What Can I Donate?
Cotton or flannel fabric
Dark or Bright colored thread
Un-used and new women’s underwear sizes 8 through 16
Un-used and new small bars of soap
Cardstock paper (any color)
Un-used and new washcloths
Long drawstrings, ribbons, or ropes that can be used as drawstrings for the bags
What do we do?
We cut, iron, and sew products for the Days for Girls feminine hygiene kits including bags, menstrual pads, liners, and dirty liner bags. Then we assemble the kits and ship them to countries around the world.
What if I can’t sew?
It’s okay if you can’t sew, you can cut and iron fabric, tie drawstrings for bags, or even donate items to help support the Days for Girls program.
When and where do we meet?
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