Transcription - 1861 Secretary of the Interior Letter
The Secretary of the Interior
October 3, 2024
[You’ll find?] - a communication from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs - and recommends that the valley of the Uintah River in the Territory of Utah be reserved to the United States and set apart as an Indian Reservation.
Executive Officer
October 3 1861
Let this reservation be established as recommended by the Secretary of the Interior.
- Lincoln
(New page)
Department of the Interior
Washington October 3 - 1861
Sir -
I have the honor herewith to submit for your consideration, the recommendation of the Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs, that the Uintah Valley in the Territory of Utah be set apart and reserved for the use and occupancy of Indian Tribes.
In the absence of an authorized survey (the valley and surrounding country being as yet unoccupied by settlements of our citizens), I respectfully recommend that you order the entire valley of the Uintah River, within Utah Territory, extending on both sides of said river to the crest of the first range of contiguous mountains on each side to be reserved to the United States and set apart as an Indian Reservation.
Very respectfully, your ob. serv. [obedient servant?],
The President (signed)
Caleb R Smith, Secretary