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The Saratoga Resort

Saratoga Springs, Utah

Before Saratoga Springs, Utah became a city there was a resort called the “Saratoga Resort” which include a hot springs called the Saratoga Springs.

The videos below share a brief history of the resort and fun memories Dan Eastmond has of the resort and his family there, his grandfather owned the resort and passed it on to his children and it was eventually sold and developed into what is now the city of Saratoga Springs, Utah.

The Fire Dive at the Saratoga Springs Utah Resort - Shared By Dan Eastmond

The Saratoga Springs Resort - Stories Shared By Dan Eastmond

Resort Setbacks - Shared By Dan Eastmond

Adventures of Uncle Bun Part One - Bee Fun Shared By Dan Eastmond

Adventures With Uncle Bun Part Two - Soda Pop Shared By Dan Eastmond

Mom’s Baked a Cake - Shared By Dan Eastmond

Cousin Joe at the Resort - Finding Money Shared By Dan Eastmond

Cousin Joe in Saratoga - Sailing - Shared By Dan Eastmond

Plane Rides Near the Resort - Shared By Dan Eastmond

Biking to the Resort - Shared By Dan Eastmond

The Saratoga Resort - The Legacy Shared By Dan Eastmond