Hutchings
GoshawkAccipiter gentilisDeer Creek, American Fork Canyon5/17/19404bird on nestfresh26 inches across4 inchessticks, bark stripenest in aspen grove just over ridge from one taken last year, nest in tall smoth tree 28 feet up. birds very vicious, attacking time after time driven away with flippersJohn Hutchings
Western Red Tail HawkRed-Tailed Hawk eggsButeo jamaicensis / Buteo borealisLake Mountain, east side of Cedar Valley, Utah County, Utah4/16/19333/4bird on nestfresh14 inchessticks, sage brush and rat dung.nest in high rugged ledge on west slope of Lake Mountain watched bird come and leave nest very beautiful have visited the nest last year. 32 but set being incomplete did not take them
Western Red Tail HawkButeo jamaicensis / Buteo borealisnorth west end of Lake Mountain4/26/19373Fbird on nestFnest in old ravine west the hawks had done little to restore the old nest neither in adding material or in beautifying the cup was almost flatin notch of cliff 30 feet highJohn Hutchings
Western Red Tail HawkButeo jamaicensis / Buteo borealisLake Mountain Cedar Valley, Utah County, Utah4/17/19322/3surefreshin crevice in cliff, rat manure and a few rabbit bonesnest on ledge in cliff about 50 feet up, two eggs in the nest one on narrow shelf about two feet below nest (bleached)
Western Red Tail HawkButeo jamaicensis / Buteo borealisnorth of Lehi, Utah County, Utah5/9/20243birdH26 inches3 inchessticks lined with fine twigs and bark stupsin tall cottonwood tree in creek bottom north of Lehi Utah, 25 feet from ground
Western Red Tail HawkButeo jamaicensis / Buteo borealisSouth end of Cedar Valley Utah County, Utah4/30/19335/2sureheavy24 inches5 inchessticks of cedar and sagein cedar tree 9 feet from ground, old nest I thing the nest was not build by Red Tail
Western Red Tail HawkButeo jamaicensis / Buteo borealisTick Ville, Utah County, Utah4/26/19311/3bird on nestfresh14 inchessticks no liningnest on top of old magpie nest, in oak brush 15 feet from ground bird very noisy, darting very closeJohn Hutchings
Western Red Tail HawkButeo jamaicensis / Buteo borealisnorth west end of Cedar valley (Cedar Grove)4/21/19334/2bird on nestheavyold rough leg nestold nest flattened outsticks and bark and a dozen cacti pads and rabbit bonesI took set of rough leg from nest last year, Red-Tail had done little or no work on nest, in dead cedar tree east side of road Cedar GroveH.C.H.
Western Red Tail HawkButeo jamaicensis / Buteo borealisGoshen Pass, Utah County, Utah4/2/20246/3sureslight24 inches4 inchessticks and bark stipscedar tree 12 feet from ground very good nest for Red-Tail
Swainson's HawkButeo swainsoni / Buteo swainsoni bonapartSouth end of Utah valley, near Allerla Utah County, Utah5/16/19321/5sure42 inches5 incheslarge sticks twigs bits of cedar barkthe nest was in the top of a cedar tree about 8 feet from the ground had been rebuilt for several years until it would hold a thousand pounds and covered the entire top of the tree
Swainson's HawkButeo swainsoni / Buteo swainsoni bonapartwest slope of Lake Mountain, Cedar valley, Utah County, Utah5/9/20243-4bird leaving nestlight blood2 1/2 feet across4 1/2 inchessticks some rather large cedar twigs bark and larger than common, appeared to have been rebuilt several timestop of large white cedar about 15 feet up, south slope of small canyon.
Swainson's HawkButeo swainsoni / Buteo swainsoni bonapartRabbit Valley 7 mile pass, Utah County, Utah5/25/19333bird on nestF3 1/2 feet overall2 1/2 inchessticks, sage, lined with cedar barknest in Cedar tree 10 feet from ground, bird unafraid, flew to a tree about 100 feet away and watched, male bird circled in air
Swainson's HawkButeo swainsoni / Buteo swainsoni bonapartin the pass between Utah valley and Cedar valley west of Saratoga5/3/20244bird on nestbone forming3 1/2 feet2 3/4 inchessticks, lined with tumble weed and strips of bark several bits of worn out rope and pieces of egg cartons picked up from bear by sheep camp site.In Cedar tree on edge of wash.
Ferruginous Rough Leg/ Ferruginous HawkFerruginous Rough Leg / Ferruginous Hawk eggsButeo lagopus / Archibuteo ferrugineusSouth west end of Lake Mountain, Cedar Valley, Utah County, Utah4/7/20241-4birdsfresh3 feet across4 inchessticks, cedar bark, and twigs a few bonesnest in top of a low bushy cedar, plainly seen for a mile distance, bird after leaving nest circled around many times crying male came from valley and both circled several times
Ferruginous Rough Leg/ Ferruginous HawkButeo lagopus / Archibuteo ferrugineusnorth end of rush valley Toole County, Utah4/21/19333/4 beautifully markedbirds leaving nestslightlyusuallysticks, brush, weeds and barknest in top of cedar tree at outer edge of grove, several nests in locality, three inhabited (eggs very unusual)
Ferruginous Rough Leg/ Ferruginous HawkButeo lagopus / Archibuteo ferrugineusCedar Valley, Utah County, Utah4/9/20242/4bird on nestheavyabout 4 feet2 feetsticks and tumble weeds lined with barknest in small cedar on south slope of hill at mouth of small canyon on Lake Mountain
Ferruginous Rough Leg/ Ferruginous HawkButeo lagopus / Archibuteo ferrugineusCedar Valley west slope of Lake Mountain4/15/19333/5birds at nestheavy3 feet 9 inches5 inchessticks lined with bark and part of comic sheet from Salt Lake TribuneIn dead cedar at foot of mountain about 3 miles south of Cedar grove
Ferruginous Rough Leg/ Ferruginous HawkButeo lagopus / Archibuteo ferrugineus7 mile pass Utah County, Utah4/7/20241/4surefresh4 feet20 inchessticks - strips of cedar barknest in cedar tree, covering entire top. Both birds at nest very excited. one of the birds dark brown no white visible, other true marking of Ferruginous. 9 feet from ground
Ferruginous Rough Leg/ Ferruginous HawkButeo lagopus / Archibuteo ferrugineussouth end of Cedar Valley, goshen pass4/17/19322/5bird at nestslight5 feet outside 12 1/2 inches inside5 incheslarge sticks of Cedar and sage closely woven and rather firm, lined with bark and a few feathers from the bird.bird very excited and circled close to me, giving wonderful opportunity to studyJohn Hutchings
Ferruginous Rough Leg/ Ferruginous HawkButeo lagopus / Archibuteo ferrugineusCedar Valley, Utah county, Utah4/20/19341/3sure4 feet5 inchessticks, bark, and tumble weedsin cedar tree, 8 feet from ground
Ferruginous Rough Leg/ Ferruginous HawkButeo lagopus / Archibuteo ferrugineusChimney rock pass, Utah County, Utah3/3/20245/5bird on nestblood streaks4 feet 6 inches5 inchesentirely sage brush, lined with strips of cedar bark. Nest very neatly made. Round as if bade by man. Bird sat in nearby tree and watched.nest covered entire top of small compact cedar tree, top of nest only 6 feet from ground, could see the eggs
Ferruginous Rough Leg/ Ferruginous HawkButeo lagopus / Archibuteo ferrugineusCedar Valley, Utah County, Utah4/8/20246/5bird on nestslight5 feet18 inchescedar sticks, sage brush, and tumbleweeds. Lined with strips of bark and old papernest in top of small cedar tree, isolated, near margin of foot hill 8 feet from ground, nest had been rebuilt many times. Tree almost full of sticks and nest material. great pile under tree.
Ferruginous Rough Leg/ Ferruginous HawkButeo lagopus / Archibuteo ferrugineuswest side of Lake Mountain, Cedar Valley, Utah County, Utah4/30/19363birdHeavy2 feet 6 inches4 inchessticks some of which were incredibly large. a great pile of sticks under tree (cedar) looked as though the birds had the misfortune of losing their first nest and had reconstructed it. the three eggs were heavy, almost ready to hatch
Ferruginous Rough Leg/ Ferruginous HawkButeo lagopus / Archibuteo ferrugineussouth end of Cedar valley, Utah County, Utah4/26/19362/3surefresh4 1/2 feet6 inchesthe usual sticks, cedar sticks and sage brush12 feet from ground
Ferruginous Rough Leg/ Ferruginous HawkButeo lagopus / Archibuteo ferrugineusin lone tree (cedar) west of Goshen pass, cedar valley4/8/20243bird on nestHeavy3 feet 6 inches12 inchessage brush and greasewood, very bulky lined with fine brush and a little bark pulled from tree which held the nestJohn Hutchings
Ferruginous Rough Leg/ Ferruginous HawkButeo lagopus / Archibuteo ferrugineuson flat south of cedar fort, Utah County, Utah4/12/20243bird on nestHeavyoutside 42 inches x 16 inches12 x 5 inch cupsticks, sage brush, and wire from bailed hay. cup - sticks of cedar bark, bits of news paper. three lobes of cacti were among the sticks also a quantity of horse dung. Other items had been carried there by pack rats which were inhabiting bottom part of nest.John Hutchings
Ferruginous Rough Leg/ Ferruginous HawkButeo lagopus / Archibuteo ferrugineusCedar Valley, Utah County, Utah1/15/19351/2bird on nestfresh3 feet2 feetsticks and tumble weeds, very well lined with barkin small cedar 7 feet from ground, tree south of Cedar Fort, Utah, interesting dare, season very warm since xmas
Ferruginous Rough Leg/ Ferruginous HawkButeo lagopus / Archibuteo ferrugineuswest side of chimney rock pass, Utah and Cedar valley4/9/20244birds at nestF4 feet x 18 inchescup 11 inches x 4 inchessticks and hay (carried from nearby sheep camp) cup lined cedar bark and part of old sheep hide, and a number of small dry bones. Three were old nests in nearly every cedar in this locality, 12 in allJohn Hutchings
Golden EagleGolden Eagle eggsAquila chrysaetosLosser gulch north east side of Lake Mountain, Utah County, Utah4/7/20244-2surebone forming5 feet across 7 feet deepcup 13 1/2 inches x 4 inchessticks of pine, cedar, and quaking aspen, lined with barks and fine fir bowsin tall thin fir tree 40 feet up tree, swaying badly when climbed, nest rebuilt over old oneJohn Hutchings
Golden EagleAquila chrysaetosSouth side of five mile pass, cedar valley, Utah County, Utah4/14/19405-1sureheavy4 feet 6 inches x 3 feetcup 13 1/2 inches x 5 inchessticks, sage brush, cedar bark and woodabout halfway up high 100 foot ledge, very hard to grab on hoop as ledge overhung ravine and great horned owl in same ledge within 100 feet.
Golden EagleAquila chrysaetosSouth side of 5 mile pass Cedar Valley Utah County4/16/19411sureHeavy4 feet 6 inches x 3 inchescup 13 1/2 inches x 5 inchessame nest as set 5 was taken from last yearJohn Hutchings
Golden EagleAquila chrysaetosSouth side Goshen pass between Utah and Cedar Valley4/9/20243/2surebone forming6 feet across 26 inches deep15 inches deep cup x 6 inches deepsticks, mostly of sage brush a quantity of bailing wire and two Salt Lake Tribune news papers, the latter articles carried from the site of an old sheep camp half mile awaynear tucked away notch in ledgeJohn Hutchings
Golden EagleAquila chrysaetosLocated by Jas Bee4/4/2024sure8 feet by 8 feet5 feetbuilt of sticks cup composed of Cedar Bark and twigs of fir inside measuring 14 inches across 5 inches deep, rim was 8 inches wide, built up from the stick platforms, snow covered nest up to the rim platform, on landing, had been used many years. snow from 3 to 5 feet deepafter an extensive hunt by Mr. R.G. Bee, James, Eunice, and myself, three old sites visited before finally found. nest in large fir tree about 200 yards below the last years nest (almost at the bottom of gulch) nest was mammoth affair.John Hutchings
Golden EagleAquila chrysaetosLossee gulch, north east side of Lake Mountain, Utah County, Utah4/4/20242/2bird at nestone half, bone forming8 feet across 5 feet deepcup 14 inches across by 5 inches deepsticks (base) lined cedar bark and sage of fir. Snow covered nest up to the 8 inches winin large fir tree 30 feet from ground, on north slope of Mountain near bottom of ravineR.G. Bee, James, Eunice, and John Hutchings
Golden EagleAquila chrysaetosend of box elder Canyon, east of alpine Utah County4/23/19331/2birdsblood streaks8 feet across 4 feet deep16 inch cup and 5 inches deeplarge sticks, cup fine soft barks, many sprays of fresh evergreen 'fir' around outside of nest, a few feathers from the bird in nestnest in large fir tree 30 feet upJohn Hutchings
Golden EagleAquila chrysaetos4/14/19401Bird on nestAbout halfnest 3 ft by 2 1/2 ftdeep cup 4 inbuilt of sticks, lined with cedar bark. Usual, pine bows around nest.In cliff, directly under raven nest.
Prairie FalconFalco mexicanusCedar Valley - north west of Lake Mountain4/10/20242/5bird at nestslightcrevice in cliffeggs lain on groundrat dung, two or three pieces of sagebrush in crevice but not part of nestin open crevice in cliff 30 feet high, first cliff on north end and west side of Lake Mountain
Prairie FalconFalco mexicanusLong Canyon, Lake Mountain, Cedar Valley, Utah County6/15/19347/5bird at nestslightcrevice causing protected shelf in clifflarge enough for man to sit inno nesting material used except for sand which had sifted in front of nest or eggs in back of shelf close to wall. Red-Tail's nest not more than 50 feet away in same cliffJohn Hutchings
Prairie FalconFalco mexicanusMountain, north of Topliff hill, Utah4/17/19326birdF7 inches x 7 inches1 inchdepression scratched in rat dung, a few rabbit bones on rim of nest, likely carved in by rats before falcon came.ledge flat over extending out from bottom crevice in ledge eggs could be seen from above, 120 feetHarold H.
Prairie FalconFalco mexicanusChimney Rock pass, Utah County, Utah4/17/19323/5surefresh10 inches1 inchvery little, fine dirt in bottom of pot holein pothole near top of Chimney rock, north side
Prairie FalconFalco mexicanusWest side of Lake Mountain, Cedar Valley, Utah County, Utah4/9/20244/5(Sure) Bird on nestfreshvery little done by falcons, as the nest had been taken from a pan of ravens who were still contesting the site, although they were building another nest about 200 yards along the same cliff.In cliff about 30 feet from bottom and 10 from the topJohn Hutchings and R.G. Bee
Prairie FalconFalco mexicanusCedar Valley, Utah County, Utah, Lake Mountain West side4/7/20248/5surefreshcrevice in cliffslight cup 1 inchrat dungIn cliff 20 ft from top nest well to the back of the hole
Prairie FalconFalco mexicanusLake Mountain, Cedar Valley, Utah County, West side of mountain4/20/19359/5Both birds at nestslightNatural hole in rockcup 1 1/2 inch rat dungrat dungnest in cliff at mouth of small canyon, about 1/2 way down Lake Mountain
Prairie FalconFalco mexicanusGoshen Pass, Utah County, Utah4/12/202410/5Sure both birdsfresh14 inches pot holeeggs on groundsandnest in bubble like hole in ledge of pummie stone, 20 feet high, north side of pass 1/2 mile from road.John Hutchings
Prairie FalconFalco mexicanusEast side of Lake Mountain. End of short canyon running west of cotton woods.4/21/19366birdone egg light color with no yolk, very little smaller than nest8 inches x 8 inches3 inchessticks and wool - apparently falcon had taken nest from ravens which were still in locality and building nest about 100 feet north in same ledge, birds were very quarrelsome and fought in the air the ravens were masters when two to one flushed, the ravens were soon driven away.
Prairie FalconFalco mexicanusNorth end of Lake Mountain, Cedar Valley, Utah County, Utah5/2/202411/4sureheavysame nest as set 2/5 4-10-2024
Prairie FalconFalco mexicanusWest side of Lake Mountain, East of Fairfield, Utah4/14/19396 FBirdF8 inches x 8 inches1 inchRat dung eggs lay on rockIn ledge at mouth of small canyon, South front, in full sunlight most of day.
Prairie FalconFalco mexicanusnorth end of Mountain, south side of 5 mile pass, Cedar Valley, Utah County4/16/1941bird on nest and in airslightno nest material1/2 inchnest was slight depression in fine rat dung in notch of cliff.North face of cliff but, well protected by over hanging rock.
Prairie FalconFalco mexicanusChimney Rock Pass, north side of pass. Utah County, Utah6/15/19334/6 first set of 6sure bird at nestfreshcrevice in high cliffno cupold flattened crow nest, falcon had done little or no work on nest, second set of eggs taken from this nest this year, set of 5 taken 4-4-2024in cliff north side of pass about 1 mile off road, cliff about 75 feetJohn Hutchings, HC. Eunice Hutchings and GB.
Prairie FalconFalco mexicanusCedar Valley, Utah County, Utah west side of Lake Mountain5/21/19345/5sureslightcrevice in cliff1 inchSaucer scraped in rat dun, a few pellets and gnawed sheep bones.nest in entrance to small cave about halfway up 60 foot cliff. Centuries of accumulated rat dungJohn Hutchings
Prairie FalconFalco mexicanusChimney Rock pass, Utah County, north side of pass4/2/20246/5sure, bird stayed on nest until I almost reached the nestone halfno cupOld crows nestsame nest as set 4, 6-15-1933 was taken from, nest the same as last year except accumulation of rabbit bones. Rats had winter home under nest
Peregrine Falcon / Duck HawkPeregrine Falcon / Duck Hawk eggsFalco peregrinus anatumPelican Point - Lake Mountain, Utah County, Utah5/20/19351/4 on brokenbirds at nestfresh7 inchesfew sticks, egg on groundin low ledge above old lime rock quarry, birds said to have been there for years - Mr. Cedarstrombird taken later and is now in my collectionCedarstrom boy
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkAmerican Kestrel / Sparrow Hawk eggsFalco sparveriusDry Creek, north of town, Lehi, Utah5/29/193410/5surefresh4 1/2 inches14 incheswoodpecker holedead poplar tree, ready to fall over, 25 feet upJohn Hutchings and H.C.H.
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, Utah west of town6/5/20248/4surefresh5 inches8 incheschipssame nest as set 7/5 5-16-1933 this is 4 sets of eggs taken from this nest this year, woodpecker 7 blue bird 5 SH 5 and SH 4
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, Utah 3rd ward5/9/202412/4surefresh4 inches10 incheswoodpecker nestin black willow stump 5 feet from ground, G. Barnes PastureJohn Hutchings and G.J.
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, Utah home7/20/193613/3surefresh4 1/2 inches14 incheswoodpecker holehalf dead cottonwood 20 feet from ground, 3rd time birds have been robbed by boys this yearJohn Hutchings
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, Utah, Dry Creek7/20/193614/4surefresh4 1/2 inches12 incheschips in wood pecker holedead poplar tree 25 feet up
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, Utah County, Utah5/26/193311/5sure bird on nestheavyold magpie neststicksnest in old magpie nest in haw tree about 8 feet from ground, eggs almost white
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, Utah6/3/202412/5freshwood pecker nestin old cottonwood tree 10 feet from ground
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, Utah County, Utah5/29/19321/4surefresh16 inchesat Evan's farm west of Lehi, nest in woodpecker hole in black willow tree about 20 feet from ground
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, Utah Old Rodeo Grounds west of town5/29/19325/5sureheavy4 1/2 inches16 incheschipsin old woodpecker nest in black willow tree 20 feet up
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, Utah, Dry Creek, north of town5/24/19313/5sureheavy4 1/2 inches12 incheschipsin deserted woodpecker hole 15 feet up cottonwood tree
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, Utah, North of town, Dry Creek5/24/19312/5bird at nestheavy4 1/2 inch opening12 inchesfine rotten chips, several feathersold cottonwood tree 14 feet upJohn Hutchings
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, Utah County, Utah5/17/19311/5bird on nestfreshdeserted wood pecker nest14 inchesfine chips in bottomfirst sparrowhawk of the season, two miles north of Lehi, up Dry Creek, nest in cottonwood tree almost ready to fall down, pulled bird out of nest
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, Utah 1 mile north of town 'creek'5/17/19311/5bird in nestfresh5 inches14 inchesfine chips in bottomold woodpecker hole in cottonwood tree 20 feet up, tree very tottery, bird taken from nestJohn Hutchings
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, Utah County, Utah6/4/20245/4caught bird in nestfresh10 inchesnest in black willow tree west of Lehi, 5 feet from ground, third set of eggs taken from same hole this year, one blue bird set 5 one Sparrow Hawk set of 5 and this one
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, Utah County, Utah6/4/20246/5bird leaving nestfreshold magpie neststicksnest in tall willow tree 30 feet up, eggs laid on top of old magpie nest, extra large eggs
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, Utah County, Utah5/15/19338/4surefreshold wood pecker nestup dry creek north of Lehi, in old cottonwood tree
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, Utah County, Utah6/12/20247/5surefreshhole in bark24 inchesnest in hole in Jordan river bank at Horseshoe bend - birds nest in same hole year after year
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, Utah5/16/193310/5surenest in black willow tree, in natural crevice caused by tree splitting alterson farm west of town
American Kestrel / Sparrow HawkFalco sparveriusLehi, UT Co., Utah5/16/19339/5sureWood Pecker nestNest in black willow 12 ft up. Woodpeckers and hawks contrasting the heading sight infield west of town.
Long Ear OwlLong Eared Owl eggsAsio otusCedar Valley, UT. (Cedar Grove)4/10/20242/5Sure. Bird at nest.Fresh2 ft acrossslight cupSticks and bark. old hawk nest.Nest in top of Cedar in center of grove , 10 ft from ground. Owl has done little or no work on nest. Rats had used under part of nest for their home.Eunice
Great Horned Owl / Western Pallid Horned OwlGreat Horned Owl eggsBubo virginanus pallescensLehi, UT. 7 mile pass3/24/19334/2SureFresh12 in across flattened nestLast year raven nest sticks and wool.Nest in natural crevice in low ledge, South side of road near old Dovton well, 7 mile pass.J.H.
Great Horned Owl / Western Pallid Horned OwlBubo virginanus pallescensNorthwest end of Lake Mt. Cedar valley, Utah.3/19/19331/2Bird on nestAbout one week alongIn ledge about 100 ft high, I took a set of raven eggs from same nest, 4/17/1932. Very hard to get to being indented on the face of cliff, George Born assisted me by letting me over cliff on roap (old fashioned word for rope).
Great Horned Owl / Western Pallid Horned OwlBubo virginanus pallescensLehi, UT. Fire clay bed. 7 miles, west of town.4/7/20241/3Bird on nestHeavyHole in wall of cut.2 inch cupcup scraped out in clay. No nest material.Nest was made in hole left after blast, has been used 5 years in succession. Birds took little or no notice of men at work, 30 ft below their nest.J.H.
Great Horned Owl / Western Pallid Horned OwlBubo virginanus pallescensChimney Rock Pass, Utah.4/9/20245/3SureHeavyNatural crevice in rockRat dung and pelletsNest in same site falcons used year before (Chimney Rock), 30 ft up on north side. Ravens contest site.J.H.
Great Horned Owl / Western Pallid Horned OwlBubo virginanus pallescensLehi, UT.3/19/19332/2Sure, both birds.SlightHole in bankSlight depressionNo nest material. Pellets in nest.Nest located in natural crevice in bank of R.G.W. RailRoad cut at Jordan Narrows, 15 ft up from tracks. Judging from number of pellets in and around nest, site had been used as roost all winter.J.H.
Great Horned Owl / Western Pallid Horned OwlBubo virginanus pallescensCedar Valley, UT.3/22/19333/3Sure. Bird flushed.HeavyShallow hole in cliffSlight depressionRat dung and a few pellets.In cliff 30 ft up (north end of Lake Mt.) snow on ground and in crevice to within a few inches of nest.J.H.
Burrowing OwlAthene cunicularia / Speotyto cunicularia hypogaea4/30/19363/6BirdFresh4 ft burrowHorse manureAbandoned badger holeJ.H.
Burrowing OwlAthene cunicularia / Speotyto cunicularia hypogaeaLehi, UT. West of town near river bridge.5/1/20241/9Birds at nestSeveral stages10 inch pot hole at end of burrowLined with horse dungHole 10 ft long 2 ft deep 'old badger hole' in clay bank near river.oh. and J.H.
California or Western CuckooCalifornia Cuckoo eggsCoccyzus americanus occidentalisLehi, UT.6/28/19361/4Bird at nestall stages7 in acrossReconstructed Robin nestIn half dead poplar tree 10 ft from ground.J.H.
Black-chinned HummingbirdArchilochus alexandriNear mouth of Alpine Canyon6/11/20242Bird at nestFresh7-8 by 3-4 unfinishedCottonwood cotton, willowblossom, and cobwebbs.Nest in mapletree ten ft from ground. 20 ft from stream, bird very excitedHarold C. Hutchings
Broad-tailed HummingbirdSelasphorus platycercusAlpine, UT. Near school house spring7/2/20242Bird with nestHeavyone inch3-4 inchesCottonwood floss and a few feathers covered with moss-lichens and bits of fine bark. woven in with cobwebb.Nest on limb of dead quaking aspen near spring.
Broad-tailed HummingbirdSelasphorus platycercusAmerican Fork Canyon6/12/20242Bird on nestLight3-4 inches3-4 inchesPlant down covered with moss lichens and cobweb.Found near mutual dell. in Choke Cherry tree at end of dead limb hanging over stream.H.
Broad-tailed HummingbirdSelasphorus platycercusAmerican Fork Canyon8/1/2024Bird7-8 inches3-4 inchesSoft tree cotton lichens and cobweb. I watched fight with squirrel which finally robbed the nest.On dead willow overhanging stream near south dugway.H.
Rufous HummingbirdSelasphorus rufusLehi, UT6/20/19332Bird on nestFresh7-8 inches3-4 inchesCottonwood floss wound with cobwebApple tree on slender limb 3 ft from ground.H.
Rufous HummingbirdSelasphorus rufusLehi, UT7/30/19342Bird on nestOne hatched while bring home3-4 inches7-8 inchesCottonwood and sycamore floss covered with bits of bark, cobweb, and lichens.H.
Rufous HummingbirdSelasphorus rufusLehi, UT6/21/19322bird near nestLight3-4 inches3-4 inchesCottonwood floss, lichens, bits of wood from pole fence. built over last year.In apple tree near end of limb 5 ft from ground.Hutch
King BirdTyrannus tyrannusWest of Lehi, UT. On road to Mosida.6/28/19321/4bird at nest3 1/2 cup 4 1/2 outsideSrring, grass, and wool.Nest in crossarm hole of telephone pole 25 ft up. nest metal hung out and down pole 6 to 8 inches.G. H.
King BirdTyrannus tyrannusbone farm, north of Lehi, UT.6/25/19365/3bird at nestSlightGrass, Rags and wool.Nest on crossarm of electric power pole, sheltered by insulator.G. H.
King BirdTyrannus tyrannusPelican Point in utah county, Utah.6/26/19332/4Birds at nestSlight4 inches 5 1/2 over all1 1/2 inchesWeed stalks and woolIn half dead cottonwood tree near house.J. H.
King BirdTyrannus tyrannus"Bull River" north of Lehi, UT6/29/19333/3Birds at nestSlightUsualIn half dead poplar tree 25 ft from ground.
King BirdTyrannus tyrannusBone farm at point of Mt. Lehi, UT.6/20/19364/5Bird at nestUsualString, weed stalks and wool.Nest under wheel(grass) of windwill 30 ft up.J.H.
Arkansas KingbirdArkansas Kingbird EggsTyrannus verticalisSaratoga Springs Lehi, Utah.4/16/19342/4Birds at nestSlight3 1/2 cup 5 overall1 1/4rags (part of old flag), string, weed stalks and wool. very well made but bulky.In forks of old dead ash tree 20 ft up. Oriole nest in same tree on living limb.J.H.
Say's phoebeSay's Phoebe eggsSayornis sayaDelmonte Rush Valley, Utah.7/8/20241/5bird on nestfresh3 1/4 cup 6 overall1 1/2a few bits of tumbleweed, mostly wool, well covered with cobwebs.Nest on old railroad lie up ed as beam in cellar under old deserted house.J.H.
Western FlycatcherEmpidonax difficilis difficilisAmerican Fork Canyon, UT. South dugway6/26/19331/4Bird on nestFresh3 in 5 in overall3/4 inWeed stems, fine bark stripes, and moss. held together with spiderweb and cocoons.On a little rock shelf under large rock under high bank of creek. 2 ft from surface of water.J.H.
Trail's FlycatcherEmpidonax trailliLehi, UT.6/29/19333-4SureFresh3 by 3 1/2 outside 2 by 1/2 cupFine grasses, milkweed fibers, and hair. cobweb used on outside. beautifully constructed.In dwarf willows bordering marsh, 6 1/2 ft from ground.J.H.
Trail's FlycatcherEmpidonax trailliLehi, UT.6/30/19336-4SureFresh3 1/2 by 4 outside2 1/2 by 1 3/4 insidegrasses, fibers, and hair.Wild rose thicket.J.H.
Trail's FlycatcherEmpidonax trailliLehi, UT.6/30/19335-3Bird on nestHeavy3 by 3 3/4 outside2 1/4 by 1 3/4Fine grasses, milkweed fiber, lined with hair and fine rootlets.Dwarf willows bordering marsh 8 ft from ground.J.H.
Trail's FlycatcherEmpidonax trailliLehi, UT.6/29/19334/4Sure, Bird on nest.Fresh3 3/4 by 4 outsidecup 2 1/2 by 2 1/4Fine bark, grasses and plant fibers.In dense wild rose thicket.J.H.
Desert Horned LarkDesert Horned Lark eggsOtocoris alpestris alpestrisFoothill north end of lake Mt. Cedar valley.4/25/19352/3Bird leaving nest.Fresh3 1/2 cup. 4 1/2 overall3/4Fine grasses, a few horse hairs.Nest at the side of a boulder, on grassy ridge, several nests in locality.J.H. and H.C.H.
Desert Horned LarkOtocoris alpestris alpestrisFoothill, Lake Mt. Cedar valley, Utah.7/1/20243/4Bird leaving nestSlight3 in 4 1/2 in overall3/4 inFine cheatgrass lined with finer bits of same nest.Nest on ground under small sagebrush, on rocky ridge.J.H.
MagpieMagpie eggsPica pica hudsoniaDry Creek, North of town. Lehi, Utah.3/30/19311/6BirdFresh10 in inside 17 in outside3 ft top to bottomOutside sticks, inside good coat of mud lined with grass, hair, rootlets and hair.In Haw tree (Hawthorn), 12 ft from ground, bulky structure well built, well protected by thorns.J.H.
MagpiePica pica hudsoniaEvans Farm - West of town Lehi, UT.7/3/20243/8sureFresh8 in cup 2 ft outside2 feetStick, cup made of mud. Poorly lined with rootlets, grass, and few stripes of rag.In black willow tree 30 ft from ground. Poorly constructed. Sparrow hawk nest in woodpecker hole about 10 ft under.J.H.
MagpiePica pica hudsoniaNorth of town, Dry Creek. Lehi, Utah.4/10/20244SureBlood9 in cup 3 1/2 ft length of nestSticks, cup of mud, will lined with coarse grass and rootlets, some horse hair.Nest in thorn tree, 10 ft from ground, tree full of sticks - several years accumulation.J.H.
MagpiePica pica hudsoniaNew Survey, West of Lehi, UT.4/20/19335/9SureReoccurrence of blood8 in cup 2 ft outsideSticks, mud cup well lined with grasses and horse hair.Nest in lone thorn tree, 12 ft from ground, second time nest has been noted this year.J.H.
MagpiePica pica hudsoniaWest of town, Lehi UT5/10/20246/8Sure8 in cup 2 ftSticks, cup of mud well lined with grass and rootlets.Nest in top of willow and wild rose clump, well protected.J.H.
Woodhouse's JayWoodhouse's Jay eggsAphelocoma woodhouseiTickville, Utah. (West of Lehi, UT)5/10/20244/7Bird on nestFresh8 in by 4 in outsidecup 3 1/2 by 2 1/2Sticks as foundation and side walls. Cup - cedar bark, grass and wool.In small, very compact, cedar in bottom of gulch. nest placed near main trunk of tree, very hard to see.
Woodhouse's JayAphelocoma woodhouseiTickville, West of Lehi, Ut.5/20/19404Bird on nestBone forming8 in by 4 in usualcup 4 in by 2 1/2 inFoundation of sticks, lined with cedar bark, grass and wool.In very compact cedar tree in bottom of gulch. four other nests in locality with newly hatched birds. each 4 birds.
RavenRaven eggsCorvus corax sinuatusMountain south of 5 mile pass, Cedar Valley, Utah.4/6/20245BirdsHeavy3 ft overallcup 11 in by 4 infew sticks, wool and cedar bark. Snow all around and behind nest. Several inches deep, but interior of nest dry and warm.directly under eagles nest 20 ft ( in ledge).
RavenCorvus corax sinuatusNorth end of Rush Valley, Utah.4/7/20244/6Sure, Birds.FreshusualSticks, small cedar sprays and wool.Nest found in ledge about 20 ft high in the north end of rush valley, south of 5 mile pass.J.H.
RavenCorvus corax sinuatus5 mile pass between Cedar and Rush valley, Utah.3/30/19333/8Bird on nestFreshBuilt up 14 in. 8 in cup5 inSticks, cedar bark and wool.Nest located on timber under railroad bridge about 30 ft high. Very hard to get at because of the steel cover on bridge.
RavenCorvus corax sinuatusRange, South of 5 mile pass. Utah County4/28/19397Birds very active in air.Heavy3 ft by 3 ft very bulky12 in by 4 inPine sticks, cedar bark and wool.In ledge. Notch and nest well concealed from below, but only 10 ft from foot of cliff.
RavenCorvus corax sinuatus5 mile pass, Cedar valley4/28/19396Birds out on nest, other sitting on railroad track along nest.Fresh2 ft overall 14 inches deepcup 4 1/2 in by 10 inSmall sage brush and wool.Nest laid on cross tie under railroad track spanning 5 mile wash. 30 ft above stream bed. nest had been destroyed 15 days before by railroad track men. 3 eggs were destroyed at that time. eggs of this set record small.
RavenCorvus corax sinuatus1 1/2 miles South of 5 mile pass on range between Cedar and Rush valley4/14/19396Bird on nest. Mate in air.Fresh20 in across 12 in deepcup 5 by 12Sticks of pinion pine, cedar bark and wool. Exceptionally well made.Notch in rock. Almost to full of nest to permit birds. Every north and exposure about in center of 60 ft cleft. Eagle nest 45 ft south of great horned owl, 2 eggs 20 ft below.
RavenCorvus corax sinuatusLake Mt. Eastside5/7/20246Birds at nestHeavy30 in overall 2 ft deepcup 4 in by 12 inLarge sticks, brush, cedar bark, cup of wool.Nest in old eagle nest in ledge, 50 ft from top of ledge, 20 ft from base. Very difficult to get at. P. Falcon in same ledge 100 ft South.
RavenCorvus corax sinuatusCedar Valley, Ut.4/16/19416Birds at nestFresh20 in by 2 ft 8 in deepcup 4 1/4 in by 11 inSticks, mostly sage brush, lined wall wool, rabbit bones.In old house. nest built on rafters.
RavenCorvus corax sinuatusWest of Della utah4/16/19386birdsFresh4 ft overall 12 in cup18 in with 5 in deep cupSage brush, shadscale and cottonwood twigs lined with bark and wool.In tall cottonwood tree 32 ft from ground. Only tree in a radius of 3 miles.J.H.
RavenCorvus corax sinuatusCedar valley, UT.4/15/19375BirdsLight10 in cup across 23 in overall5 in deep cupMostly wool, a few sage sticks on outer edge. To hold nest in notch in the rock.About 10 ft up in ledge south side of five mile pass.
RavenCorvus corax sinuatusWest side Utah valley3/21/19384Birds at nestFreshcup 12 in 18 overall5 1/2 in cupSticks and wool - very compact. Great horned owl nesting around point of rock not 20 ft away. 3 eggs.In rock crevice in ledge, South side 7 mile pass between Utah and Cedar valley.
RavenCorvus corax4/14/19406cup inside 11 in by 5 in outside 4 ft.Composed of sage and cedar sticks, lined with cedar bark and deer hair.In cliff about 35 ft up, nest built in crevice of rock. Took falcon eggs from same place last year. Canopy of sticks about nest, heap of sticks below.
Pinyon JayPinyon Jay eggsGymnorhinus cyanocephalusTickville, west of lehi, UT.5/20/19395Bird on nestBone forming8 1/2 in by 4 incup 4 in by 3 inSticks. Outside very bulky but neat. Lined with grass, cedar bark and rootlets.In Pinion pine 8 ft from ground. Saddled on ??? limb bird unafraid. 17 nests in this colony all with young on this date except this one.
Pinyon JayGymnorhinus cyanocephalusClay Canyon, Utah. East of Sunshine.5/10/20244Bird on nestFresh9 in by 3 1/2 incup 3 1/2 in by 2 inSmall sticks, bulky, bird - neat. Lined with cedar bark and wool.In cedar tree 5 ft up, tree near bottom of canyon, 5 nests in groups.
Pinyon JayGymnorhinus cyanocephalusTickville, UT. (west of Lehi, UT.)5/20/19404Bird on nestFresh8 1/2 in by 4 incup 4 in by 2 1/2 inSticks lined with bark stripes and wool.Many nests with young in locality.
Pinyon JayGymnorhinus cyanocephalusTickville, Utah.5/14/19405Bird on nestfresh8 in by 4 incup 4 in by 2 1/2 inSticks outside lined with cedar bark and wool.In Pinion tree - saddled on hog limb 6 ft from ground - tree near bottom of canyon.
Pinyon JayGymnorhinus cyanocephalusCedar flat on west slope of Lake Mt. above claybed.4/9/20248/4Bird flushedFresh8 1/2 in4 in cupTwigs, rootlets, bark, and wool.Cedar tree 5 ft from ground on limb near outer edge of tree.J.H.
Pinyon JayGymnorhinus cyanocephalusCedar flat on west slope of Lake Mt. Cedar valley, UT.4/9/20247/5Bird on nestFresh of blood8 1/2 in - 5 in cup4 inTwigs, rootlets, bark, and wool.In old cedar, 3 old nests. appearance of a succession of nests by same bird.J.H.
Yellow Headed BlackbirdYellow Headed BlackBird eggsXanthocephalus xanthocephalus
Yellow Headed BlackbirdXanthocephalus xanthocephalus
Red Winged BlackbirdAgelaius phoeniceus
Red Winged BlackbirdRed Winged Blackbird eggsAgelaius phoeniceusClark Farm. Lehi, UT.6/23/19336/5SureFreshusualAlmost entirely of grass rootlets that had been uprooted by cultivator.In water grass, around margin of field 10 in from ground.J.H.
Red Winged BlackbirdAgelaius phoeniceusWest of town. Lehi, Ut.6/12/20244/4. 1 cowbirdSureFreshusualGrass stalks and milkweed fiber.Wild rose bush, 4 ft from ground. Cowbird egg in set. eggs covered with egg yolk and stuck to bottom of nest.J.H.
Red Winged BlackbirdAgelaius phoeniceusBullrush marsh, Utah lake. Above Lehi, UT.6/3/20243/5SureFreshusualRushes, lined with fine water grass and horse hair.Attached to dry rushes, 3 ft above water.J.H.
Bullock's OrioleOriole eggsIcterus bullockiiCollege home west of Lehi, Ut.6/13/19311/4Birds at nestSlight5 by 8Milkweed fibers, horse hairs, and twine string. Nest almost white.In top of silver cottonwood tree, 40 ft from ground, birds had nested in same tree for years. Built another nest and raised brood after this was taken.J.H.
Bullock's OrioleIcterus bullockiiBull River, North of Lehi6/26/19362/4Birds at nestFresh4 1/2 in by 7 inAlmost entirely of black horse hair. A few strips of milkweed fiber.The nest was hung out on the end of a slender limb high in the tree (black willow), it was necessary to cut the limb and let it to the ground with a roap (old fashion word for rope). We located 10 oriole nests in same locality.J.H.
Brewers BlackbirdBrewers Blackbird eggsEuphagus cyanocephalusBull River Lehi, UT6/6/20245/6Sureusualgrass and weed stems, over old robin nest.In ground up black willow stump 4 ft from ground.J.H.
Brewers BlackbirdEuphagus cyanocephalusNew Surray. Lehi, UT. "Grandpa"5/20/19311/6SureHeavy4 in cup 6 in outside3 in cupgrass and plant fiberIn grown up black willow stump at edge of beet field, 6 ft from ground.J.H. and Tom.
Brewers BlackbirdEuphagus cyanocephalusWillow patch West of town. Lehi, UT.5/23/19312/5SureSlightusualgrass and plant fiber, well lined horse hair.In wild rose bush, 6 ft from ground.J.H.
Brewers BlackbirdEuphagus cyanocephalusNear Utah Lake, Lehi, UT.6/10/20246/6Bird on nestSlight4 in cup 6 in overall3 inGrassNest in animal track in salt grass pasture. Nest almost level with ground.J.H.
Western Evening GrosbeakWestern Evening Grosbeak eggsCoccothraustes vespertinus / Hesperiphona vesperina montanaSalem, UT.5/27/19363"Sure" both birds at nest.Fresh6 in outside 3 1/4 in inside2 inchesFine twigs and rootlets. Asparagus fern outside. Loosely but very well constructed. Lace like inside.In oak 12 ft from ground.Gibone and Arra Wind.
GoldfinchGold Finch eggsSpinus tristisFound at Saratoga.7/4/20244Bird near nestNest constructed of grass and bark stripes compactly put together. Lined with horse hair. Plant down was also used in the construction. The nest was completely hid from view until the leaves were parted and then there it was in full view, containing 4 pale, blueish white eggs, unmarked.In the undergrowth of a box elder about 3 ft from the ground. Female near the nest. Very nervous. Would fly from tree to tree, then fly to small plants and grasses near the ground. Which bowed nearly to the earth with its weight. But still it would cling there and sway back and forth, chirping as it did, until it had to shift positions and then it would fly to another tree and then back near the nest.J.H.
GoldfinchSpinus tristisSaratoga7/4/20241/4Bird at nestFresh4 in across2 inGrass, Bark stripes, Plant down.In undergrowth of boxelder.J.H.
Pine SiskinPine Siskin eggsSpinus pinusHome. Lehi, UT.11/21/19221/2Bird on nestFresh4 in overall cup 1 3/4 in by 1 inOuter small dry pine twigs woven together with fine wotlets and a little string. Inside lining fine wotlets, horse hair, and soft plant cotton or milkweed.In evergreen tree in yard, 5 ft from ground, season had been very warm, heavy snow on night of Feb. 22. Almost covered bird and nest over, but bird stayed with nest, fluttering the snow away with her wings. Eggs chilled and never hatched.
Pine SiskinSpinus pinusLehi, UT.4/25/19364/4Bird on nestFresh3 1/2 in outside 1 1/2 in cup3 1/4 inEvergreen twigs from 1 in to 4 in long wotlet's string and horsehair.In evergreen tree in wins park 6 ft from ground.J.H.
Western Savannah SparrowPasserculus sandwichensisTickville, UT. West of Lehi.6/7/20242-4Bird on nestFresh6 in outside3/4 in deep 3 in cupFine dry cheat grass sage brush leaves.Nest concealed at bottom of small green sage brush surrounded by tall cheat grass. Almost impossible to see, as nest was submerged.J.H.
Savannah SparrowSavannah Sparrow eggsPasserculus sandwichensisWest Lehi, Utah.6/30/19331-5Bird on nestFresh3 in acrossLined rootlets, grasses, and dead leaves.Nest on ground well concealed in pea patch. bird felt secure when approached.J.H.
Western Lark SparrowLark Sparrow eggsChondestes grammacus strigatusGrand Pan. Lehi, Utah.7/1/20245/4Bird leaving nestFresh3 in 4 1/2 in overall3/4 indry grass, a little hair.On ground in beet field, well concealed between beet plants.J.H.
Western Lark SparrowChondestes grammacus strigatusGrand Pa Lehi, UT.6/26/19344/4Bird Leaving nestFresh3 1/2 in cup1/2 in deepVery little material used. fine weed and grass.At side of dry burdock stalk at edge of field. On ground.J.H.
Western Chipping SparrowChipping Sparrow eggsSpizella passerinaLehi, UT.7/4/20242/3Bird on nestFresh7 in by 2 in outsidecup 1 1/4 in deep by 3 inOf rootlets, grasses and hair - very loosely constructed.In Plum tree 10 ft from ground.J.H.
Western Chipping SparrowSpizella passerinaLehi, UT.7/1/20241/4BirdHeavy6 in outside 3 in inside1 1/4 inCheat grass stems, rootlets, string and hair. Loosely constructed.In plum tree 12 ft from ground.J.H.
Clay Colored SparrowClay Colored Sparrow eggsSpizella pallidaWest of Lehi.6/13/19342/4???Fresh4 in across2 in deepGrasses, bits of bark, and hair.Tall rabbit bush.J.H.
Brewer's SparrowBrewers Sparrow eggsSpizella BreweriNorth end of Cedar valley. Utah.5/4/20241/4Bird on nestFreshDry grass, rootlets, and plant fibers, and hair.In sage brush 2 ft high.J.H.
Brewer's SparrowSpizella breweriNorth end of Cedar valley, UT.5/4/20242/4Bird at nestFreshusualdry grasses and rootlets lined with hair.In sage brush on flat 2 1/2 ft from ground.J.H.
Brewer's SparrowSpizella breweriNorth end of Cedar valley, UT.5/4/20243/3Bird on nestFreshusualIn rabbit bush, 3 ft from ground.J.H.
Clay Colored SparrowClay-colored Sparrow eggsSpizella pallidaCedar valley6/13/19341/4???Fresh4 in by 2 in deepGrasses, bark, and hair.Grease wood bush
Spurred TowheeSpurred Towhee eggsPipilo maculatus montanusNorth end, Tickville, Utah.5/20/19381/4Bird at nestFreshOutside 8 inches3 inchesSage bark stripes lined with oak leaves, grass and bark.6 ft from bottom of ravine on south slope of hill. on ground under scrub oak and sage bush.
Spurred TowheePipilo maculatus montanusTickville, UT.5/20/19382/3Flushed bird from nestSlightusualSage bark stripes lined nest.At foot scrub oak near top of hill on northside.
Spurred TowheePipilo maculatus montanusTickville, UT.6/1/20243/4Bird at nestHeavySage bark stripes lined with grass oak leaves and bark.Foot of scrub oak.
Spurred TowheePipilo maculatus montanusFoot hills north of Lehi, Utah.6/10/20241/3Bird fussing near nestFresh4 in 5 1/2 in overall1 1/2 inDry leaves and grass well lined with fine grass.Nest on ground in clump of oak bush, well concealed.J.H.
Green Tailed TowheeGreen-Tailed Towhee eggsPipilo chlorurus"Tickville" West of Lehi, UT.5/27/19331/4Bird at nestFreshWeed stems, grasses, fine twigs and rootlets. Dry leaves.Nest set on root projecting from bark. under overhanging scrub oak. near a spring.J.H. and H.C.H.
Red CardinalCardinalis cardinalisBenton Co. Miss.5/10/202453 inches1 inchfine grass and horse hair.In small hollow of walnut tree (black). Ten feet from ground.
Black Headed GrosbeakBlack Headed Grosbeak eggsPheucticus melanocephalus / Zamelodia melanocephalaWest of town. Lehi, UT.5/1/20241/3Bird on nestFresh6 in overallshallow cupLoosely constructed of rootlets, grass and sprays of asparagus.In dwarf willows, 8 ft up, near creek.J.H.
Black Headed GrosbeakZamelodia melanocephala (new name is Pheucticus melanocephalus)West of town. Lehi, UT.5/26/19312/3Bird on nestFresh6 in overallVery shallowFine sticks and rootlets.In wild rose and willow thicket, 10 ft from ground.J.H.
Black Headed GrosbeakZamelodia melanocephala (new name is Pheucticus melanocephalus)Olson place. Lehi, UT.5/31/19313/4Bird on nestFresh5 in cup 7 in overall3/4 inRootlets, wild mustard stalks.Nest in wild plum thicket, overhanging creek 6 ft from ground.J.H.
Black Headed GrosbeakZamelodia melanocephala (new name is Pheucticus melanocephalus)Home. Lehi, UT.6/3/20244/3 one cowbirdBird on nestFresh5 inchesShallowfine weed stems, rootlets and bits of stringOn horizontal limb of pear tree, 12 ft from ground. Nest in same tree three years in succession. Birds left nest when cowbird was removed.J.H.
Black Headed GrosbeakZamelodia melanocephala (new name is Pheucticus melanocephalus)Willow patch, west of home. Lehi, UT.6/10/20246/6Bird on nestFresh7 in 3 3/4 in cup3/4 ingrasses, rootlets and milkweed fiber.In wild rose and willow thicket 8 ft from ground.J.H.
Black Headed GrosbeakZamelodia melanocephala (new name is Pheucticus melanocephalus)Home6/10/20247/2 One cowbirdWatched bird build nest.Fresh6 1/2 in overall 3 1/2 in cup3/4 inGrass stems, wild mustard and rootlets.In apple tree, 12 ft from ground, birds left nest when Cowbird egg was removed.J.H.
Tree SwallowTree Swallow eggsTachycineta bicolorSilver Lake Flat, American Fork Canyon, Utah.7/4/20241/5Bird at nestFresh1 1/4 in hole.Decayed woodIn dead aspen, 12 feet from ground.
Violet Green SwallowViolet Green Swallow eggsTachycineta thalassinaBird valley, north of Timpanogos, Provo Canyon, Utah.6/25/19381/5Bird on nestFreshDecayed wood, small twigs.20 feet up in live aspen - in same tree with purple martin.
Loggerhead ShrikeLoggerhead Shrike eggsLoggerhead shrike (Lanius ludovicianus)North end of Cedar valley, UT.5/18/19311/4Bird leaving nestFresh4 in cup 7 in outside2 inthorny sticks and tumbleweed stalks, lined with wool and a little fine grass. Several rabbit bones placed around on tree.In small compact cedar 5 ft from ground on outer edge of grove.J.H.
Yellow WarblerYellow Warbler eggsDendroica aestiva (Now is named Setophaga petechia)Lehi, UT.6/21/19311/4Bird at nestFreshFine plant fiber, mostly milkweed, lined with hair.In top of plum tree 20 ft from ground.J.H.
Sage ThrasherSage Thrasher eggsOreoscoptes montanusField west of town. Lehi, UT.6/4/20241/4Bird leaving nestFresh3 1/2 in cup 7 in outside4 inSticks of greasewood lined with grasses.In greasewood bush, 4 ft from ground, well concealed.
Sage ThrasherOreoscoptes montanusRiver bank west of Lehi, UT.6/10/20242/3Bird leaving nestslightUsualrather long twigs of greasewood, tumbleweed, and grasses. Neatly lined with fine grass.In greasewood bush, 5 ft from ground, 20 ft from river.
Sage ThrasherOreoscoptes montanusGrampa's Pasture west of Lehi, Utah.6/10/20243/4Bird leaving nestFreshUsualTwigs, weed stems, and grass.In isolated greasewood, 4 ft from ground, very well concealed.
Sage ThrasherOreoscoptes montanusField west of town, Lehi, Utah.6/10/20244/4Bird leaving nestFresh4 in cup 7 in overall2 1/2 in cupTwigs, weed stems and grasses. Some horse hair in lining.Grease wood bush in fence corner, very well concealed.
Sage ThrasherOreoscoptes montanusSouth of road west of Jordan. Lehi, UT.6/6/20248/4Bird at nestFreshUsualTwigs, lined fine grass and horse hair.In greasewood bush, 18 inches from ground.
Sage ThrasherOreoscoptes montanusWest of Saratoga Springs - Lehi, Utah.7/4/20242/4Bird leaving nestFreshUsualUsualIn thick greasewood patch along wash.
Sage ThrasherOreoscoptes montanusWoofenden Farm. Lehi, UT. West of river.6/16/19369/5Bird leaving nestFresh8 in overall 3 1/2 in cup2 1/2 inTwigs and weed stems, neatly lined with fine grass. A little wool.In greasewood bush 2 ft from ground 20 nests found. 10 a patch of greasewood.
Western MockingbirdWestern Mockingbird eggsMimus polyglottos leucopterusNorth West of Woofenden home. West of Lehi, UT.6/13/193848 1/2 by 4cup 4 by 2 3/4Greasewood sticks 'base', lined with fine grasses, wool and plant leaves.Greasewood - 3 ft from ground - usual. Sunshade of sticks.
Western MockingbirdMimus polyglottos leucopterusLittle Valley back of pelican point, Utah.6/24/19404Birds - Maru birdsSeveral pairs8 1/2 in by 4 incup 3 1/2 in by 2 3/4 inSticks - grass, bits of cedar bark and plant fiber.Nest in better bush. 3 ft from ground bird undisturbed by my working nearby.
Western MockingbirdMimus polyglottos leucopterusWoofenden Farm. West of Lehi, UT.6/20/19404Bird on nestObserved8 in by 4 incup 3 1/2 in by 2 1/2 insticks gathered around yard, some hay lined with bits of bark, string, wool and small bits of rag.Nest in rosebush 25 feet from house, wonderful singer.
Western MockingbirdMimus polyglottos leucopterusGreasewood patch, north and west of woofenden farm. West of Lehi, UT.6/3/20244BirdsFreshAbout - 8 in by 3 1/2 in outsidecup 3 1/2 in by 2 inUsual, Greasewood foundation with well woven compact, inner lining with fine grasses, wool and soft plant leaves.In greasewood bush 4 ft from ground. Well made sum shade placed over nest. bird very shy. flyed off nest and flew along ground among bushes for 50 feet. Many sage thrashers in this locality 20 nest located in this 60 acres. Eleven nests found and observed in this group.
Western MockingbirdMimus polyglottos leucopterusWest of Lehi, UT. South West of Saratoga Springs.6/10/2024Bird on nestFresh8 in by 3 1/2 incup 3 1/2 by 2 1/2 inusual sticks of greasewood with bulky outside and well constructed, well lined cup. (grasses, wool, and plant leaf.)Usual sunshade several birds in locality, but didn't seem to be nesting.
Western MockingbirdMimus polyglottos leucopterusWest of Lehi, Utah.5/30/19364Took birdFresh8 in overall 5 in deepcup 4 in by 2 3/4 inOutside rough sticks of greasewood lined with grass, hair, wool, and soft plant fiber, soft leaves from small plant common to locality.
Western MockingbirdMimus polyglottos leucopterusWest of Lehi, UT.7/2/20243/4SureLightUsualGreasewoodJ.H.
Western MockingbirdMimus polyglottos leucopterusWest of Lehi, UT.5/30/19361/4Bird on nestFresh10 in overall3 1/2 in cupthorns, grass, rootlets, and soft weed leaf.In greasewood about 3 ft from ground.J.H.
Western MockingbirdMimus polyglottos leucopterusWest of Lehi, UT.6/4/20242/4SureFreshUsualGreasewoodJ.H.
Western MockingbirdMimus polyglottos leucopterusLehi, Utah.6/4/20241/4SureHeavySame as set oneIn greasewood bush, 4 ft from ground, about 100 yards from nest #1.Eunice Hutchings
Western MockingbirdMimus polyglottos leucopterusSouth west of woofenden home. West of Lehi, UT.6/28/1938BirdsObserved8 in by 4 incup 3 1/2 in - 2 1/2 inUsual sticks of greasewood, lined with wool, grasses and bits of plant fibers.
Western MockingbirdMimus polyglottos leucopterusWest of Woofenden home - west of Lehi, UT.2024-06-214BirdsObserved8 by 33 1/2 in by 2 1/2 inUsual Greasewood stick foundation with neat well woven cup composed of wool grass and soft leaf.
Rock WrenRock Wren eggsSalpinctes obsoletusPelican Point, Utah.5/26/19402/6SureFreshFine grass and rock6 inch hole under a rock along side of track, 2 1/2 ft up.
Rock WrenSalpinctes obsoletusPelican Point, Utah.5/29/19381/6SureFreshFine grass and rock.2 inch hole in cliff 30 feet up.
Parkman WrenParkman's Wren eggsTroglodytes aedon parkmaniSilver Lake flat, American Fork Canyon, Utah.7/8/20244/7SureFreshPorcupine hairIn live aspen tree 8 feet up.
Parkman WrenTroglodytes aeden parkmaniAmerican Fork Canyon, Utah.6/2/20242/7SureFreshSmall chips and deer hair.Deserted woodpecker's nest in dead quaking aspen, 12 ft from ground.
Western Marsh WrenWestern Marsh Wren eggsCistothorus palustris / Telmatodytes palustrisLehi, Utah.5/10/20241/6SureFresh5 inchesRushes and cat tail downing.Bull rushes, nest about 3 ft from water.
Western Marsh WrenCistothorus palustris / Telmatodytes palustrisLehi, Utah.5/28/19355/7SureHeavy5 inchesRushes and cat tail downing.Bull rushes, nest about 3 ft from water.
Western Marsh WrenCistothorus palustris / Telmatodytes palustrisLehi, Utah.5/10/20246/6SureFresh5 inchesRushes and cat tail dowing.Bull rushes, Nest about 3 ft from water.
Nelson NutchatchSitta carolinensis nelsoniAbove Granite Flat. American Fork Canyon.6/18/19381/5FreshAbandoned woodpecker hole in side of tree, 30 ft up.J.H.
Willow ThrushWillow Thrush eggsHylocichla fuscescens salicicolaSouth Fork. American Fork Canyon, UT.7/24/19311/5Bird on nestFresh5 in overall 3 in cup1 3/4 in cupStrips of soft bark, Dry half rotted leaves, rootlets and some grass. Lined with fine rootlets and grass green moss around edge.In Dogwood, hanging over creek fully exposed to sun.J.H.
Willow ThrushHylocichla fuscescens salicicolaGranite Flat, American Fork Canyon, Utah.7/4/20242/4Bird on nestSlight. Blood.3 in cup 5 1/2 in outside1 1/2 in.Strips of quaking aspen bark, fine twigs, and leaves.In top of dwarfed fir tree, 4 ft from ground fully exposed to sun. eggs bleached.J.H.
Willow ThrushHylocicihla fuscescens salicicolaSilver Lake Flat, American Fork Canyon, Utah.7/4/20243/4Bird on nestSlight3 1/4 in by 6 inBark strips, moss and dry leaves. Lined with fine grasses and rootlets.Nest in side of old quaking aspen tree in cavity made by bark pealing off. 4 ft from ground.J.H.
Olive Back Thrush/ Swainson's ThrushOlive Back Thrush eggsHylocichla ustulata swainsoniSilver Lake Flat6/24/19321/3Bird leaving nestFresh3 1/2 in by 5 in1 1/2 inBark strips and grass. Lined with same met.In Fork of small maple tree in grove. 8 ft up.J.H.
Olive Back Thrush/Swainson's ThrushHylocichla ustulata swainsoniHanging Rock, American Fork Canyon.7/26/19323/4Bird leaving nestFresh3 in cup. 5 in overall.Bark strips, grass, and rootlets.Small maple tree in grove near road, 7 ft from ground. Nest in fork of tree.
Olive Back Thrush/Swainson's ThrushHylocichla ustulata swainsoniNorth Fork, American Fork Canyon.7/6/20244/4bird slipping from nestFresh3 in cup 5 in overallBark strips, dry leaves, grasses, and a few bits of paper.On top of small tree stump that had growth of branches around end, 5 ft from ground. Just a few feet from campstove.
Hermit ThrushHermit Thrush eggsHylocichla guttata pallasiTibble Hollow, American Fork Canyon, Utah. (I think he combined pine hollow and Tibble fork together as one place.)6/29/19366/4Bird on nest.Slight3 1/2 in cup 5 in overall1 1/2 in cupbark strips, weed stalks. Lined with fine grass and rootlets.On ridge at head of Tibble hollow in dwarfed evergreen. Very well hid.J.H.
Hermit ThrushHylocichla guttata pallasiAmerican Fork Canyon near Silver Lake6/12/20243/4Bird leaving nest.Slight3 1/2 in cup by 5 in1 1/2 in cupBark strips, small weed stalks, and 20 ft grass. A little dry moss. Tucked in around edge.In small compact spruce 4 ft from ground.J.H.
RobinRobin eggsTurdus migratorius / Planesticus migratoriusLehi, Utah.4/4/20242/5Bird on nestFreshUsualMilkweed fiber, string, a few bits of rag, grass and weed stalks. Lined with mud, grass, and hair.On lower limbs of evergreen tree near outer-edge, 9 ft from ground. Tree in yard near my home.J.H.
Western BluebirdSialia mexicana occidentalisWest field. Lehi, Utah.7/2/20241/5Bird in nest.Fresh4 in8 inBark strips and feathers.An old woodpecker hole in black willow tree 5 ft from ground bird dead on nest.
BluebirdSialiaKnot hole in wall of cereal mill, Lehi, Utah.7/3/20242/6Bird leaving nestFresh2 in hole6 inFeathers, few bits of rag, and grass.Nest between sheeting of wall of cereal mill, 20 ft from ground.J.H.
BluebirdSialiaMouth of West Canyon, Cedar valley, Utah.5/16/19363/6Bird leaving nestFreshhole 2 ft deepSoft bark strips and grass.hole in high bank of creek, several nests in same locality.J.H.
Mountain BluebirdSialia currucoidesNorth end of Cedar valley, Utah.5/16/19366SureFreshfew grasses, bark, and feathers.In small hole, the bank of 30 ft wash. Nest in 30 inches.J.H.
SparrowTickville, UT.5/30/19381/4Fresh2 1/4 in inside1 1/2 inDry grasses, films, hair, and a few feathers.Top of Sage brush 30 ft high. Bird much smaller then previousJ.H.
Blue JayBlue Jay eggsCyanocitta cristataBenton County Miss.5/10/202444 inches2 inchesSmall sticks, mud, grass and paper.8 ft from ground, On south side of spanish oak tree.
Blue JayCyanocitta cristataBenton County, Miss.5/10/20243Fresh4 inches2 inchesSmall sticks, grass and paper.30 ft up in the crotch of spanish oak tree. Near swamp.
Idaho ScreechCan not identify ( could be the Western Screech-Owl - Megascops kennicottii)American Fork Canyon near Mutual Dell.6/3/20241/3Caught bird in nestFreshOpening 2 1/2 in10 inno nesting material, except wings of small bird eaten by owls.Nest in live quaking aspen, 16 inches in dim, 12 ft from ground. Bird unlike any other owl I have ever seen, Dark brown eyes, Bird 6 7/8 in long. 15 in wingspread.
JuncoJunco eggsJunco hyemalisSilver lake Flat, American Fork canyon.7/4/20244, two broken.Heavy3 inches3/4 inchdry grass and rootlets.At foot of aspen tree, nest level with ground, bird unwilling to leave nest.J.H.
Gray Headed JuncoJunco phaeonotus canicepsDivide between American Fork and Provo Canyon, Utah.6/25/19381/4FreshGrass and weed stacks.On ground at foot of aspen, well concealed by grass.
CrowCorvusDry Creek. Utah.2024-04-16Saw pair of CrowsBy old Kirkham place to try possible nesting pair.

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